Monday, January 13, 2020

OSCAR Preview peace and joy

How About Some Hot. Buttered Peace  and Joy?

In honor of the  Oscar nominations coming out this week (I think) I’ve decided that then next. Three  entries will include a liberal sprinkling. Of lines from some of my favorite movies.  Not all of these will be from. OSCAR. Winners because. I don’t  know that much movie.Trivia.  I don’t know  if it would be Sophie’s  Choice to read these entries,  but I’m pretty sure  they would land somewhere near the  bottom. Of.Schindler’s list of things to read this week.   All that I can say is that like always  I’ll try to avoid trite. Terms of endearment and stick to the truth even if you can’t handle the truth.  I hope you will enjoy and learn from the same posts and it doesn’t just feel like  consuming them is rearranging. Deck chairs on the Titanic where the captain. I believe yelled out to the first mate “find me a life boat and tell all the passengers that our. Cruise is offering free ice this evening.”  Okay that’s a little over the top.  Anyway there will be some serious thoughts in these posts and I hope a lot of grins and moans.  Come along  on our trip and I hope. Enough of you do so that. We’re gonna need a bigger boat.

Well as some of you know by my facebook post  I live in a fairly scenic spot and a river runs through it.  We got a lot of  Rain Man and for the first. Time since we have lived here the water  left the banks on our side.  For about. Two solid days Raindrops keep fallin’ on our heads and then  it stops so the water  is deep enough to jump into if the law is chasing. You and don’t  worry if you jump  from the bridge and you can’t swim the fall will probably kill you.  Okay let’s  row over to the shore and reset a second to get into topic one.

Watching. The river. Reminds me that life and nature have a flow and that. I can fear it, or. I can marvelcontrol it at least not all the time and maybe not much of the time.  The water level reminds me that. Change can come  quickly or slowly and either way it can be powerful.  Like this river that has been here for  thousands of years, change  has always been with us and like like this river sometimes change fundamentally  alters the world, and sometimes it just shows us that  we can accept our role in building  aa living landscape that accepts the likelihood of change.  So I’m glad my humble abod is  probably  60 feet away from the water and several feet higher so there’s.little chance of. Running into. Captain Nemo or even Finding Nemo in my yard.  We do have. A huge post lodged against  the docks in. Front  of us and it remains to see what happens  with that.  I’m going to  call someone to.let them know. If it’s still there come morning.because. I’m not Ishmael and Idon’t need to risk my hide trying to. Free Willie.  

Anyway things have a flow and  change and  always will which is why setting a particular goal that is to happen at a particular time and in a particular place and  hoping that it will remain a permanent  treasure in your search for peace and joy is  not necessarily going to work out. Like  Lt. Dan  investing  in some fruit company.  

Well if the weather. Reports are correct things will improve life will be like a box of chocolates again and there  will be no need to  tell anyone in  Lansing,  Madison, New York New York. Or Houston we have a problem.  
No matter  what happens it’s. Mid January and. Spring training is just. A few weeks away so  no matter how wicked. The weather. Gets there will be no  crying because  there’s no crying in baseball—season.  I am looking  forward to  spring so. I can spend my time differently and  a little more of it. Is just a bit outside.  

Tomorrow —when the sun will come out—I’ll  provide  some thoughts about turning memories into magic powers for the present because  like Harry you’re a wizzard and the force is worth you... but that’s  enough sugar for  today and a spoonful will nearly always help the medicine. Go down.  

And in the immortal words of. Porky... at least for today... That’s all folks

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