Sunday, January 10, 2021

The king is born?



Elvis , Steven, and You

Well when days run together it’s difficult to  recall if it were yesterday or the day before (yes I know that’s why  they made google and Siri)... well anyway one of the last few days marked the birthday off  the King know the King who moved like no other. And expressed his soul in a voice that the world  came to know.... Why of course I’m referring to 

Dr. Hawking the king of modern astrophysics.   What? You thought I  was referring. To the Tupelo  tornado  who made his first splash at the Alabama/Mississippi Fair winning about 10 dollars worth of ride tickets  —worth approximately 4.2 million dollars today—have you been to a carnival lately?— 

Elvis the other king played  a guitar he had received for a birthday gift from his parents although he really wanted a bicycle.  So this $12.95 his folks spent was five bucks more than I spent on the first used bike that I bought with some birthday money which leads me to wonder why the heck I didn’t go for the guitar?  Oh.. oh well... so let’s get to the moral of the story.  

Is it possible  that something good can come from  not getting what we might want?   

Now I’m going to dip my foot in the political  realm which I generally categorically  avoid.  These days and in lots of days before now  al lot of people  don’t get what they want.  Yet is that the tragedy  we seem to want to adopt?  Well let’s look at Elvis as the Guru for  our political  wisdom.  

You see he took some good music from people he had little or no contact with and instead of dismissing. It out of hand he learned its rhythms and enhanced  them with his subtle abilities and bang!  The world opened up their ears and heard  a new message a new kind of music  that rock and roll stuff.  Oh and those four lads from Liverpool Richard James John and George and some dudes like Mick and Keith, heard this disappointed bicycle and some might say the rest is history.  So maybe we can’t always get what we want but we might find sometimes we get what we need?   Oh and if we  can’t see the  path from our disapppointment to  our desire then maybe we can  twist and shout a bit so that somebody will hold. Your hand as we all find the long and winding  road that leads to your door or at the very least we can all  let it be for a while because even though you say you want a revolution maybe it’s time to come together.  

Maybe if we don’t try to find a macho man who tells us how we are barely stayin’ alive we won’t  feel like we have to burn that mother down and instead we might see it is okay if we learn to listen to the sounds  of silence long enough to imagine we will survive before  we’re burnin’ down the house.  

Further. If we follow Elvis maybe we can have the patience to take a serious look in the looking glass and someone like Brandy can reach our and teach your children  to ask themselves “who are you and to understand that life has a lot of buzzers, bells and bumpers so one might best be takin’ care of business  becoming a pinball wizard.  

Oh you think this has gone too far?  Well maybe so and yet these days it seems we are looking out at the road  rushing  under our wheels and under a bad moon risin’(and maybe there’s never been any reason) but a lot of folks seem to be running. On empty and don’t even know what they’re hopin’ to find.  

So.... sing, sing a song and don’t worry if it’s not a bicycle or good enough and teach the world to sing too... Perfrect harmony might not be  on the road to Shambala, or even at the top of a stairway to heaven yet if we are seeking peace and joy it’s probably  better than spitting  into the wind or living in a powder keg  and giving off sparks.  

In the end be curious. And generous and believe that you’ve got a little star and  you’re gonna let it shine.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking me away from Shoreview, Minnesota this afternoon and putting me just where I need to be, on the road to Shambala:
