Tuesday, November 19, 2019

From Gallup to Gettysburg


This week marks the  birth of the Gallup Poll.  I’m wondering if  57% of the readers of the Daily Iowan (The University of Iowa’s  Newspaper) had any idea that George Gallup’s  poll to gather opinion on the prettiest girl on campus and his future wife, would become the world’s most respected polling organization?  That’s one of the historic conversations I would love to have.  Was George gathering this info because he truly wanted to hear the. Opinion of students or was he trying to  prove to this young lady she was  popular?  What does that  matter?  Well... there’s a 100%  chance I’ll provide my opinion of the significance.  

Day after day we hear polling data on  everything from  toothpaste to the presidency.  TTwitter is flooded with surveys, All kinds of marketing. Concerns are constantly  seeking. Info.  You can. Almost never  visit a hotel or make a service call on your phone without being asked for your participation in a “brief” survey.  In short we are bing polled everywhere all the time so the purpose of polls really does matter.,  
If you are approaching life  with a hope of demonstrating empathy and understanding in a diverse and changing world it is critical to listen to. Your fellow human being.  Polls can be designed to gain access to. Vital information if or when they are used as a listening tool.  On the other hand if these polls are used as a way for someone to gain information about themselves for assurance and to be used as a comparative tool, then the question change from What  do you think or how do you feel to YOU SHOULD BE THINKING OF ME AND I WANT TO KNOW EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT ME.  The difference is  the same as going into a room and saying “hey everyone let’s talk” and  going into a room and saying “let’s talk about me”. 

If you  are seeking peace and joy listening to others is important so that you can determine  how to use the values you  have to do  things to advance everyone.  Otherwise you are.simnplytrying to find out  how others  would define you and your behaviors become  a function of  the stated opinions others have of you.  It is nearly impossible to constantly monitor what others think and form clear ideas about how to use your gifts to their fullest.  When you start knowing you are doing the right thing because. 70% of the people say so, your chances of  being satisfied. With your actions at any given time are  tiny.  In short, polls make it very easy to make our decisions based upon the  opinions, plans, and dreams of others rather than building the skills to create our best selves and capitalize on the unique talents we  have. Been given or have grown.  

The moment. Your opinion changes based upon the notions of others is the moment you  slide toward  abandoning your strengths and your responsibility to become. An extraordinary original human and spiritual being.  Seeking peace and joy becomes. So much easier when you are constantly creating yourself looking forward, not when you are looking over your shoulder to  see what. Others are  saying about you.  Tomorrow I’m going to  continue this topic, but we are not only  in the week of the first Gallup Poll—we are  on this very day celebrating the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address.  There are no comments I can make that would  do this classic Lincoln speech justice or respect.  I do ask that you  click on the link below and read the address.  I can say no more at. This point.  More tomorrow.  


This week marks the  birth of the Gallup Poll.  I’m wondering if  57% of the readers of the Daily Iowan (The University of Iowa’s  Newspaper) had any idea that George Gallup’s  poll to gather opinion on the prettiest girl on campus and his future wife, would become the world’s most respected polling organization?  That’s one of the historic conversations I would love to have.  Was George gathering this info because he truly wanted to hear the. Opinion of students or was he trying to  prove to this young lady she was  popular?  What does that  matter?  Well... there’s a 100%  chance I’ll provide my opinion of the significance.  

Day after day we hear polling data on  everything from  toothpaste to the presidency.  TTwitter is flooded with surveys, All kinds of marketing. Concerns are constantly  seeking. Info.  You can. Almost never  visit a hotel or make a service call on your phone without being asked for your participation in a “brief” survey.  In short we are bing polled everywhere all the time so the purpose of polls really does matter.,  
If you are approaching life  with a hope of demonstrating empathy and understanding in a diverse and changing world it is critical to listen to. Your fellow human being.  Polls can be designed to gain access to. Vital information if or when they are used as a listening tool.  On the other hand if these polls are used as a way for someone to gain information about themselves for assurance and to be used as a comparative tool, then the question change from What  do you think or how do you feel to YOU SHOULD BE THINKING OF ME AND I WANT TO KNOW EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT ME.  The difference is  the same as going into a room and saying “hey everyone let’s talk” and  going into a room and saying “let’s talk about me”. 

If you  are seeking peace and joy listening to others is important so that you can determine  how to use the values you  have to do  things to advance everyone.  Otherwise you are.simnplytrying to find out  how others  would define you and your behaviors become  a function of  the stated opinions others have of you.  It is nearly impossible to constantly monitor what others think and form clear ideas about how to use your gifts to their fullest.  When you start knowing you are doing the right thing because. 70% of the people say so, your chances of  being satisfied. With your actions at any given time are  tiny.  In short, polls make it very easy to make our decisions based upon the  opinions, plans, and dreams of others rather than building the skills to create our best selves and capitalize on the unique talents we  have. Been given or have grown.  

The moment. Your opinion changes based upon the notions of others is the moment you  slide toward  abandoning your strengths and your responsibility to become. An extraordinary original human and spiritual being.  Seeking peace and joy becomes. So much easier when you are constantly creating yourself looking forward, not when you are looking over your shoulder to  see what. Others are  saying about you.  Tomorrow I’m going to  continue this topic, but we are not only  in the week of the first Gallup Poll—we are  on this very day celebrating the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address.  There are no comments I can make that would  do this classic Lincoln speech justice or respect.  I do ask that you  click on the link below and read the address.  I can say no more at. This point.  More tomorrow.  

Please click the above and read with respect

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