Y is for...
Yelling ...Gerund..verb that is used as a very loud noun.
We often mistake quiet for peace. Then we cut off a whole path. For seeking. Peace by seeking quiet. Well there are those who love the limelight, the lights, the crowds, and constant motion and thus quiet is not the path. Others head toward quiet by repressing the scream. this can work for some and for a while, yet we confuse external noise and internal noise. What that means (what I believe it to mean) is that sometimes a healthy yell turned inside becomes a cranked up disturbance with no outlet so it is like dragon fuel with nowhere to burn except in the inside where it does a great deal of damage and ultimately rarely offers assistance in seeking peace and joy because it uses a lot of body, mind, and soul energy. So while I’m not advocating going around yelling at people, maybe finding a place with a nice echo to go out and crank out a few well targeted vulgarities might be just the lubricant your spirit needs. If you can’t find a good canyon or abandoned lot just go down to the local mall and give it a whirl—fewer and fewer people are going there and so what if a few of them know you...chances are they have some yelling to do and just haven’t figured out. How yet. Oh there are other places you can go once the. COVID is over...any crowd will do... In the middle of a loud college game you can yell out almost anything when the other 70,000 people are screaming about something go for it.
Anyway yelling can be a way to let some stuff go and to give other emotions some room... so don’t fear it wisely.
Yes and...
Yes And ...noun
“Yes and” a valuable concept and one of the underlying principle behind improv. The basic idea is to accept every “offer”. Or event as. Something not to fight against or discard...but to view it as something to build upon if possible. How many times have we all walked out of meeting thinking ...”well same old issues...same old fights...same people saying the same thing?” Well by using.the idea that we have to accept the ideas of others without rushing to battle them and. To spend our energy expanding. And refining all ideas changes the whole dynamic. Everyone’s voice is then valued and building. Newt works of connection happens organically. It has often said that the best way to get great ideas. Is to have a lot of ideas and “yes and” is a great way to get an explosion of ideas and perspectives. there can be many great roads to travel in seeking peace and joy if we can be less afraid and more curious about what will happen it we give some new ideas. A little breathing room.
Yoda ....Jedi master
Seeking peace and joy is a journey and it is not primarily physical. It includes searching your inside while feeling connected and aware to all that surrounds us. Our collective soul or spirit is “the force” sort to speak and we influence what’s we can access by following. Our hope and love or choosing control and hate. Yoda attempts to teach young Master Luke the ways of the force. As we understand what glows within and around us we too should try to teach those younger and having less spiritual connection. “There is no try...” isn’t to say not to experiment. And that you will not succeed—it is saying do something fully and in the upmost awareness. Don’t let doubts and fears block your positive nature.
Well I’ve nearly written enough for today so we should seek the end and Yoda says
“The end? Take us to it I will”
Yo-Yo Ma
Yo-Yo Ma ... noun/person
Yo-Yo is the world’s best cellist hands down.. To those seeking peace and joy who hit stumbling blocks etc.d... It is good to know that he wanted to play the. Upright double bass but it was too large and he was too small.... and look what happened. Ma claims he wasn’t even the best musician in his household. While famous he connects with. Many orchestras and performs with them with little practice. Sure he is featured and yet he, like Paul or that Beatles ...Paul.. still wakes up thinking “hey I make my living doing this? What a joy. Both Yo-Yo and Paul state that they get completely into the flow of their gifts when engaged in the process of learning and performing and yet this means setting up an alter -ego of sorts to deal with the overwhelming. Way they are viewed as performers rather than human beings. If these experts have to do this and seem to be peaceful it may be a good idea to sometimes separate your work, home, spouse, etc..roles... at regular stops in your journey just to check in and if this requires putting on a mask do so..
Well... maybe you are getting tired... so it’s time to go catch some. Z’s .... and there will be more to catch in the next posting.
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