Saturday, July 30, 2022

Say cheese—cake?

 Say Cheese—cake that Is

So today in the U.S> it is National Cheesecake Day.  Like so many other days we celebrate food and like many other foods cheesecake can be a symbol of much more.  What’s that mean… well take for instance caviar vs bologny —and speaking  of bologny just keep reading.

The History  of Cheesecake?  

Like the history. Of many things like civilization, organized farming, and circumcision, the history of this dessert is a bit blurry.  The Greeks get credit for “inventing” it because they wrote down the recipe.  Now this is about as reasonable  to believe as Columbus “discovering” America when there was already other humans here—oh well lets lumber ahead.  

Of course the Americans had to get their own type of cheesecake going which is really the reason this day appears in the Seeking Peace and Joy Universe.  

You see the story has it that our cheesecake was invented due to the fact someone was attempting to recreate some softer French cheese but it came out too soft and was so tasty it couldn’t be just thrown away so….

Seeking Peace and Joy… and Cheesecake?

Well of course… you see seeeking peace and joy often involves trying something (an experiment) and finding that the result is unexpected…and then… well seeing what you have where you are and doing what you can with that.  The ultimate experience turns out better than the brief disappointment  brought on by the fact that didn’t go exactly as planned at the start.  

Okay you can count on things like this happening when seeking peace and joy and experimenting but don’t expect  you results  to be a string of nationwide restaurants that seem to thrive even though they are called factories.  You know calling things something they aren’t  is another American tradition like honest politicians—well I guess history tells us things aren’t always what they seem (remember that Trojan Horse thing?…

Oh and cheesecake can retry much come in any flavor not only because it’s basically whatever you want on a graham  cracker crust… but because it’s not really cake so it doesn’t have to follow the rules for cake…. And speaking of folllowing the rules…this post is shorter than  many because I’m not following my own rules of giving people at least a couple of minutes worth of reading ….oh well..Let them eat cake!!

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