Early this. Morning I was out trying to get a good. Photo of the “winter moon.” Why it is called this...I don’t rightly know, however, I don’t understand many celestial terms regarding the moon. For instance isn’t the moon always full? Is there a moon that is hollow or does the moon leak so that sometimes we need to refill it? Okay... I’ll let that go...however...I did get disturbed because my pics of the moon didn’t come out the way I planne3d. Clouds off to the West kept drifting in front of the moon soI couldn’t quite capture what I wante3d. eventually I just returned to my kitchen and figured there would be another impressive moon some night or that 30 people would also post pictures of this moon on Facebook. As i glanced for my cup to take some cold medicine (tomorrow’s topic) I noticed how much “stuff” has built up on the counter. I think all the appliances on the counter. Get used somewhat frequently so I’m not complaining, but this did serve as a reminder of how much stuff we all keep in our space just in case it becomes useful or because it is too clumsy to put away and too difficult to just get rid of.
As I moved. Toward the living room I wondere3d why I had the overhead kitchen. Light on. After all, I saw its reflection in the deck door. Wow...all the sudden I realized it wasn’t the kitchen light at all it was that moon. The train. Of thought was fully loaded and leaving the station at that point. The appliances on the counter form a ring of cooking satellites and are objects we use and the moon is out there sits beyond all the stuff we have launched into the earth’s orbit and is still out there whirling around at 17,000 miles per hour.
Yes the fine citizens of earth have shot a lot of things out ther4e into the heavens that we. Only use. Sometimes or for a short while. Now a lot of our “orbital debris” (let’s call it space trash) just. Hangs in orbit and spins along with us. So what’s a few. Things floating around. In outer space? At last count there were over 20,000 pieces of space trash bigger than a softball moving in predictable. Orbits around earth and somewhere over a half million pieces over all. Somehow my new “hot pot” on the counter didn’t seem like so much clutter. Instead of launching a car into. Space Elon needs to launch a giant garbage truck, a dumpster and a space magnet. Fix the ozone layer? No problem... If we launch a few billion rolls of duct tape from ground control we can have that hole in the ozone patched in no time. Just tape some of our big chucks of space. Trash together and drag it in front of the ozone layers in need of repair. How did all this trash get up there? Well let’s take one example. China launched a satellite to track who knows what and several years later they didn’t think this satellite was doing its job or they didn’t want others to find out what was gaining. From this satellite so they unilaterally decided. To launch a missile into space to destroy their spinning device. The launched a rocket and tracking it with GPS or Google Maps they hit the target—The explosion change one trackable object into about 3,000 pieces of space trash.
Space Trash Peace and Joy
This whole thing moved. From. A picture of the moon to. My internal question of “how much space trash do I carry around? How can I reduce that?
Well...let’s say my life is the earth (of course the universe revolves around me) and my past is all the satellites and rockets I have fired off into space. Have there been some Challenger disasters? No doubt. Anyway the left over emotions and lessons/memories from all these experiences are often still whirling around in my orbit. So often, I want to rid myself of these satellites and make an effort to change life and thus blast them out of my orbit. Unfortunately, instead of clearing up my space I have the Chinese rocket effect. I break the experience into countless parts that can interfere with with my next attempt to experience something. In short, I reduce my chances of a peaceful or joyful experience due to allowing the space trash from other experiences to clutter up.the heavens.
So I asked myself—-How can I change this? Well so far I’m working on two ways. First is to largely ignore the past and pretend that all that junk in space won’t get in my way.... that works to some extent. Second I play cosmic junk drawer. What’s that? Okay who doesn’t have a junk drawer? You know the place. You put things that are too valuable to toss, and that you will use at some point? The thing about your junk drawer is that you don’t worry about what’s in it. You simply believe. It is valuable and that it will be useful in the future. However, you don’t use a lot of emotional, spiritual, or intellectual energy worrying. About what’s in it until you are solving something. Your “junk” is not a box of left over. Trash that keeps hanging you up. It is a drawer full of solutions. Knowing. That you are not going to find all the solutions you ever need in your junk drawer is critical and that’s perhaps how to look at our left over past. If it fits our problem use it...if not let it sit...Just like the stuff in our junk drawer we don’t go looking for problems it will solve...so our past doesn’t dictate our present, or our future. our junk drawer. Does not impact how we. Perceive our current situation and allows us to experience as. It is happening.
To summarize (something I write about often and will write about again)—we have a lot of trash in our space. It comes from our past and we drag it along in our orbit for a long time without cleaning it up or figuring out. That it really belongs in a “junk drawer” not spread out in the path of our present or future. We can access. This junk as it becomes part of a solution, however, it will not bring peace and or joy if we let the junk define our. Current view of life. ...
There will some more about these themes in other posts, however, thank the heavens you have read this far...Have a Moonlit Monday Morning tomorrow..
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