Friday, March 13, 2020

Does saving time save your soul?

Do You Have the Time?

Quick question—What time is it?  Next question—how many chances each day do you. Get to know to the minute what time it is?  Since earlier this week we turned the clock forward an hour to keep our synch with the forces that  spin our planet around and around, the whole notion of how much attention  we give to time.  So I’ve got time on my microwave and time on my stove.  The TV and my phone have all sorts of time indicators.  On my smart phone I can find out what time it is anywhere on the planet, determine how. Long it took to walk a mile, set a timer to tell me how long to boil water (or do other  cooking tasks.  My washer and dryer both have ways of setting how long  I want them to wash, rinse, and spin.  Nearly everyone I know can tell me when their birthday is, what year it is, and how long it takes. To get to dozens of. Locations near and far, however if they don’t know that last one their GPS can tell them.  

On top of that most of us work a set number of hours based upon salaries per/hr.  When  work or school isn’t going well enough we get lectured on time “management.”  I could go on and on and on, but you don’t have that kind of time.   Now  let’s stop a minute—really a minute?  Why say that ?  How about let’s stop until some perceived  future. Now becomes now?  Or  put more straight  forward let’s use the next few  moments (however long that is) to examine this whole time question in two different ways.

Experiencing Time

Have you ever  been in a car accident or witnessed one where  things seemed to move in slow motion?  Have you ever sat in a medical. Facility waiting room anywhere in the universe?  Is the time before your first child comes into the world the same as the time after that has happened?  Have you ever expressed a risky emotion and waited for the reaction of someone else?  How well does your microwave or smart phone account for that “time?”  If these time trackers don’t  seem relevant at those moments....wellmaybe we aren’t managing time so much as letting  an outside source dictate our values and actions.  In short does time manage/control us?  How often are we in a hurry because  we saw a clock not because  we wanted to rush through something. Or know exactly how long something seemed to take according to somebody including us?  

What  Are We Really Spending?  
What would happen if instead of keeping a calendar we started to track our experiences on an energy/passion grid instead of 24 hour. Blocks lined up in 28, 29, 30, 31, and 365 or 366 days?  Instead of asking. “How much time will this take?”, what if we asked how much energy  do I choose to give this thing I’m doing?  What’s my level of. Passion and focus need to be to  fully. Experience things  or help others do so?  What if we asked, “do I need to alter the amount of energy given to something rather than set aside  a certain amount of time.   What if we asked a child what are you learning today instead of the “how old are you?” Standard inquiry?  What if we did that with  each other?  What if instead of asking people to tell us about their  job or tell us where they work, we asked what two or three activities in life really. Increased their energy level?  In short,what if we were more concerned with energy enhancement and engagement  rather than categorizing  how people “spent” their time?  

To sum it all up seeking peace and joy for me is not a reflection of  controlled time spent in some linear fashion.  I choose to ask myself a couple times a day, “what really gave me energy instead of taking it. Away?”, or what was I doing when I lost track of time today?”  In keeping with changing the question as the other posts this week have. Focused on this is changing the did I spend my time?” To “What  do I do to grow, use, and produce—-and then repeat?

Speaking of repeating... I have one more of these transforming questions posts and then my energy is going to be used  pondering about  my relationship with music for a few days and how that moves  my world toward peace and joy.... 

Until then...let time do what it does, but feel your energy move you toward peace and/or joy


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