Monday, February 28, 2022

National tooth fairy day it’s a mouthful of peace and joy

The tooth The Whole Tooth and Nothing but the Tooth?

So It’s not only the last  day of February at least  on years that don’t take a leap.  Now do we often leap backwards because adding  a day sets the first of March and the rest of the year back a day.  Maybe we should call it something else?  Any suggestions?  Okay back to today… it’s National Tooth fairy Day.  Does anyone else find it curious that  most every other “holiday” comes with great encouragement  to eat?  You know and it’s often sweets we are encouraged to enjoy.  You know there are Easter Eggs, Chocolate for Valentine’s Day, and candy canes.  So after. Parents provide mythical characters for these holidays it’s only fair (fairy) that we get a holiday for when our teeth fall from out that crap we eat.  

So… what do we know about the tooth fairy?

The “fairy” is not a pretty princess type being worldwide.  In several nations the night visitor is a mouse-like character.  The fairy is getting some age on her.  We first started hearing about the canine collected about 114 years ago.  It’s not an easy job as there. Are an estimated  300,000 stops per night and we better hope the  payment method has gone digital as estimates are that  the fairy would be carrying around about a million dollars in various currencies.  research also shows that as the stock indexes increase the tooth tally increases.  There are some estimates that this year’s  yield will cost over $4.00 per tooth.  

So what’s the “seeking. Peace and joy angle? 

Let’s start with the whole notion of the need for a tooth fairy.  Why?  Let’s say that  kids might be a bit afraid  to find certain body parts  hurt and then they are being encouraged to help them fall off or out.  If a kid falls down and scrapes a knee and it starts to bleed a bit we don’t encourage them to wiggle it until the leg falls out.  We don’t tie the ankle to a door and slam it to see if that fixes the problem.  so sure… it seems like a bribe to be brave  might be in order?  For years kids have heard commercials and dentists preach the need to floss.  Now flossing  will do no good whatsoever to maintain of preserve the initial  set of teeth from exit strategies.  Oh and research shows flossing doesn’t really help adult teeth either—no crap.  Didn’t anyone stand up at the initial floss design meeting and say, “are we sure that putting a little string in our mouths is the greatest use of our time?”   And added to that what do you use to get little pieces of floss out from between your teeth?  Oh wait I know …let’s jam sharp skinny pieces of wood in there.” You see the teeth are a microcosm  of life.  Use use teeth like time.  We have a limited number and there is some pain associated  with teeth yet in general teeth  in almost any condition allow us  to eat.  Life in almost any condition allows  us to experience  the world and form meanings.  Like teeth, we let many. Days go by and onlyappreciate  life/teeth after there has been some painful issues show up and get  resolved.  Oh and to rid ourselves of pain we will do almost anything like read countless self-help books, watch Dr. Phil, and pay big pharma huge dollar amounts.  As far as teeth are concerned,we let some stranger stick sharp metal objects in our mouth and even sedate us so that they can use a power drill between. Our gums.  

Unfortunately with teeth and with life we have learned to fear even the smallest amount. Of pain even when we  know that this pain rarely impacts a larger purpose.  Oh and maybe  a little sleep and a little cash along with a little pain means things will turn  out okay in the morning as you start another day?  

Happy National Tooth. Fairy Day!


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