Friday, March 8, 2019

space is NOT the Final Frontier

Space-while Amazing and a place where we can "boldly go where no one has gone before..."  is something to  think about and possibly  a place to live one day--but don't we live in space right now?   Oh, you say you mean outer space... well point well taken, however, let's introduce a  different  context and see what launches  so to speak.

When (and  notice I didn't say "IF"  we check all the scientific  boxes and  wind up living on  some other rock in the sky we will do one thing for certain.... take us with us.  So I submit for your approval (twighlight zone reference I know)we will still have the final frontier to explore---that "inner" space" called our soul.  Okay, if you need to stick to biology because of your  beliefs thats okay and if you make a mind/soul distinction that's okay too.  The point  is we still have  so much to discover about the mysteries that are us that going somewhere else can only play second fiddle to the journey it will take  to truly understand what  collection of cells and meanings make up the human spirit.

The good news is... evolution--not in the biological  or religious context--I don't have a million pages to present all the  facets of that grand debate.  No what I'm  talking about in evolution is  in the basic  pattern of human living and making sense of themselves in the world.  So we were  hunter-gatherers, and then farmers, and then we built a lot of machines to do stuff and that takes us to the industrial revolution.  Wouldn't I make a fine world history  instructor?  In one sentence I'm already  up to about two centuries ago.  Then not so long  ago we entered the "information age."  That's where  many folks  still imagine we are and our brain is the ultimate  computer (sometimes assisted by Google)) .. however, I would argue otherwise.  We are in the evolution of turning all this information into  knowledge and then into wisdom and finally into meaning.... and that is the final  frontier.  Right now we are  still producing  information at a pace never before imagined possible so converting that into  usable knowledge is a daunting task and then making applicable and morally relevant which is the development of wisdom is still only in its infancy.

Oh and that's where Peace andJoy come in.

You see Finding Peace and Joy is in the "meaning" age which evolution-wise (which English language-wise is a made up thing but if you 're  still reading  I promise we're near the end.   For a while now people have preached that it is not  what happens  in life --it's what  you make of it.  That's the meaning part right?

These folks are pretty much on target.

So.. here's where I get to the point of this whole thing.

We have nab explorers spirit in us... we seek  new places  and we are willing to travel  a long way to find them.  We  solve  difficult math problems and  build new machines and i for one applaud  all of that and yet I applaud  even more those who sometimes  sit  quietly  and explore all the information they have gathered and turn it into wisdom (little pieces of  information  that might be applied) and then  go where few  people try to go... taking that wisdom and  going to a place where they own the  meaning it has for them.  We  often sit alone and  make that journey.  I am proposing  that more of us make our journey at least a little public with our peace and joy network and go on this meaning  journey together from time to time.  We  might not  end up on the same planet, but we may all learn something  about the process of seeking peace and joy.  Yes I'm saying take the inner journey with each other and be glad where  it takes you because you have boldly dared to go where few  have gone before.... and who knows  many  you'll meet intelligent life out there or maybe  even more  important  you'll meet a beautiful being inside.


As our fried mr. Spoc would say   Live  long and Prosper.  )

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