Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Tied Up in NOTS


Well... I’ve been. Off the keys a little this week, however,  I’m going.to be back at it in full force now.  You might say I was tied up with other things so to speak.  

So  my topic today is related to tying ... having strings attached although some folks  bargain for no strings attached.  The next  post will be about neck ties, scarves, and bandanas .   Today we will be focuses on  one variety of strings—shoestrings and how they  connect with peace and joy.

First a little  history...

While it may have been considered. Closer to a small rope, ancient  humans  started. The practice of  tying their shoes or padding to their feet.  Scholars (did you know. There were shoestring scholars?)  have documented strings in use  in 2800 BC and estimate they  have actually been in use  far longer—like as far  back as 5550 BC.   So as far back as the gang was. Gathering up their clubs to. To hunt wild beasts they were  lacing up their  Reebok’s for the day and on the run.  The Ancient  Greeks and Romans were already using  straps and strings to such as extent that  folks often got razzed if they  didn’t lace their  sandals  well.  So if you didn’t have your Air Platos”  tied in a Granny double rabbit ear looped, you might be getting an earful at the coliseum or at the Parthenon.  

as with all things, not much is known about shoestrings in the Middle  ages, however it has generally been. Agreed. Upon that  the most significant. Modern era string weave was. Rolled out in about 1835 and the manufacturing. Procss and types of strings has not changed  very much since then.  
Do you think your strings are too long?  If so you are not alone.  Many. String/shoes makers now  only make  them in a length that will. Fit in all their  shoes....so if you try got put  Chuckee Tee strings in a low-top Puma you are going to. Have some loose ends to tie up.  

So now to the peace and joy part.  A lot of times when you are tying your shoe, you are kneeeling down....this provides an excellent  time to throw up a prayer or 30 seconds of  meditation per shoe.  If you want a little more time buy rounded strings that are “coated” because they  come undone about 30 percent faster/more than flat-woven strings.  also if you don’t often tie  your shoes they can serve as a reminder that you always have a choice  of showing your personality through the  strings you choose or  in the way you respond when  you break one while tying it.  Of course 90% of all shoe strings break when you are late or in a hurry.  Yes most shoestrings break on Monday mornings. 

Well that brings us to the. Part where I tie in peace and joy.  You know I loop around and then tighten up the whole thing...wrap it up in a nice little bow you know.

Just as shoe strings provide us with n opportunity to get little moments of rest in our day they should also remind us NOT.  To get all wound up in  our personal NOTS.   I know not what yours are so here are a few I have had and sti8ll have.  These are  sometimes  barriers to my peace and joy or lessons it would be great to fully learn.  Here are four  types of “nots” that  get me tangled up at times.

Well the list of potential “nots” is long, however, the ones below tend to trip me up most often

One: “i am NOT. As young as i used to be.

Sometimes I don’t start down a new path to explore because I think it will be a long road and I don’t  have the energy to do yet again something new.  The irony for  me (and others I suspect) is trying new things tends to keep me feeling younger not older.  some years ago  when I started to learn the guitar  I mentioned to someone teaching me a chord transition that I probably. Couldn’t  get this because I had started  too late in life.  He laughed and said this  will take  years and you’ll never learn it all, but you’ll be a fairly  good player by the  time you are 50 and  maybe one of the better  60 year old players you know and when you get to 70...watch out.  as it turns our I was NOT. To old. To learn those new. Tricks and am still having. A blast  improving  all the time.  another example of this is my return to writing.  I had done some when I was “younger” and yet I di8dn’t know if  I could let the muse grab me again.  As it turns out I’m really glad I didn’t  stick with I’m. Not as young  as I used to be.

Two.  I am NOT going to try that again.

Sometimes I block possible peace and joy by  not attempting something (including foods). That I didn’t  like earlier in life.  I refused to stay open to. New old possibilities.  The odd thing is I am always preaching the ability to change and yet sometimes I let a failure  last forever when I’m pretty certain I’ve learned the lesson or have the persistence  needed to give something a second or tenth try.  
Three.  I’m NOT. Ever going to be as. Good as. (Fill in the blank with a. Name  at fill in a errand . What’s that?  It’s an action word that is used as a noun like boating or swimming etc... 
So the point is here is a case were I discount my gifts and blessings by  comparing my current state with  what I assume is the state of someone else.  Rarely is comparison going to  help you  find inner peace and joy.  Well. Maybe not ever... yet when watching someone to learn or watching someone who has  some real extraordinary  talent I fall into the trap of  feeling rotten because I know I can’t. Or won’t. Do something as well as somebody. Else.  I remember talking with a buddy of mine saying I’ll never be “Clapton” good at this opening riff.”  He said  and EC would never be as good at making  him laugh with his twisted wit as you.... “. This serves as a reminder even today search for and grow your gifts, and even though nobody  can do everything everybody can do something.
Four. I am NOT strong  enough to make it through. This.

The  problem is... I’m. Going through it no matter whether. I think/know I’m not  strong enough, so this is rather defeatist. Thinking.  The second problem is “I”  am not strong enough?  Since when. Is it the best move to Do all things alonE to prove yourself and to whom?  Maybe in a lot of instances you are meant to walk with someone on your growth journey and maybe.you will be walking with people you didn’t anticipate.  Maybe whatever you are trying is not a “me” thing it is an us thing.  Sadly I  start with. I am. Not strong enough too often instead j of gathering my supporter around and asking who else wants to go there.with me?  

Well that’s just four.  Here a few more “nots” I see people getting. Tied up in..hopefully these  entries help you relax the knots and help peace and joy flow a bit more  freely..

Some other. “NOTS” 

I am not  the right body weight (especially compared to person x).
I am not as wealthy as I need to be for this  point in life.
I am not making  as many friends as I think I should have.
I am not  normal.
I am (fill in almost any action verb)  for example  eating right, reading  enough, exercising as much a s that guy, looking as young as I would  like.  

DThe Liszt. Could go on and on, however..

To summarize shoe  strings have been around for a while and you can use tying your shoe as a quick meditation or prayer break.  Everyone gets tied up in some  ‘NOTS” and these can block a whole lot of peace and joy.  To tie up the final loose ends here I would share this .  The next time you  want to say “i can “not” or I am “not”  end that thought or the statement with the phrase. At least. Not yet and see if that helps.  You know, some strangers are just friend you haven’t met yet. And some are  people you used to.know, however we change...we grow...we learn...and through it all I can’t help but wonder if we used  are statements to establish.in public who or what. We. Are more often and declared less often “what/who”. We are ‘NOT’ a little  lesas, if we might “NOT”  be living with a little more peace and joy.  I think for one I would

More  tomorrow.

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