Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Finding Hay in a Needle Stack

When Are Ideas Ready?

Okay  as you may have guessed, this little conceptual ranting is going to be a little on the far side of the moon--where according  to one of our childhood  nursery rhymes the cow jumped over. I've stood outside on many a night and stared upat the moon and while I believe in achievement , that's a pretty tall order  even for some of your  best cows like the ones you see in southern Wisconsin.  Okay back to the  original point.

Finding Peace and Joy is  not always simple.  Circumstances  get "nearly  impossible"  at times.  You know  it's like finding  a needle  in a hay stack... What does  that mean?  Since when, if ever, was a haystack a common place to be  hanging out  with when  we had needles?  Was  it a favorite  hang out for  seamstresses  on the prairie?  Did  from time to time  little  Becky run in  the cabin and  say "Pa? I can't seem to find my needle.  Have  you seen it  around here?"  Then  did Pa reply, "You probably  should go  check the haystacks you know  the ladies  from town were out there quilting  last  night until the cows came home."   I don't  know but we still use the  phrase and some of my midwestern  friends will probably  make the point that I use it from time  to time and they'll throw me under the bus.... Oh and exactly what technique does  one need to  use to throw someone under a bus?  Is it sort of  a two-handed overhead  slam thing or is it more of a side armed underhanded toss?  It seems we should  be throwing people  in front of the bus  because  hitting a small space like that  is a pretty tricky  deal and a moving target  with a  body and all.  I don't know  the trajectory  would be a challenge.

So.. again back to the peace and joy?  I like to write these things early in the morning when  there is not a lot of noise and very little talking, especially  me talking, and yesterday  when I looked  at the page view  count I felt a bit  honored that  people have been reading along--I'm not always proud of my effort... but this isn't always as  #Seth Godin reminded me in his  post the other day "like shooting fish in a barrel."   For as he  inquired "how  do these fish get  into the barrel in the first place— isn't that the tricky part?"   I agree that would be  tricky, however, I also wonder about the whole  shooting part.  What type  of weapon  would  a person use?  If you were  pretty  tall and the barrel were sort of short a bow and arrow  might be the  way to go and then again an arrow might  not do so well in the water.  A aslingshot  might be good so that you  didn’t wind up with a hole in your fish.   Then again a nice hole right through the center might be great because you could put it on a stick and cook it  over a campfire .

 Anyway I’m going to try to wrap this up.  The cool thing is language sometimes gets in the way and yet we have overcome many barriers to teaching our children how to talk and they have taught us how to text . and somehow we get the message across so my message for today is my idea for tomorrow wasn’t quite ready so I gave you this     What you need to know about this is these phrases are a conversation that my brother Don and I talk about occasionally and so if you’ve smiled at all you Owe that smile to him today      By the way what is this elusive topic for tomorrow —building the peace and joy network and it will be a two or three day sort of series that I hope most of you  well enjoy then again I hope you enjoyed today

 Survive the Wednesday weirdness and find some peace and joy come what may Yes we can get

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