Saturday, June 5, 2021

Has anybody seen my old friend Bobby?

  Has anybody here seen my old friend Bobby?

Well in the “seeking  peace and joy world...there may be a reasonable argument for  using the proper  title of the RFK principle.  That is to say in  a spiritual and mental space where hard work optimisimpersistence and experimenting are. What stands for “hope” Bobby’s edict of pushing us  not to ask “why? But to look. At the world before us and ask why not?”  Seems to ring out like a weedwhacker at seven on Saturday morning.  That is to say some will be irritated if you constantly ask 

Why Not?” And others will hear. It loud and clear and be inspired.  

So it was on this day in 1968 RFK was gunned down just after winning the California primary which  probably  would have lead tow presidential run.  We will never know what that would have looked like in the arc of let’s move on... 

Asking why not-points people away from “who is to blame for the troubles we have and points people. To a broad range of possible directions to move forward.  Seeing perfectly where you come from only tells you where you were and may keep you from choosing to attempt to go back whereas asking what’s possible  allows so many  more chances for working together to move  she was combining talents and honoring a wide range of dreams and purposes.  Seeking Peace and Joy seems to fit right into honoring dreams and gifts people have learned and shared.  

...And in other news....

The first commercially viable personal computer

THE APPLE II  went on sale for the first time. On this date in 1977.  This led to a worldwide  (web? No). Revolution as this tool became and continues to become  the paint brush,telephone, library, movie/music studio, and unfortunately  weapon of all connected  people and nations. Is the computer  good or evil—neither... Cp,[others don

T kill pipelines people do.  Computers don’t spread lies minds and hearts do... I will rob ably  do a whole week on the computer/phone/gaming system/ universe when it comes to peace and joy sometime  in the next. Month or so... yet for now I’ll just note I owned an Apple IIgs and  it opened up a world that still holds  a warm place in my  heart and has a direct connection to this blog... as I have used the computer to continue to learn and grow and seek connections with beautiful people and endless stores of  knowledge.  

For. Now let’s just say I look at the computer. And ask ‘why not?”  

Explore. Alternatives...believe. In possibilities... and know that the tools are often right at your fingertips if you  persist and experiment...

So here’s to the crazy. Ones—

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