Okay—I started writing today with the big idea that I was going to provide my sum total. Of wisdom about how peace and joy. And seeking it was important for coping with anxiety. However, after writing. About it for a good twenty minutes and a bad three or four, I decided “no....not today...I was getting. Too anxious. I laughed at myself.a moment but true is true so that sort of blog entry will have to wait. I will give you the short version and say more someday in the not so distant future.
- Meditate or Pray or both
- Take meds if they help but don’t. Fake it if they don’t
- Make sure you have someone you trust to tell you that your anxiety is okay or not...why because you don’t need to worry about worrying about worrying.
- Breathe slower—not just when you feel. Anxiety coming or when it’s already. Here. Breathe slower all the time. Enjoy breathing in the goodness and breathing out the tension all the time.
- Laugh at yourself and if that doesn’t work laugh at me for thinking I’m going to help. Anyone with this as we know so little about. The brain/body connections involved it’s sort of funny (not really.). But laughing feels good and everyone has. The right. To feel good sometimes (except for a few people who. I keep on a list.)
Back to Mary...
She had a little lamb—so said Mother Goose. Now who was this Mother Goose—was there. Really such a person?
Well—yes there was and she lived in the American colonies but died at the age of 92 just about 20 years before the declaration ofAmerican Independence. Yes and her name was really “goose” Elizabeth (Foster) Goose after. Marrying Mr. Goose—Idon’t remember his name right now and he didn’t claim the title Father Goose although he had 10 kids at the time of his a vows to Mother. Goose and they had six more children after that (so many children they didn’t know what to do I suppose?). Anyway, the rhymes and songs were printed for the first time around 1719 in a Boston print shop owned by a family member.
Of course MG didn’t make up all these songs and rhymes originally and history is vague on just which ones are original and which. We’re modified from. Old English drinking songs. If I had.16 kids there would. Be a lot of drinking I would imagine and who knows what rhymes might come of that?
I think one of the rhymes might have gone more like this.
Mary had a little wine
Then thwhiskey sgtarts to flow
She. Looked around for all the kids
Where they went she didn’t. Know
Then Jackand Jill went up. The hill
To fetch a pale from the old still
What happened when they reached the well?
Jack. Can’t recall and Jill won’t tell
I don’t care if Mother Goose made these things up or if she went the weird Al route. A lot of kids have learned to talk and read and had a good time acting out some of these funny and scary little pieces of culture and that’s good enough for me.
Now that’s about enough for a Friday...however I just had a wicked thought. With 16 kids and all the offspring they would eventually have there probably was eventually. A Bruce and a Lucy or maybe Bruce Goose married Lucy. That would make them Bruce and Lucy Goose...andI wonder what stories they might tell?
Oh. and one last “rhyme” for the morbidly inclined—
Mary had a rattle snake
Rolled it up into a cake
Then Little Jacck Horner Sat in the corner
To hahave hhim some Easter. Cake
He stuck in. his thumb
And thought lord I’m dumb
And that was ahis last mistake.
You see Jack was a selfishlittle squirt and it’s important to share.
So go out and share some peace and joy today!
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