Saturday, December 18, 2021

How do you wrap some ugly ducklings?

 Here are some words about 13 more Birds

Now  the tune is portraying 

geese that are laying 

And next  there is saying 

How the swans are conveying 

While your true love is praying 

All these birds are  obeying

 For the food who’ll be paying?

If these birds are all staying?

So yep we are up to 23 birds for gifts and that has to create quite an obligation.  How often when we commit to work with others to seek peace or joy do we purposefully or accidentally attach obligations and guilt or other unanticipated  burdens.  When we praise  a student

S ability how often to we package that with an expectation  that this ability becomes an occupation?  How often do we provide  applause for things we approve of regardless of whether  someone needs our acceptance in other areas of life?  

Do we understand or work to understand  what our gifts mean  to us and what holding those gifts will mean for others.  Come on how many of us have smiled while thinking ‘what am I going to do with this present?” 

It seems that part of seeking peace has to do with gaining wisdom about what things mean to others and working toward this in an intentional way seems to increase the odds of that happening.  Also experimenting with experiences and ideas seems to move the sharing. And congruence process forward faster than assuming and or fearing.  Joy  comes to some degree when we truly understand each other and can give each other  the gifts and tools  or support needed to help each other find our glow or our best functioning selves.  Am I saying that I doubt 23 birds accomplish this… yep probably… it seems that these gifts  are loud and symbolic but maybe not meaningful to the person who must live with them  long term…. And if that’s what  you want to give so be it.  

Well adding it all up the true love has given 29 items already… that had ought to be plenty…but no… there are more to come.  After what we’ve received so far… even in 1780 what might. We be anticipating next?  Come to think about it…isn’t  it odd how after receiving  some gifts we start to expect  certain types of things from certain people…. Maybe next year we  could suspend these expectations or even ask to share. An unexpected experience… like say… asking someone to attend a candle making class with you or reading a couple of books together so that you can discuss  something  other than the price of hamburger.   Maybe you could ask someone  what their favorite mom candy  is and make them a ice cream treat based on that?  Maybe  you could find out what kind of music or artists. People like and try to create something in that style.  Imagine  one of your friends sending  you a video of them lip syncing Bonnie Tyler “living in a powder keg and giving off sparks?”

In short do what we can to invite  someone to share our meanings with or without sharing  things or let’s try hard  to make sure what we give doesn’t come with strings… well unless it’s a kite, shoes, or a guitar :)

For now… have fun with with the goose eggs and the swans that look cool but are relatively snarky  and nasty birds.   It’s time for us to be. Moooooving  along …oh yes I’m milking this for all it’s worth.  

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