Sunday, October 4, 2020

Politics and uncertainty the study guide




This entry starts with an apology.  The hope was that this segment would have come about a week ago and then thought was given to the upcoming presidential debate.   That event has informed some of what. Follows.  It took some time to  swallow, digest, and eliminate some of the debate and subsequent  analysis.  Then, our nation’s first family was  diagnosed with the virus  that grips the world.   It seemed appropriate to witness some initial responses and the uncertainty of these events before offering  a few words.  The words below are filled with statements that can be modified and claimed by those holding far more extreme views than  I hold, however, they are written as illustrations not declarations in most cases.  Having said goes. Something?

The Selling of Uncertainty

This blog has already  highlighted how politics has become a ocean of selling uncertainty and fear.  The formula is easy.  Make a statement that. Your opponent is going to take away something or create some  horrible circumstances if. Elected.  Then if you please, however,  it’s not alway done, you can mention  you will do something different if elected.  This is a simple formula because you can characterize  an opponent based on a single  factor like health care distribution—Health care distribution?   He we have a lot of health care in this country and in the world the debated is not  about availability  per se it is about access, the right to choose, payments for, and control over what profits may  be available.  In short it’s not about “health care” it is about health “Justice.”

Anyway this process of characterizing  someone  according to one  single factor introduces simplicity and for some simplicity reduces uncertainty.  The problem of course is  that logic and common sense  migh argue. That simplicity in this way can lead to  trouble.  After all. Classifying a human according to one trait is the same as saying  most skunks have black or dark hair with a light stripes so don’t hit  someone  who has dark hair with a graying. Streak because you’ll never be able to  get the smell off your car.  Most mass murders have  10 fingers and ten toes when they are born, however, what do a lot of parents look for. When their children come into the world?  Oh...too harsh?

Anyway in dealing with political uncertainty and trying to seek peace and joy beware of single character definitions because they. Can have you bouncing back and forth like some philosophical  lottery ball.

Paper or Plastic—the Great Debates

Less than a week ago the world and most notably  the American public had an opportunity to  witness the inevitable  product of our debate system.  Tad it extreme?  Yes.  Was it educational?  Yes—however, not in the way  that was anticipated. Was  it expected?  Well perhaps  it could have been—what?

As stated many times in other posts and above we have bought into this culture of pushing. Matters into the extremes.  We have, often as a culture, valued  a “in order for me to win someone has to lose” stance.  So we bring these into a stage where  making the first and most outlandish statement  seems to have some advantage and. Bingo..... you have the ingredients  for the classic recipe  for disaster.  It does matter that this debate was supposed to be presidential and hopefully. Preschoolers  weren’t taking  let’s talk seeking peace and. Joy in a different dialogue  and call it a debate if you wish.

The “Yes land”  Debate.

What if candidates were brought  into a conversation by the moderator and presented with the  two opposing  viewpoints on an issue-after all we have a lot already.  Then a “yes and “ format were implemented.  So the moderator or  one of the candidates would  take the issue and proposal a solution at which the other candidate could not discount or  directly diametrically  oppose the solution.  Instead the second candidate had to add something that she or he thought would enhance the idea promoted by the first  candidate.  Then observations could be made  in order to assess  how well each candidate worked toward actually enhancing solutions and forming compromised  enhanced formulations of  circumstances?  This would mean that. The two  options for election would  need to really understand and form  some sort of “empathy”  for a variety of  practical and philosophical points. Of view surrounding a variety of significant  life matters.  It also might lead to some nonpartisan  or “bi-partisan “  behaviors within pour government—-what a concept.  

This sort of for more would promote unity rather than division—tolerance  rather than tyranny , and  civil discourse rather than civil war.  

also in the “debate” we could introduce an improv  creativity” segment where the candidates. And one assistant were given a topic and ten minutes to write a song, author a poem,  write a short skit,  etc that demonstrates a solution.  Creativity  is the path through most uncertain situations and if the debate is supposed to reveal how candidates will handle uncertain things—well—-let’s see how they  work on something creative and use the talents of an assistant to build the most complete and  robust solution quickly.  

So to wrap up the political section.... I  urge you to go out and get a copy of Lincoln’s  first inaugural  address and read the  last paragraph or two.  Search your soul and reaffirm  your belief that  selected and elected  leaders are better than  monarchs—in short vote.

The Uncertainty. Study Guide a Few Summary Notes

Rule 1. Uncertainty exists.

rule 2. We can’t change  rule 1.

Rule 3. We have some choices about how to frame uncertainty  and that choice can be to explore mysteries rather than to fear the unknown on a constant basis.

Rule 4. As a world, as a culture, and as individuals we  will continue to hold  on to some “as if”  ideas that are mistaken and will need to  work hard to forgive ourselves when we find some of the  theories we have held are. No longer correct or functional.  It is better to  deal with  all the mysteries out there with some degree of modest humility than to scream about how  wrong someone else might be because  usually the most rich and  most powerful folks shine the most blinding lights.  

Rule 5.  It doesn’t matter who you elect if you don’t take personal pride and responsibility  for yourself and in our system your neighbor to some degree.  is this  saying the best way to handle uncertainty in politics is by following the golden rule—-yep

Rule 6.  Walk with someone on this uncertain journey... more than  one someone if. Possible... scared and lonely. Is a rotten place...adventures are usually better shared .  Take a look at “earth from space and. Understand  we are  pretty much  all in this together  bound  by gravity and our I’m perfect human nature.  

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