Thursday, May 2, 2019

Dylan’s paradox or peace and joy and being a human being

 Dylan’s paradise?

 Well because Bob Dylan is one of my favorites and then his songs he often raises questions and provides what I would call sort of answers and leaves some mystery up to the lives here and I think that’s with peace and joy or seeking peace and joy does when you seek you find sort of answers and sometimes you have a paradox between being spiritual and a human being and that’s what this song is about

 So today I will offer you the lyrics down below and a rough cut video and tomorrow there will be a YouTube video or it may be the next day that is more polished and sort of an explanation of peace and joy eight in general since I am doing some cross over into the YouTube platform boy doesn’t that sound scientific? Anyway enjoy

In a World of Humans Being (the  paradox of  peace and joy)

Every  now and then peace and joy  seem to slip, slip from your routine 
Confusion crashes in filling all the  spaces, spaces in between
Humbly numbing chaos blurs out  what  was once serene.
That’s when you must name  your  torments and determine  later what they mean

As you climb up  your mountains you may overcome the obstacles you face.
Only to discover there’s no lasting joy no not even in this place
So  hit  your  knees to ask for some guidance and some grace 
For  you are a spiritual being somehow running  your own  human race

You can cry out  at the universe but there’s no real point in disagreeing
Hold on to what you feel inside for it will show the truth  in what you’re seeing
And try to  grasp acceptance for that is something that is freeing
In the paradox of peace and joy and living as a human being

(in the song I’ll repeat the first and laslast verses.

Peace and Joy be with  You 

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