Monday, June 10, 2019

Drawing the line may get a little blurry when seeking peace and joy


So many  of today’s productivity and life coaching gurus  are  spouting the  message that people need to. Know how to “draw the line.”  Now they are generally  talking about knowing when to say no.  I suspect there is some wisdom. In that, however, there are days when  I get the  sneaking feeling that  a lot in life doesn’t  depend on one decision or another   or another and that things  you are supposed to learn from keep coming around until you get. It or refuse to  try anymore.  There is a lot that seems  to be left to vague rules of chance, a cosmic coin flip etc.  

Yes, I believe you can. Have habits in  intentionally mseeking peace and joy, however as the  disclaimer says “prices and participation” (on the part of the universe). May vary.

Having said this, I started to focus on. That term and one word in it—“line.”  

Like so many other words that line. Must drive people trying to  learn English over. The line so to speak.  

Okay let’s say the shortest distance between two points is a line—by definition that is true.  So  if you have a landline phone is that the shortest distance between two lands?  What about a skyline?  Then  of course there  are airlines?  Oh and just for the sake of.clarification, if a bunny gets a small fracture in  a bone is that a hare-line fracture or a hair-line fracture.  

Oh yes I’m just getting started.  When I was younger—you know earlier on my personal timeline”,  I’d go shopping. Or to a movie and. Stand “in” line.  Then. People started referring  to that as  being “on”-line.  Then we stopped going to the. Store altogether and started shopping with are  computers and phones.  Yes we were shopping. Online!  To wrap this line of discussion up, let’s  say you are. Checking  out at the  store and grab the things. You bought up at the end—-is that a pick-up line?

Okay before you  claim I’m  way out of line… I’m  going to bring this back to Peace and joy—oh as long as you will give. Me. The chance to ask two more questions.  Is the shortest distance between. Two  fellows. Smoking corn cob devices filled with  tobacco a pipeline? And if I say farewell at the end of this with my name is that a by-line or a bye line?  

 Okay here’s the. Point or two I want to make and I won’t draw anything between. These points.  

Firs,t, the  picture at the top is  of course. The line of fire.  
Second drawing the line, in fact  using the word line. Has  multiple meanings and until you see what surrounds the word and  where things resolve it is hard to. Know the full meaning of. The word and I would submit it is the same with drawing the line.  You will have to  make choices on the journey towards peace and joy, however,  until  somewhere down the line. You may  not get a clear picture  of the  end of the line—-which is where this. Writing is for now.

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