Friday, October 23, 2020

The seeking peace and joy dictionary B



— — —  B. — — —

B is for...


In this instance being. Is going to  be highlighted as  something we a human and spiritual being and. A state of awareness such as being in the moment.  So let’s look at  being  in the sense of human... 

“Being” human means we have a body to experience and maintain.  In seeking peace and joy it is tempting to work on ignoring our body and focusing on the “mind.”  Unfortunately until we develop ESP and telekinesis  our body is how we connect with  our real world circumstances and other beings.   

Maybe  looking at your body  in the same way a musician looks at his or her instrument is one way to understand  the importance  of your body in. Seeking peace and joy.  Your  “human being is  the channel through which you can express  many of. Your beliefs (see below) and explore your universe.  Your body presents changes over time and gives your spirit  a lot of experiences to ponder.  Since  many people have similar bodies we can build shared. Experiences  like living through a pandemic or having  a tooth ache.  On a more positive note we can know what it’s like to  taste a.really good meal or have a mighty fine kiss.  Sometimes we would like to ignore our “human nature” or conquer it somehow rather than looking at  our body as a way of gathering physical experiences and performing  behavioral. Experiments.  In seeking peace and  joy it might be more  valuable to let the exploring  happen and enjoy most of it throughout the course of  a life.  In the end your Human being will break because everybody’s does, however, try not to forget the gifts. It has given along the way.

Your spiritual being

So I’ve been known to say the main thing your body does is carry your spirit around.  If your body is the hardware  then your spirit it your operating  system.  If your body is the instrument then  your spirit is the musical composition and the conductor.  If your body is the car then your spirit is the driver.  The  spiritual being has far fewer constraints that the physical being  so being aware of your mindset is important in seeking peace and joy.  For now, we will leave the “spiritual” discussion for the letter. S.

An alternate. Way of thinking about  being is “existing in the current time in the current sapce where your body is.  Seeking peace and joy often seems to mean being somewhere with someone and being in the moment.  So it is the state of connection  with your experiences whether they are  “solo” or with. Another  soul.  


In so many ways. Seeking peace and joy is the process of bringing. Your internal and external  experiences into line with the assumptions and wisdom you  hold  about the world you occupy.  When this happens “you are who you are” in a manner of speaking.  While beliefs are  so important , we (as in I) find them  to be buried under things we do and say.  We don’t take them out and examine them  for cracks or broken parts very  often.  So... what can happen  then is. We develop conflicting beliefs such as  “I believe that  I can do most anything I put my mind to... and I have a set of special gifts that the universe is calling me to develop and use.  Beliefs dictate. The range of. Our choices and thus drive  the experiences we have and the meanings we can give them.   We often use our beliefs to constrain the acceptable  meanings we wish others to give to any set of experiences.  In short, seeking peace and joy means we  use and attempt to impose bliefs on experiences—both ours and everyone else’s.  If a person is. Willing to act in accordance with beliefs and admit it there. Seems to be an easier path to understanding that person and if a person is willing to examine and change a belief  due to growth or changing. Circumstances there is a real possibility  of increasing empathy and the number of  ways to explore  peace and joy with others.  

Brotherhood (or Sisterhood)

This. Is a noun and  indicates a group of connected  beings.  Brotherhood  is an agreement that we share some experiences and beliefs and our willing. To work on some purposes or some type of growth together.  It  means supporting each other  and having the support of others.  Giving and  receiving  brotherhood can be a critical. Part of seeking peace and joy in  a complex and changing world.  Brotherhoods are a playground. Within which you develop things like playfulness and trust.  When you are experiencing brotherhood you. Are more likely to face  uncertainty with  less fear because “somebody has your back.”  

Butterfly effect

Most folks have seen  how when a butterfly moves its wings somewhere it creates a gigantic  impact somewhere else in the world.  In seeking  peace and joy a belief in the butterfly effect means that  one can change in little ways to have a large impact.  Sending a person a quick good morning can indeed  help make it a good morning and having a good morning can lead to  a smile that leads to  a compromise on a conflict that has been a sore spot for years.  In short, the little things. We are  willing to  engage in can matter.  Oh  and before we go worrying so much about what might happen when we move our wings...the dictionary will cover fear in a few days.  

Okay that’s deep enough for today...


You tomorrow

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