Thursday, September 12, 2019

Seeking peace and joy: moving from toleration to celebration


Tomorrow is  Friday the 13th and a Full Moon and by the time some of you read this it will be today and maybe it will be  yesterday or some other day...but whenever you read it it’s going to be today when you finish.  So these  temporal and cosmic events probably don’t  happen together  all that often and superstition says we should be ready for some strange and maybe  frightening  goings-on.  Well...I’m not much for superstition (except for the Stevie Wonder song which is sublime.  On the other hand I have learned to tolerate those who have  taken on beliefs that are  no more or less than superstitious.  Well until now... 
Why do I tolerate these things?  Mostly because they are socially accepted myths and for some  folks they explain outlandish behavior.  

The challenge for me is that  when I pursue  some “challenging” beliefs about  a variety of things I expect more than toleration, I want celebration.  Seeking  peace and joy includes  engagement that goes beyond  toleration.  Toleration aftertoleration trains us not to be ready or willing to  celebrate and that  makes.for a pretty frustrated existence.  There needs to be some areas in life where each of us winds up ankle deep in something—(not very deep you say)-because we chose to dive in head first! 

For example, right now I tolerate the way I organize these blog posts, but I want to celebrate the type of reader experiences I  can make. Possible.  It seems I need to focus on  some organization schemes that I haven’t yet squeezed. Out of the raw  material.  I keep writing more because I can tolerate my own habits, however I need to get. Organized.  The reality is that  if I want to celebrate,I will need. To invest some creative time even though  on many days I might have no focus on the needed task.  In fact some days I doubt if I could  motivate myself to organize vampires to attend an open bar at the blood bank.  

So come tomorrow I am going to embrace the blizzard and  celebrate  the superstitions.  I’ll avoid walking under ladders, breaking mirrors.  I’ll toss salt over my shoulder—whether or not the. Person behinds me is carrying French fries.  I won’t step on a crack (because although  my mom will go to the chiropractor early next week—I think—we don’t need any broken backs.

I’ll also start  celebrating some to the holidays. I have come to simply tolerate....which ones may that be...nearly alll of THEM.  There are no holidays this week but on September 19th it’s international “Talk like a Pirate DaY” —So Shiver me timbers it starts then!!!

To sum up I have some difficulties seeking. Peace and/or joy because I have set my attitude level  at “tolerate” instead of “celebrate” and Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of  Rum... it’s time to  move forward with a bit more energy—Argh!!!

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