Friday, November 5, 2021

A word or two about words and where to buy some


Well we had our little rant about  the fictional marketing sham being hoisted upon us as “a supply chain issue’ which is no more than poor and greedy resource planning and dehumanizing  employer notions of people as technology they just can’t quite automate enough yet…. We’re going to hear all about this for another  year and that phrase will ring out like so many bells next to little red kettles  by the door. Of your “superstor” which will amazingly have plenty of things for you to pay for while the paychecks of the people working there are told they have a light that doesn’t light on one side.  

Okay  in seeking peace and joy it seems that what we focus upon expands. And if we keep ranting on the bleak it will likely do so…. Therefore enough is almost enough and certainly plenty for now.  So let’s turn the ship and set sail for warmer waves and sandier shores.   Let’s talk the tools creators use….words, music, and pictures.  Yep the next six posts will brandish  the beacon on these topics starting with  …. Words

Now  in spite of the linguistic linguini  that accounts for this blog, nearly every idea we share  gets pounded out in the form of  words and in the case of this. Blog that group of words falls into a category  known as the English  Language.  We’re not talking grammar—she made the best popcorn balls  and kept those funky pink mints in her purse—we’re talking the actual words.  

Before  we get too far down this rabbit hole there will be a promotional. And useful message. At the end  about someone or someone’s who use words  so well that you should go buy them at Burlington by (buy) the Book on November 13th…so read on knowing this goes somewhere—alright?

Okay let’s sally  forth …. 

According to those (non-binary) chaps at Oxford (no not the shoe) who have been doing the English thing for a bloody long time THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE  CONTAINS ABOUT  172,000 words and their records indicate that  another 47,000 have become obselete.  How do words become  obsolete?  Well think of things that no longer exist say like human phone receptionists and middle class citizens…oh wait…back to the light side Sir Luke… anyway  things like key punch  operator for example are rarely talked about, written about, worried about etc… so Keypunch could be finding its way to the obsolete list.  Other  words get endangered  because we have lost a bit of our creativity  for example poets almost never use “orange” because they can’t find a rhyme… 

Well think on top of the box… Plato and combine some  words and. You’ll find that  door Hinge  is close enough—thanks (a Detroit area Rapper)… 

Anyway there re about 172,000 words.  Now how many does the average adult know and use?  

It would appear that the average adult  is familiar with about 40,000 of these words, however much like those grey and taupe (hey I used  one of the 64 crayons  as a word!) argyle socks in the back of the top drawer we don’t pull them out regularly.  In fact, a more accurate  guess is that the average adult uses about 20,000 words in the course of a lifetime and so much like our brain… we have plenty of room for improvement.  We use only about 12% of what we have in the tank…you could figure out the exact percentage but you didn’t believe the nuns who told you this math stuff would come in handy did you?  

Here’s the Peace and Joy part… So in the net few days this blog is going to do some language exploring… no not in some dictionary…that’s too simple…. We’re going useage experimenting with things such as word sounds (rhymes) word length (writing a whole blog using words  with the same amount of letters (except for the articles like the  etc and conjunctions… you know the song from schoolhouse rock and if you don’t Google it.. oh and there’s a word “Google”. I wonder what that famous passage  about two paths in the woods would have  looked like had it read— I came upon  this place and googled the way to the nearest Taco Bell?  Well anyway in the next couple blogs we are going to have some fun with words just to rev up our creativity and positivity a bit…. And now here’s a word about the folks  who are selling some books … they’ve taken the dictionary and carved away all the words they didn’t think we knew or needed and put some entertainment  and information in front  of usClick the Link  and find out more… yes it’s a tease… just like “will supply chain issues ruin Christmas…. Well… no… get to a bookstore and buy some books… the writer’s have figured out how to fence in some ideas, identify some congruent words and “chain” them together  to actually deliver  something for you… I don’t hear any writers complaining about their vocabulary supply chain problems… 

Here’s the link

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