Saturday, May 1, 2021

It “may“ be time for a trip




My apologies to the regular readers—notice I didn’t say loyal, or “those who normally read this”. How  you could read this “normally” I haven’t the foggiest.  I did a bit of traveling and the “trips” within th!

On returning  here from there...which is what you do on a trip...I attempted to shove together some coherent rambl;inns and lo and behold I failed—the reasons for this might become clear in the next few entries... yet a little poetic  “verse/chorus came to mind.... so dipping back into the public pool... here’s what formed the other day and it’s seems a good jumping off point—enjoy.

Understanding  Why?

If you learn to laugh with a tear in your eye

If you truly admit  to the things you deny

You put your knees on the ground while you pray to the sky

You commit to your life  while you know you will dieAnd if you  know you will fall yet you still fare to fly—

Then you’ll know how to love without asking why

Oh  yes I may fall but I’ll still...stilll still dare to fly. e trip will be the topics in the next few entries.... but i had intended to keep blogging  along the route and this didn’t happen. I’m back and if you are reading so are you....thank you

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