Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Goodbye stones hello peace and joy a new age

 Morning this is a long post there’ll probably be some errors but take your time enjoy


Well I woke  up this morning randomly reaching for electronics to recharge and get ready for another “productive” day.  As I plugged  in one of my two sets of bluetooth headphones I noticed that I had forgotten  to plug them in  last night and that  irritated me.   Why? umm because I’m a spoiled brat and  I let things like that rob my peace and joy.  Well… of course I said I have  more than one  set of these so I  unlinked them  to my phone and  connected to my desktop and here we go.  

But the  title of this post  is not “things I whine about inside”  (although maybe it should be lol).   The title refers to  “the age” of Peace and Joy and so let the discussion move that way.

Before I started  writing I took two of the sharpest objects in my house and rubbed them across my face for a bit  because that’s always the smartest  thing to do when you  just wake up and  are not really thinking about the technology and the idea behind such a task.  However, in  this case an inspiration  came to pass.   Let’s climb  into the “wayback machine Sherman”  (if you don’t know the reference—let’s  set the flux capacitor back several thousand  years Marty—If you don’t  knowt hat  reference either  just keep reading.

Long ago there  was  this “age”  known as the  stone age.  From what our  investigation  tells us  there was a period when  human beings  said or  grunted to each   other  “hey Bill if we  are going to  kill this buffalo that outweighs us by about 1500 pounds sneaking up on it and  slyly giving it a left jab to the ribs isn’t  going to cut it—how  about we  use  some  of these  rocks here and  maybe  knock  it out and then  crack it over the head with a rock or a club?”  So the stone  age was born.  

Then of course  we wanted different things  and had to try to find  different tools.  Nature and  the good Lord  led  folks to discover thatsome of the stuff in these rocks  could be somehow extracted and we then had this stuff  called  metal.  I know we went through  like the bronze  age and I don’t  know if we officially  ever called  it the “iron age’ but  we started building tools and weapons and  things out  or that  and we could do more things  like  build  bridges and  swords and stuff.  As a side note if you a  are  a bit of a prude don’t read the  next paragraph.

Somewhere in this “iron Age we started  using some of these tools for “modern medicine.”  Speak most  specifically of circumcisions.  This couldn’t have  happened in the stone age.  Also  it couldn’t have  happened in the pre-alcohol stage and ifI could  go back in history I would love to hear the  conversation  that led to the decision to perform it.  “Well Isac—just hold  it right  there and we’ll just take a little  of this skin off the top…trust us”  I also want to hire the people who convinced  the first “patient” to do this.  They had to be the greatest  marketing agents ever to wander the face of the earth.

Okay that observation being made let’s  return  to our  main theme —the Peace and Joy Age.

Well we went from  this iron age to  the industrial revolution where we started  using  our  new  materials to build machines  to do tasks.  Some might argue and i would agree we had to have  the “enlightenment”  before  this industrial revolution waso possiblewhat’s that mean?  We had to  have a great period of ideas on  how to do things differently and show that these things would  fit into our real world.  So we  had this enlightenment and  the beginnings  of the industrial  age kick in.  Which brings  us  to almost  today.

We have been hearing for some time that we are no longer in the industrial age—we are in the “information age.”  Information sour new  tool set and information machines  are the new rulers  of the human  tool pyramid.  Well I disagree.

We have already  zipped through  that age.  Oh sure we are still building machines that other information and  can store it.  We already are producing  new  information at mind-numbing speeds…

So if not the information age where  are we?  Well we are certainly  capable of merging  industrial age products  like refrigerators with  our smart  devices  so that the cameras in the can se somebody left two bites of  Jello instead of throwing it out.  Our printers can order  ink for us and our  phone can serve as a pizza delivery  beacon.  We are  at least in the “connection age.”  Who  has Facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest, have I”snapchat?”  Oh and I almost forgot  YouTube and did forget “myspace” because so did everyone else.  
Now… finally to the point I  am trying to make…. we have almost all the tools  needed  to  build things and connect people… and  yet are we all happy and feeling good about the future?  Well oddly I say  “yes we can!” if we  now turn our attention to the”Peace and Joy” age.  We have worked  on the “external” problems/challenges that ace  our human being… and have done well.  We  now  for the first time in  human history have eliminated most  of the barriers that keep us from working on  human to human connections, the connection between  the outside world and our real creative talent, and so we are ready for  the peace and joy enlightenment.  I say bring it on…let’sget to work on discovering our best selves instead of our best external substances.  We are  ready as a being  on this planet to do so…. and thus have a real  shot of finding the peace of  knowing  oneself and each other the the joy of  maximizing  the  balance between  acquiring wisdom and celebrating our growth and the ability to assist others in  also walking that path…..

Okay… it’s time to stop writing and find a new razor blade…andtime to  accept that peace and  joy is the age peaking around the corner and asking  us to move into it.

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