Thursday night real sports. Will return as the NFL draft will tak,e place. For true sports fans this is the. First “real” activity that has happened in a virtual ocean of cancellations. It has been interesting to listen to the hyperanalytics that have surrounded this event and maybe it’s the same as every year, however it seems. Somehow more critical this year that teams. Get just the. Group of new prospects they need.
So what does this have to do with peace and joy? Well many households are finding out just how. Much a sports are consumed in their. Lives and the importance of supporting a team, looking at the world through the lens of a particular team and sport is something that helped us delineate seasons of the year, enter into conversations, and provided a safe arena for competition and rivalry that could be ramped down by saying “it’s only. A game.”
So in the pandemic when the roles of our lives are getting disturbed one thing.that will change is the.team of social and private support we can access and use on a regular basis. Many people counted on their work team for social support and for a change (or even a break) from their home situations. In some cases most of the conversations and other interactions they engaged in took place at work—until now. If you are at work you could. Talk about the weather to. Coworkers and customers 30 times a day, however at home you have a much more limited. Audience. Everyone in my house has already heard all my bad jokes way too many times, but people at work—well the jokes. We’re still good enough there.
Also in the “public” you might encounter a wide variety of people some very optimistic and some pretty much on the other end of the spectrum. In isolation the mannerisms and attitudes. Are likely to be much more constricted. So here we have the draft. Now is your opportunity to see what additions to your team in a different situation are needed. You have the chance to really get to value people who bring a smile to your. Face or add knowledge to your wisdom, or ask fascinating questions that fuel your curiosity. As we move forward we have a chance top think about who we know and what they add to our personal “seeking peace and joy” efforts. We also. Have a great. Chance to exercise different. Roles and and aspects of our. Personality as we hope to be drafted. We can modify our stances a bit or.we can make new people aware of our.willlingness to share. Our intellectual and social gifts.
In short, it is a great time to decide what you have, and what you need in terms of suppport and strength.in the. New world order and to decide and make people aware of.what you have to contribute.
Your Peace and Joy Team is Onthe Clock and your first selection is?
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