What Do We. Really Need to Worry about?
Let’s start with this question. If there was something or anything you could do to stop or slow down this nasty virus would you do it?
Second, do you know the serenity prayer? If not, I’ll. Paraphrase —
God/ultimate being/great spirit/(insert whatever wise and positive force. You wish here) give me the strength to change what I can. Give me the courage to surrender what. I cannot. Give me the wisdom to know the difference.”
Well... can it really be that simple...yep.
In reality it comes down to some simple ideas.
If you will do what you can then don’t worry about doing it wrong or at the right time. You will change what you do when you know for sure and only. You can know for sure when you know for sure...you have complete control over that. —So no need to worry.
Now the things you cannot control you cannot control. You can work toward accepting them however do you worry about how tall you are? Do you worry about. The fact. You like pizza? Do you worry about the fact that when you drink a lot of liquids you often need. To use th3 bathroom? In short if you don’t really have much control over something does it really worry you?
Now if you can have enough faith in yourself to change when things move from what you can control to what you can’t, how much does knowing the difference at all times really matter?
So a question most people are asking today is “should I be really worried about.....?” Well my friends you are already worried because you are worried about. What you should or shouldn’t be worried about. Well that question is stepping right into the vicious cycle and so today’s post is about encouraging you. To think and feel differently if possible.
You see the challenge is not in the worrying or being right it is in the changing as what becomes evident changes.
So then the question to ask is what support do I need to change? This is a question that only you need to answer and there is no wrong answer. The task becomes who can help you think about these things and if the answer is No one you are probably underestimating. The abilities of others to help you in your thinking and then in your action. Processes.
For example, the people act the gym probably help you stay motivated to work out. The people at the AA meeting help each other not to surrender to alcohol etc... Before you go to either. Of the same for the first time, do you know any of those people? Just a thought. Now. Keep thinking forward...who might. Benefit from your experiences or presence in their efforts to prepare for and execute changes in their. Thoughts, actions, beliefs etc... ?
So ...the previous post asks. Us to move from “why me?” To “why not?”. Today the experiment is can we move from “should I worry?” To “how do I support change (mine or. Someone else’s)?”
Should we worry—-no...should we think and feel—yes Then should we act—of course. If we are wrong should we change? Yes Can we help others. Not to worry by helping. Them to. Change with us or with our support? I find peace and joy in looking at worry that way.
This may have seemed like a circular route, but I’ll count on the words in a graduation speech that gained much notoriety a few. Years ago. In so many words it shared the following bit of philosophy .
“Don’t worry too much—or worry, but know that worrying is about. As effective as chewing bubble gum to solve an algebra problem.”
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