Most of the time I’d say—stop —breathe—become aware of your breathing or become aware of that you are hearing or super. Aware of what you are seeing or feeling (sensory-wise) ...okay you get the picture—not today. For now...let’s pretend you have an imaginary friend and that friend is your perfect friend in every way except...they are popping into. Your life from the year 1822. Why 1822? Because that’s easy to type but I didn’t want. To use1777. Anyway. Your friend let’s call her Victoria—because she won’t have a modern name like Bree, Ashley, or Mariah...
So Vicki drops in to your house and wants to see all the future has to offer, however time travel makes you thirsty—that’s why it mostly happens in bars... You know it happens in bars because you get to the bar at 9:30 and you’re only going. To be there for an hour... then you take a look at a clock and realize it’s almost midnight and then well you are already an hour late so. What’s another. Half hour and all the sudden at 15 minutes till “the real closing time” you find yourself headed home only to find yourself saying boy I must have been in a time warp and saying well it’s not really that. Late if I can just get. Four good hours of sleep I’ll be okay...
anyway Vicki ...used to time traveling in bars gets to your place mighty thirsty so you invite her in to your kitchen.
without thinking you go to the refrigerator to grab a pop (that’s a soda in some. Parts of the country). Vicki stares as you walk to this big metal box in the corner that is making a strange noise. You open. The door—-a light comes on and a bit of cold air rushes out. Now Vicki doesn’t. Trust anything that. You are going to get from this sorcerer’s box and asks for. A bit of water. So. You grab a cup and walk over to your sink and flip the handle with one finger and out comes water. At his point Vicki is on the brink of passing out so being observant you suggest that V icky might need a bit of a rest and a little food to ground her. She agrees so you take her to a chair in the living room and suggest that she just relax while you fix a quick snack. You grab a hot dog from the fridge because it’s quick and you want to check on your friend. You. Poke a couple holes in the tube steak and hit the button for one minute. About 30 seconds later you take hot the very. Hot frank and put it on a bun.... Vicki now thinks your are the devil’s apprentice for sure. After all you didn’t light any din’t. Even bring in any wood, boil any water..or anything.
The moral of the story... always keep a hot dog in the fridge... seriously think about all the things we take for granted and that we expect to have access to or own. In a universe. That has a major star that is pushing 500 billion years old—none of the appliances in your kitchens existed a mere 200 years ago and you couldn’t go into your bathroom and push a button to rid your house or apartment of digestive by-products (that’s technical jargon for take a crap and flush).
Now you can give Vicki a tour of other parts of your house, howeve I gotta warn you she’s going to soil her bloomers when you show her the lawn mower or garbage disposal...
Now that we’ve established that what we need or think we need. Changes over the course of history... let’s perhaps. Come close to admitting that over time the extraordinary may become boring and that maybe “richness” over time has little to do with things and even less to do with the color of your plastic or the content of your credit report.
Now let’s say we3 all are a bit more grateful for what. We have or what we have been given. By history and lt’s call that the floor... then let’s say to be at peace and to have joy you only want a few more things... that’s a human thing so don’t yell at yourself, however, remember being at the store and wanting that candy bar, but mom said not today....? With every item you put on your “wanted” list you put yourself in the shopping cart just inches away from those M&Ms.
so I wrote all that to. Write this... Be aware of how you create the difference between what you have access to and what you “want” and realize that in most cases the less you want the closer you are to having it all.
I’ll be talking about his on the Peace and Joy podcast tomorrow and have more about this “wanting” thing in the next blog entry...
Until then thanks for reading this on that box in or your hand that can send these symbols across the planet in less time than it takes to see what’s in that fridge..... which is what I’m gong to do... so cheers
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