It was 163 years ago on July 1 that Mr. Darwin released. His ideas about evolution into the general public. Of course, everyone adopted these ideas immediately (please keep your fingers off the screen to avoid dripping sarcasm.) Anyway with this way of looking at things we started or continued with a vengeance. The practice of looking at change as evolution—you know survival of the fittest sort of. Some folks lately have argued that it’s not the fittest but the nicest and most flexible that survive through adaptation and fittest or not what are the survivors going to say Anyway? “Hey Mr. Researcher Man, there were some animals better than us....but when we all took a nap in a tree a butterfly in New Jersey flew 7 feet which set off a hurricane in the tropics that sent a boat into uncharted waters and when three drunken sailors finished a fourth barrel of rum they threw it onto our island. Now because we were napping this barrel flew over our heads and a little remaining rum dripped onto the ground where these superior creatures Were stationed to protect us. They had to check the rum for safety and well... they got happy and invented reggae. Now the sloths didn’t care for that and Pat first but grew to like it but all the slothstomping around mashed our protectors into the dirt while we napped in the tree above.
Oh I digress... The point is ... there are questions when it comes to evolution and well during the pandemic the workplace sort of evolved?
Almost three of four workers now say they would like to work at home at least part of the time. So what does that say for the evolution of workplace culture? Well I don’t know.... it’s another adventure on the trip of seeking peace and joy. One thing for certain is that some folks have fallen in love with the remote meeting platforms and for my purposes we are going to pick up our Kleenex and Jell-o. And call these meetings “zoom.”
Well I’ve been “in” or “on” a zoom call or two. Notice that we used to be in meetings but now we are on zoom? It’s a small distinction but when it takes off would you rather be in the plane or on it?
Okay what I observed with the Zoom we need to push it to evolve. If they don’t we are in some workplace trouble in terms of cooperative creativity. On the other hand while thinking of one of these calls Some song lyrics cane to mind for me and they describe the people in the squares on a call.. So far I only have a couple verses one of which i borrowed from another activity I participated In...but it was “in-person and so I’m using it here.
The chorus is coming together and the third verse is not far behind and I’ll record. And share it over the weekend.
For now... I’ll look for some peace and joy in the multi person work call and sing these words to myself while we all wait for the moderator to join the call.
No Title Yet
Tyler Wears a shirt and tie over his cut-off jeans
We all stare at the power point not knowing what it means
Frank sips a glass of Vodka well he should have stayed with soda
Wendy’d like to help us all but she’s just a worn out yoda
Pastor George fills up his square streaming phony piety
While Little Lucy shuts down from techno-based anxiety
Andy the accountant smiles because wow these calls are
The CEO is nodding off while his spreadsheet’s counting sheep
Loved this one!