Setting Things Down Part III
In the previous section (dedicated to John R.) it was important (for me anyway) to explore what questions for the day his death and my interactions with him would have.
This post in some ways extends that one and in another way departs from it. I did leave it up as the front page of the blog for a couple extra days out of respect and due to the fact I wasn’t quite done processing some of the lessons from my experiences with John. I want to thank everyone who sent a comment my way either through the blog or the Facebook link. These comments were both thoughtful and food for thought.
Okay time to focus on “setting things down”…The term ghosts is what i use to label all the residual emotions and thoughts you carry around as you experience every day. I am convinced that it is hard and necessary to set some of these ghosts down intentionally when possible. My technique is to meditate/pray first thing in the morning and form three questions that I will concentrate on the day no more no less… some other questions naturally flow in and out, however, I try to stick to this and stick to another rule of three that I am going to explain right now. I believe in planning—-however have you noticed that universe doesn’t always seem to have a copy of your master plan? So I used to plan about three years in advance when I “valued” things… and by that I mean evaluated things because of course to see if my plan was working I needed to judge my progress (and how everyone else in the universe was assisting my effort or not).
Well after experiencing some fairly significant events in life (we almost all get one or two of these to chew on) I moved my three years of thinking ahead to about 18 months. I found that this aligned pretty well with my workplace planning cycle too…and maybe that’s still okay for that environment. However then life convinced me that 18 months wasn’t practical either. I had too many variables, misjudged the level of control I though I had, and quite frankly increased my level of frustration by thinking the universe would even align with areasonable 18 month plan?
Well skipping to the conclusion…. my time frame now is about three hours at a time. Oh sure I have the daily questions and they help, however, I am finding worrying too much that is more than a couple hours out (at least emotionally) is just a prelude to making useless assumptions and creating expectations that are distractions to actually experiencing what is going on right now.
So how does this tie together? Well I spend about three minutes every three hours reframing what experiences or lessons (ghosts ) might be needed for the next three hours and set the rest down. I also now visualizing the world creating some answers for me in the next three hours so that I don’t need to carry around every ghost forward if I’m not 95% it will be helpful. In other words I will get some gifts in the next three hours that will allow me to move forward or maybe more important allow me to pay attention got what is happening right now.
So here;s how I will wrap this up..
Start the day with 3 questions and if tmorrow or the next day you have them again it’s okay..however three days is enough and if the questions are still there consult all your ghosts (memories of people and things that have happened to address these questions one last time… at that point thank the ghosts for all the wisdom they have provided… and if they aren’t providing any more wisdom… I simply visualize setting them down or setting them free. That removes the burden of carrying every mistake you have ever made forward every day and it also allows you to have some faith and expectation that the answer doesn’t lie behind …it lies ahead.
Next I put my time into much smaller windows because this limits the way expectations create assumptions that get in the way of actually experiencing things for what they are. I use a three hour window with a three minute reflection and refocus space overtime in that three minutes.
For me this has helped focus and increased optimism…
So that’s what I have to say about setting things down.
Now Saturday andSunday look for posts that are far “lighter” than this … because it is time for my brain to go there.
again thanks for all the great comments… and for reading along… Some day soon I’m going to take “the best of this blog and put them into a book form…(probably electronic and digital so I can include some music… etc.. So the blog might go to two fresh posts a week for a bit starting after Easter.
Again thanks for being part of my journey and more soon… but not in the next three hours…..LOL
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