Saturday, April 20, 2019

Hope requires experimentation


Hope by it’s very  nature implies one of two things.  The desire to keep something  tht might change the same--or changing something  that is  into something that  isw yet tobe.  If one hopes  to maintain something that most likely means there are forces  in play that are going to change things.  In short doing what you are doing now willl not continue to work.  If you want change the same is aabsolutely  also true.  So let’s begin with the assumption that was made  a coule posts ago.  In order to to have serious  hope work will be need to take action.  This leaves the question ….


Here is where the idea of experiementation  comes in. 

Yes I mean just like science would suggest.  Try something that you  believe will work --a hypothesis if you will--pay attention to what changes and what  does not.  Pay attentionto the circumstances, pay ttention to what happened  and what did not.  Mostly look at  what went right and ask if  that would hppen again if the same actions were taken----but  by no means ignore what went wrong.  Here is where the lessons  are!   Try something different the next time and see if that works better but  not as if you were  defeated by your first  attempt.  Do this as if you were educated by your first attempt.  There is a difference between  results of an experiment and findings or conclusions.  All to often we  take the data and  leave our hopes shattered on the ground when the solutions or clues  to them are scattered right there too.  Wo,  next  time (remember last time I talked about persistence) tweak  something or shake it radically...but hold some things --behviors solid so you will eventually have a bseline  of growing movements toward successful  movement toward  your hooped  outcome.  Don’t weaste  your breath or precious energy thinking in terms of  failures and mistakes--think in terms of  cluses  and lessons for future successes.  

It is only natural to want to start  out experiements  not wanting  with failure--so first find some models of situations that you thiunk  are working  out okay and  build your experiment on these components….but  don not make the mistake  of  looking at the  successful factors  in those models and assume you have those covered so you don’t  need to include them in your  next experiment.  That would be  like taking  your recipe  book out and seeing  a cake  reading the the ingrediants you use just like the prize  winning  devils  food cake and  not using the  common ingrediants  to bke your  next cake and then tasting what you have then baked.  
You have to put  it all together  and then see what you have.  If  it’s closer to what  you want then that is good...pick aother variable  and get to work  on hat.  Eventually you  will build the  solution and maybe if  you do this  optiistically  you will find soe happy accidents.  You may find that the results go far  beyond your original hope because  you have created sodething far more apecial than you could have done given the ingrediants  you were afraid to change  at one point.  You ay  also find that failure  (as  others may define it) is a quick way of  clearing the path for hope  

The key to this whole experiementation thing is to reserve  judgement.  What no I dont mean don’t  find things right or wrong… I mean sometimes the things you find wrong are as importatnt  as the things you find right and thus are not to be feared.  Analyzing  allows you to have an active  rorole in your hope instead of being relegated to the bleachers and being a bystander as cicurmstances randomly determine your opportunities.  That is  not someting that allows you to implement  hard  work,display optimism, gainthe  the benefits of persistaence or be a front row observer of the results  of actions you chose to take...and that brings me full  circle.

Hope is  a choice but it is not a simple one.  You are likely to be  more aligned with  your purpose if you take an active  role and this  definition of hope allows  you to do this.  I cn hope mony falls out  of the sky..but can I guarantee a Us trreasury  plane will be flying overhead and  without knoweing hoe the wind  will impacgt the  drop direction of paper and  knoweing howe many flights might have to happen before  one of these planes  develops a crack in its cargo hold at the exact moment in time I am wolking underneath...How realistic  is my hope and what can I do (legally) to increase  my hope… Or  I can experiment with  different types of work and different tyepes of learing needed to do this wokk and see if the outcoe is at least as  positive as  sitting in my lawn chair  looking for  US treasury shipments . 

I guess  the place I want to end up on this is  with the hope that you  will hav the courage to adopt  a stronger definition of hope and that you jight allow me to help be part of  your optimistic army and experimentation  team if needed.  Being  alone and hopeful is a difficut  thing.  Reach out--explain hoe in the way this blog  sets it out  and you may find more  help to make your hoopes a reality…. And that is my hope for  you.  ---expecially if your hopes include  seeking  peace and joy. 

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