Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Gratitude for a Different Perspective (whys are not always wise)


For  as long as I can remember and that's a long, long, long time, I have  almost without  exception looked at most the world with a slightly  different perspective than  others (or at least what others would admit to).  I once wrote a paper from the perspective of a glass Pepsi bottle and a political farce using the names of Hostess products  for the code names of government  officials.  Mostly, however,  the different  perspective came from ALWAYS  asking why?  No not  just about somethings--about almost everything.  

I mean let  me ask you  why..... why don't we retire until we are 40 or so so we can learn something about who we are and the world  before  our bodies fall apart and then work for about  35 years ?  I think a lot more things would get invented and a lot  more exploring would happen.  

Okay that's just one example and it is I suppose good to have a  different  mind that asks these questions sometimes and I am  glad to have  enjoyed asking the why question because  I have learned a good deal from  digging around in literature and  now on the web.  

Unfortunately--life presents situations where asking the  question is  not all that WISE....

For there are some answers that cannot  bring you peace or joy.  There some questions  that come before us to  help  up find a lesson and asking why did this happen is  not  at all helpful.  Finally, I  am learning that "whys" are not always "wise" simply because that question keeps  me (and others) from  moving  from "what  happened and why?"  to what if  I could help  this happen?"  Further, the question I need to use my energy on is "how?"  How can I make the next positive thing  possible?  What possible gifts do I have that can make positive things  possible for others while I am  on my path?  

Can you spend some valuable time asking why?--yes...but it is  time spent standing on the tracks wondering how far away the train is and  how fast it is coming.  

Eventually we will construct a narrative or one  will be revealed  to us where  "why" becomes evident and  acceptance  is understanding that  might not be  just because we want the universe to be under our control.  

Okay... this  is a pretty  serious  post right... so I should  end it with a little  lighter  note.  

Does anyone reading this  have  30 or so  tooth brushes?  If  not why don't we call it a teeth brush?  

Have  a beautiful day full of  peace and joy.

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