Sunday, June 2, 2019

Reflections on mirrors not my Cinderella story


I was digging  under our vanity (what a name for a cabinet   you put things ll you don’t necessarily want others to see) for  a new roll of toilet paper and as I stood up I  noticed very distinctly  what my children once referred to as  “Dad’s famous bald spot.”  I knew they were not being cruel they  had noticed it in a  newspaper article  regarding a meeting I was attending.  It was not a mark of shame, but a way that they knew I was. In that room and doing. My job.  Well so as I stand up I notice the spot, however since my hair is thinning. In most places that particular spot is losing. It’s fame.  My hair and your hair are not what I’m  writing about  today.  It seems to me. In terms of peace and joy we have. Some choices and some  thinking. To do about mirrors.  

Maybe the most  famous mirror in our culture is  the  evil stepmom’s/queeen’s. Mirror in Cinderella.  Now it’s a talkingmirror and the queen put a great deal of  faith/stock in what it said.  I’m. Not  going  to summarize the whole “Cinderella Story” for you.  It’s a quick read. And if you don’t. Have to  read it stream the movie on. Your Disney app or something, or ask a five year -old.  

Back to  famous mirrors—there is one in the. Harry Potter epic story and  then of course there is Alice’s mirror and what  she found through  her “looking glass.”    There are all those crazy  mirrors in fun houses and mirrors a. All over retail spaces.  So the question  that comes to mind for me is if you are going to learn through  reflection, how important is the mirror or seat of mirrors.  You choose?  

After some thinking about seeking peace and joy I have come to three conclusions about. Mirrors.  Saying. That you  need. At least. One kind of mirror for  each of the. Views represented by  each of these. Three  notions.

First everyone needs a mirror  that  has  three things painted. On it.  The thing. Written at the. Top is—this is what you look like right now.  You may. Not look this way tomorrow when you look. In this mirror and  you may. Not look like you think. You look to others.  This should be a. Label that cannot be removed  without  threat of fine or imprisonment.  The   Second thing that should be written on  that mirror is: What. You see here  only reflects what’s on the outside.  

The third  sign on your. Personal mirror  should be a question:  Am I  standing here  for myself or for others?  

The  Second Mirror

This is a  human mirror.  What’s that?  A group of people. Who will tell you what they think or how they feel about  their life and yours.  Why theirs?  When someone’s tells you about their life it. Is their. Way of sharing  feelings and lessons and that gives you a  very good perspective from which to  reflect.  Upon what they say about you.  If they shar genuine. Things about themselves. It is likely they will do the same. For. You.  You. May not always. Like what. You see when these folks offer  reflections, but you still have that bald spot and if folks don’t. Refer to it now and. Again, well you need to probably ask them why or  get.  Yourself an additional human to add to the reflective. Power of your human mirror.  

The third mirror  I want to  reflect upon (pun intended) is the invisible k mirror.  Invisible?  Well I say it is invisible because it is not  above a sink or hanging on a door  or an elongated oval on  those sculpted legs.   

Igt is. The “social” mirror and  igt’s all around you everywhere and  now we. Carry a booster  signal. For it. In our pocket most of the time.  Now you probably think I’m going to go off on the evils of social media because. Everyone posts  the. Smiling. Highlight. Pictures of life and  you sit  alone waiting. In the dentisat’s receptions office thinking “why does cousin Mary get. To go to all those cool places and here I sit?”  Well of course that is true.  Then again she didn’t have to. Post last night when  her car broke down or her  job turned for the worse.  I just  wanted  to make some of us aware. We are using  some social media as  mirrors.  Like any comparison we do with somebody’ else’s  circumstances, this might. Not be the. Quickest. Path.  To peace and joy—unless you ask is what I am doing. Now “who I am?”  If when looking at social media you can say. No matter what is on  this screen I know who I am—then be aware that this can be an invisible mirror for your and it may be like the. One in the. Fun house that makes you look fat or skinny or  my favorite the one that makes your legs look. Really short (oh wait my legs are  short). And your. Body look really  long.  The. Thing about. Social media mirrors is that. They should. Have an opening  screen that says “I understand that I will mostly  get in return what I put into this) and then a big  reminder that. YOU  ARE CHOOSING TO BE. HERE AND RESPONSIBLE  for 99% of what is reflected.  

In the end find. Some. Mirrors you enjoy and heed. The “things may be closer. Than they appear” warnings on the mirror or in your intuition.  Looking. In the mirror is largely  something you  do on your own, so if it is frightening or depressing  please ask others to look with. You to check your perceptions.  Always.know that what. Is in the mirror is. Only what is now.  It is. Not. A vision of what came before and is certainly. Not. A prediction on what will be.  A mirror can be controlled by. The way light is  used and can control the light by reflecting it.  You are the  mirror of the light. Inside you.   

That’s  enough of my reflections on mirrors for one day.  Know that. You hold the light and you make the choices  regarding what you. See reflected by the. Mirrors. You choose.  Try when you can  to remember that mirrors are simple devices  for learning. The present  exterior. Look. Of things.  You are so much more than that and  you can use the mirror for  learning but don’t count. On it much for defining anything permanently—-well except for  “Dad’s  famous. Bald spot.”

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