Monday, May 17, 2021

How to move up on the ladder?


A couple. Month back this blog  discussed  how the corona  experience has disrupted  several career ladders and  how changes in the world of work will continue. To do that  at a faster pace as time moves forward(?)  Basically  there seems to be a high probability  that some ladders  within organizations will no longer have the expected number of rungs for people to climb and advance. In careers so if you are trying to measure your progress in those terms it will become very confusing and difficult.  If that’s how you prove your growth....well good luck.  

However, let’s say  you still trust the ladder idea as you want to make step by step progress.  Well if that provides the symbolic energy. Needed to confirm your decisions are getting you on the path toward your values...then so be it.  Then here are a couple of things to consider.  When we think of ladders and climbing  we often picture  ourselves —okay I picture myself— climbing up alone.  Seeking peace and joy  for me rarely  means a walk down a path by myself..... At the very least  it would be wise to think about climbing with. At least one other person  holding the ladder  steady.  It helps if that person  is paying attention and understands where you  might be headed and can move the ladder slightly if needed especially if you are climbing up to put out  a fire or to reach a book on a high shelf that is just a bit out of  place.  

The other image I have  regarding ladders is that  of a ladder leaning against a barrier or a wall.  In seeking peace and joy it seems you had better do some  reflecting on  the walls around you.  It’s so often we climb all the way to the top  of the ladder called success or happiness  just to realize our ladder was leaning  against the ladder of economic status and not community  improvement or family togetherness.  In short be prepared to cling a lot and be aware that your ladder. May not always be leaning against. The right wall.  

Okay I have this small step ladder in my living room  I might  dol well to figure out  why it’s there and what my next steps are...

More. Soon

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