Saturday, February 29, 2020

Spring Training peace and joy it ain’t over ‘til well you know

IT AINT  OVER TILL IT’S OVER—and Where do you begin?... At the beginning of course...

WellSpring Training is well underway and the Astros are being plunked like so many targets at a carnival shooting gallery for a significant  and discovered  episode of cheating.  I’m personally not a big fan of this sort of justice as indicated in a former post a far better. “Nun-driven” solution is possible.  However, tomorrow is another day...well actually is not another day... it is today when it happens and it never happens before today... and that means today is another day and when the earth spins around again that will be the next  other day.  By the way since it’s leap day I need to  spit out some little known facts about  the earth and our nearest heavenly body the moon and then we will get to the peace and joy and “it’s over” parts.

Did you  know that NASA had the Apollo crews  set up  some mirrors on the moon?  No, it wasn’t. In case MTV makes a comeback and  an ancient  astronaut rocker. Like Bon Jovi travels there and needs to catch a quick look before  posing for the  camera.  It’s there. So that we can shoot a laser at it from earth and measure how long it takes for the  reflection to get back.  That gives us an exact measurement of how far the moon is from. Earth.  We have discovered that the moon is drifting about  4 centimeters  further away from earth.every year or some secret Russian or Chinese probes are  flying to the moon and moving the mirrors just as an international cosmic prank.  So the moon is drifting slowly away...but we don’t really know when the drift started or if the rate is constant so it may decide we’re okay and drift back ...who knows..where’s Galileo  when you need him?   

Also a day is not 24 hours long.  Actually the time it takes for the  earth to complete spin is on average only 23 hours and 56 minutes.  This is  going to correct itself eventually (we think) as the Earth when newly formed only  took 6 to 8 hours to spin once around.  Those  three hour work days were a bummer and making love all night long wasn’t as much pressure  on the males of of the species.  I wonder if cave bragged they could go  two or three days straight?  JK???? 
Anyway due to this spinning pattern and due to the fact that the  Earth is moving just slightly faster around the sun than it once did...there will be no need for a leap year 4 million years  from now.  Therefore  and here comes the peace and joy part..

Historically you have an extra day this year so my suggestion is to take the 23 hours and 56 minutes, divide into. 10 minute segments and treat. Yourself  to a “leap for Peace and Joy”. 

Perhaps spend. 10 minutes a day dancing to your old favorite  songs...Call an old or a new friend and talk for ten minutes.  Take a walk that lasts  an extra ten minutes.  Sleep an extra 15 minutes...let’s face it you are going to hit the snooze button.  find a few minutes to make a hand made batch of cookies or take time to eat one slowly taste each and every bite.  In short, take the extra day and chop it up into Little experiences that you can carry with you for a few days and then your extra day will really spawn great  fruit, and of course enhance your peace and joy.  And if someone catches you in an exceptionally happy mood or smiling and asks  why you are in that mood just smile at them and say “It’s not over till it’s over...Use your  extra time well.

And when that thing we call tomorrow becomes today., for the fourth and fifth building blocs for song two... but  is the song done... it’s not over till it’s over.



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