Thursday, December 26, 2019

P is for persistence

THISHardwork, Optimism, Persistence, and Experimentation... Seeking  joy often goes Beyond sitting and wondering what is going to happen to you and moving toward what you can do with all the various circmstances the world  provides, changes, and reveals.  Hope is not So much an attitude as an active creative activity.
IS A “TOP 10 Entry that stands on the shoulders of. The series of posts that surround it. The “HOPE series.
Anyway here is the  post—enjoy...or at least persist!!

When is it okay to give up hope?  The  answer  to this lies in the  last two parts of this  newer stronger definition  of hope.  If we don’t  plan to work hard and stay optimistic persistence  isn’t going to happen—and experimentation well forget it.  

Let’s focus on persistence.  First, some folks  equate  persistence and stubbornness.  Well they  are related.  Persistence  is however far more dynamic.   Persistence embraces a goal while accepting  that change of process and method  is probably going to be  needed.  Stubbornness  is staying the course—the same course—-and wanting  change for everything  else around you.  Well…Let me introduce the idea of  sidewalk  grass.  sidewalk  grass (the grass that grows  in the cracks in your  sidewalk will eventually grow in enough  varied ways and  create enough change that  the sidewalk will  give way.  If  the grass simply stayed in the same place (stubborn)  it would be there…but change nothing.  

Persistence  is the concept  that allows hope to work  on the universe’s  go the spirit’s  timeline instead of the one we presuppose.  The difference  between this and just plain patience is that persistence  requires  a person to keep  building support, keep working hard.  In short persistence  is active not static.  
Persisence also allows  an occasional review of  your goal whereas  stubbornness  looks  only externally for obstacles  

We live in a world where we have changed  the  old phrase  If at first you don’t  succeed try try again, to if at  first  you don’t  succeed  find someone else to blame and give  up.  

So  in short persistence  means  giving your  goal and yourself time to generate  a wide range of possible solutions, to reframe some of the challenges and apply hard work and optimismm… If it sounds like we are wandering toward experimentation…that’s because we are.   Persistence  gives you the time to experiment which is what the next post will explore.  So far  we  have Hard  work—Optimism which  create the  tools and  attitude…persistence  now creates the time element  and  experimentation might be he most exciting  component .. 

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