Thursday, February 10, 2022

Tell yourself go fly a kite?

 time to Go Fly AKite?

So right off… I’m sure there’s another entry  among these  500+ blog offerings that uses the phrase “go fly a kite”, yet somehow  the cosmic tumblers  prompted what falls below.  

You see we in my neck of the woods (yes we’ve asked the  question about what other body parts the woods might have—such as the left pinkie toe) it was a little warmer and provided a glimpse  of Spring.  It was also a little breezy, so of course  it’s kite weather and lo and behold this week includes  the international day of the kite.  Yes… it’s not just  a city, state, or American deal this is worldwide baby.  

Well there’s a bunch of extra paper around this house.  A lot of us is useless or needs to be  trashed—take for instance this bill from DTE energy every time I get something from them I mutter. “You can go fly a kite.”   With all this paper I could make hundreds of  kites and challenge the world record of flying. Nearly 1200 kites from one string and if the wind came  down from  Canada in an Arctic  burst maybe we could max out the altitude and over  2 and half miles to break that record.  Where would all that string come from?  Have you read the latest fine print from your credit card company about the low low rate… there all kinds of strings attached and how would you hold these strings together?  Look  at the process for disputing or altering our health coverage.  there’s enough red tape there to attach the Empire Stte Building to the Top of the gateway Arch in St. Louis.  Anyway getting serious about kites…

In s history  kites have served as a toy and a very important communications device.  This makes sense because  most of the time  in life really important things  seem to be up in the air a lot.  Seeking. Peace and joy is often like flying a kite.  You have to hold on tight to a fragile thing for some moments, run fast and then have the courage to let go.  You may have to give your dreams.some room to rise above the  ordinary and yet remember  to stay grounded  just enough  to stay connected and to let others see the beauty in your flight.  Oh and will you eventually  get tangled up in things that end that particular flight?  Yes. Almost every time.  Will you occasionally  get a little off the ground, spin around  awkwardly  and crunch violently?  Count on it.  Yet there will be days  when you will fly like the wind, see the world from brand new perspectives, and others may point to you and say “look there—all my efforts are worth it.”  

It’s probably not quite the perfect time of year to latch to  sticks to a string and pray or to construct one of the other  wonderful flying shapes possible, however, we are always ready for the next winter storm and people always rush to the store to get milk and bread so the next time the forecast says Sunny  and 67 with a moderate breeze, get  to the store or your junk drawer  and get ready to fly

There  was some paper. One could. Buy

Bits of wood on strings we’d tie

Hold  and Run then let it fly

Then int rises to the sky

The sun is bright you squint one eye

Then the breeze decides to die

 The whole thing crashes you ask why?Breathe Deeply Give it  one more try

Live Now 

1 comment:

  1. Really love your poem at the end. Sometimes all we need is a reminder to keep trying.
