Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Anti-pronoun why?


I FOR ONE  Like Roman Numerals—and a couple more things to ponder

Let’s say you sit down to write  the true historical account. Of your first car... 

Is that an autobiography?  

Puns and word wrinkling can be fun and yet over the past couple years it seems that folks are taking some words and  their meanings  to their limits of utility.  Almost  everyone today runs into the question “what are your pronouns?”  well I use them from time to time, yet is it really necessary to claim ownership and then be defined  by these?  For example, if I say  I’m a he/him is there a formula where he/him+she/her = They/them?  Doesn’t He/himx 2. Also = they/them? Who gets to decide  when and where... and more importantly why pronouns  get to be so important.  I think we are sneaking  a bit too many adjective attributes  into the process and so maybe we could admit the subtle attachment of meani?” 

By asking someone to give a pronoun  are we really saying you have to express  an extreme?  Do we  want to simplify folks into a three letter word?  What if we had to go through life. Only using three letter words?  That would work for  a hot dog and ham, yet how would we get a hamburger... Oh wait “Big Mac.”  Red would be a color yet what names would we give to other bands on the rainbow.  

We would. Have a cat a car and still go to the bar to get gin or a mug of ale, yet the limits of what we could  say, do, or mean get really clear  really quickly.  

As stated.words can be fun yet we need to be sure that  we have something to say  at least as often as we feel like we have to say something.  

also there is the whole  process of  building meaning in context.  We have more opportunity to read the text of a speech than ever before and thus the spoken word can have all its richness stripped away.  Not everything  looks the same naked.... take for instance a marching band or the symphony.... Oh  too harsh?  

In the cyber  age it’s important to  offer a little context that can sit on the shelf with the  bits of info we share so when our friends followers and such drop in  our gifts don’t get regifted in strange and unintended ways.  In short understand that words live in the now just like people do and change like people do as well.  

In summary word play is often fun, yet let’s not get too cute with the subtle defining. That can go on even if respect is intended.   Some words need to stay subtle and complex so try to have the patience. To wade through with those words.  Be careful with words like always and never.  Work as hard on having something to  say as on making sure you are  always saying things.   

For now just remember being  certain  about who is he/she/him/her/ they/them needs to be balanced with  how WE  can get to a Place for all of US 

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