Friday, September 8, 2023

Special recipe for happiness or disaster?

 Is there a “Recipe for “Happiness”  or is it a “Crock”—er  What?

So I suspect many of you are like me… darn glad there is autocorrect  for spelling errors and there are people in your life that help you turn the mistakes you might make in life into things that might make sense or  may actually turn out okay.   However, let’s pause a moment…something we don’t do enough of…  

If you and all of us are we… stop and pause a moment we soon realize  that a great many times when we go out to eat somewhere for some special event.. we order the same darn things from the same darn restaurants… and then we imagine we are going to make our lives somehow more special by going the same old routes to the same old places and do the same old things.  Now there’s nothing wrong  with that if it is your way of creating a secure launch pad for creating something  new and valuable for the world.  Sometimes that’s needed.  On the other hand (how many other hands do we have?   Well let’s see.. we have a right hand, a left hand, there’s the upper hand and there are people who are underhanded.  Eric Clapton is “Slow Hand” and some fair people are even handed… Oh and if when we applauded we actually gave people a a hand  we could only clap twice.. once with both hands and then once  single-handed (see if you can do it… I bet you can… and if you can’t find another person and the two of you can clap just fine…   anyway enough  about that lets get back to auto-correct… While it’s great.. it makes us realize how many of the 

Tricky  (I after e except after e)  words we have no idea how to spell anymore.. Well don’t blame your slipping memory… what was I writing about?  Oh yep spelling sort of or the words that have always given us trouble.  The list goes on and on because the rules of English spelling are insane.. Like  why doesn’t home rhyme with come and how does come sound like comb oh wait comb sounds like tomb?   Nevermind the former comedian Gallagher  did a great bit on this..  So two words I struggle and most people are in the same boat are  words that rhyme  with pipe … recipe and defeat  like receipt ?

Oh Now let’s get to the “seeking Peace (Piece)  and Joy part of this deal… 

Since in the Peace and Joy universe there is a podcast with the same themes.. a search was conducted… and how can two conductors have less similar task than a person who drives a train and someone who waves a stick to tell the tuba player to blow harder?  Okay back to the recipe… 

The search was typed in for “the recipe for happiness” on Apple podcast… 


Well let’s put it this way… Betty Crocker has been spreading recipes  for a century and has had a book “the big red book with that spoon on it” for over 70 years and that’s a whole bunch  of recipes for a lot of things… yet in glancing over the recipe for happiness there were more words written than Betty could shake a spoon at… Why is that?  Well that most likely because each of us working together or separately because too many cooks … have a unique set of experiences and characteristics  (ingredients if you will) to work with and each of us serves up the results  of these recipe to different people who sit around our tables in life.    Now .. what seems important here are two things..

First since there are so many recipes  with so many ingredients it should seem impossible that your recipe will make everyone happy every day…  and Second… If you don’t like the stuff someone is feeding you today…. Don’t get all blown out of shape….because  nearly all the time you’ll eat again tomorrow.. Not always but almost..

Okay that is about enough this has been more than a mouthful yet for dessert  not desert …here’s  a closing thought… The recipe for happiness can be variable and elusive, however the recipe  for disaster  seems fairly consistent… 

You take a good helping of arrogance…mix  in… a healthy lump of ignorance and spread that liberally over  a layer of apathy… 

Bon Appetite 

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