Monday, November 25, 2019

The battle for Black Friday peace and joy part two


Well yesterday was  “start up Sunday” in  the campaign to  provide. Coping tools for “Black Friday” and the holiday season if needed.  
Today the Mantra/poem is expanded and some additional thoughts are offeredIt should be noted that I’m  writing the poem every day from memory so a word or two may be different, but relax and  recite what is offered today. As the version that was intended all along because that is the way of the universe.  We can miss so much of what is while we focus on how things could have been.  If we continue to  cling to and regret things in the past we can’t change it anyway.  There is only one possible past and you lived it.  There may be  many possible  presents depending on your beliefs and actions which means the future(s) are still to be written.  Speaking of’s the next expansion

B is the beginning it’s where we all are
Breathe deeply at home, in stores, and your car

L is for learning to like  our current status
Heed not what the sales tags keep screaming at us
A’s for allow your best gifts to  shine through
Give freely of yours self, it’s the best you can do

C of course is for Caring Do that. More for each other
Each  Father —Each Mother—Each Sister—Each Brother

K is for Kindness we all need for. Survival
And it  builds up o
 That get’s  us pretty much through the first half of the mantra.  In addition to this little rhyme... would be great if you could think of your favorite Thanksgiving.tradition (we heather or not you use it now) and when you recite the poem today close your eyes think of that tradition, count back from. 10 to one and  read/recite the Poem again.  


Well yesterday was  “start up Sunday” in  the campaign to  provide. Coping tools for “Black Friday” and the holiday season if needed.  
Today the Mantra/poem is expanded and some additional thoughts are offeredIt should be noted that I’m  writing the poem every day from memory so a word or two may be different, but relax and  recite what is offered today. As the version that was intended all along because that is the way of the universe.  We can miss so much of what is while we focus on how things could have been.  If we continue to  cling to and regret things in the past we can’t change it anyway.  There is only one possible past and you lived it.  There may be  many possible  presents depending on your beliefs and actions which means the future(s) are still to be written.  Speaking of’s the next expansion

B is the beginning it’s where we all are
Breathe deeply at home, in stores, and your car

L is for learning to like  our current status
Heed not what the sales tags keep screaming at us
A’s for allow your best gifts to  shine through
Give freely of yours self, it’s the best you can do

C of course is for Caring Do that. More for each other
Each  Father —Each Mother—Each Sister—Each Brother

K is for Kindness we all need for survival
And it builds up our strength for Black Friday’s arrival 

 That get’s  us pretty much through the first half of the mantra.  In addition to this little rhyme... today  it   would be great if you could think of your favorite Thanksgiving.tradition (whether  or not you use it now) and when you recite the poem today close your eyes think of that tradition, count back from. 10 to one and  read/recite the Poem again.  
See you tomorrow

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