J is for...
Jazz noun
Jazz is a type of music where the musicians pay some attention to the flow of the music and use. Their musical. Gifts to make their instruments produce a variety of sounds in a flexible space. When jazz is done well it is neither possible. Nor necessary to have an exact plan or musical score as the single musician is very expressive and the surrounding cast listens well enough to add to the this first melody or to provide supportive harmonies. If you listen to. Jazz. You will find that themes are important, yet. Folks don’t get. Upset with small detours and experiements by well trained participants. so it is with seeking peace and joy. People have important themes in their lives but the tune may not always. Follow along exactly. As originally. Scripted. In these cases you can choose to take a few minutes to support someone else’s seeking or you can improvise to add to a new melody of your own. Flexibility and applying your gifts seems to be a feature of. Jazz and seeking.peace and joy so play what ever instruments you have and listen carefully to solo or support and you will make great peace and joy music.
Jesus ...noun ...
This blog generally. Stays away from religious. Content, however, we’re going there now because. Jesus (no matter what you believe) seemed to be a great teacher for those seeking peace and joy. There is of. Course all the parables which are life lessons. That lead toward peaceful ways of interpreting rough experiences. there are prayers that have great cross-over messages for all people of any faith... for example
“Give us today our daily bread...” which reminds. Us to worry only about the here and now... a dominant theme in almost all religious doctrines. Jesus built a network of apostles who provided support for the message he wanted to provide the world. He made it clear that claims about him being King of the Jews were claims made by others and that wasn’t his concern. In seeking peace and. Joy it is not necessary most of the time to be seen as the leader of a cause or a purpose, it is enough to let people know you fully support somethimng and will act accordingly. Jesus helped other people celebrate and worried about the public as he pulled off the loaves and fishes feat and of course turned the water into wine. the point is... he pre3ached the message and didn’t need the hero. Worship until he had to provide the final example of overcoming worldly. Problems and often in seeking peace and. Joy we will have to provide unconventional. Examples to suggest to robbers what may be possible. I’m not saying anyone should go around playing God...of what ever you call the mighty dirty or universal light... I am suggesting that seeking peace and joy is not a solitary person’s effort, it requires. “Daily bread”, and if you can turn water into wine (or add something to someone else’s joy) many things will become. Possible.
Jeopardy. Noun
A game show where asking the ought questions is important and asking many questions is almost always productive and profitable. curiousity is critical in training for. This game and quickly shifting.from one set of thoughts to another is also important. so... being flexible and curious are qualities that help Jeopardy players and those seeking peace and joy. The more questions we ask the better we might do and the quicker we accept new challenges where solutions area needed. The more rewarding our experiences. Might be.
To sum up learn, be flexible, and ask many questions and signal that you are ready to do so... and you may do well in the peace and joy tournament!
Justice Noun
a pope—-not. That long ago reminded us. “If you want for justice.’ I believe it was. John the 23rd. (Did you ever wonder if some of those popes had childhood nicknames and what church doctrine. Would. Look like if you had like a Pope Skippy or even like Cardinal Chuck? I do hope that we will have. Pope Mary or Teresa sometime in my lifetime, however that might take a miracle. Then again ... if you’re looking for miracles... the Pople is a better place to start than say a corporate lawyer I’m thinking.... okay back to justice
Justice means seeking equality and fairness in relationships and in these relationships it means coming to an agreement on meanings and actions. seeking Justice and then not clinging to everlasting character assassinations based on one time actions. Justice is a way of teaching personal responsibility and doesn’t need to become the mandate for anyone to judge everyone for all time.
Justice can be situational and can be followed by forgiveness.
OK. Some folks might have notices that. This dictionary segment didn’t. Include “Joy”. How about you. Just spend some time thinking about what would make five people you know more joyful... and then turn to you and see how those five people’s joy might be. Connected. To you... just like the jazz musicians and then
Keep moving ahead for K tomorrow.
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