It’s the morning after an election in America—no not the BIG ELECTION—but then again most male politicians believe.their election is much larger than it actually is. Normally I’d apologize for the sexual innuendo, but in this case I am trying to make a point. We seem to be suffering an ED (election dysfunction) these days. Yep it’s a clear case of VES—Viagra Elections Syndrome.. You know, elections (often enhanced by pharma) pump candidates up, campaigns last forever, and don’t
go away. I’m not going to spend a lot of time analyzing last nights results, because Results should be the product of the work politicians do.not what the voter stated. Also it seems we see a lot of commercials about who someone is. And is not, but I guarantee you if I spent that kind of money..everyone would love me lol. I would feel so much more at ease if the folks we elected on either side of the aisle actually. Seemed to understand. My daily existence. So in the coming year let’s scrap the debate drama and line these candidates up in front of a sink and see how they. Scrub up a pile of dishes (extra points for the ones who get the cheeses that has been baked on cleaned off completely. after that move them to the three minute toilet cleaning or unclogging rebuttal period. While we’re at it let’s see who can change a tire in the rain, shovel some snow, and maybe do some laundry, including the folding and making sure the dryer sheet is not clinging to the hind side of the pants you are going to wear to a meeting where. You discover it’s still hanging on. I’d say. Let them balance a check book, but they’ve proven there is no hope. In doing that. Let’s have them. Take a quiz over the constitution of their state or the United States. Let’s. Make them play bingo with a group of senior citizens to see if they can’t keep up and if they understand the balance between friendship and competition that is church bingo. Let’s randomly select a couple candidates from the phone book. We do that with. Juries and it’s worked out pretty well so far. If the randomly selected. Candidates beat the party loyalists and nominated ones, give them all the campaign funds raised by that candidate and let them. Keep half and give half to their favorite school or food bank.
Anyway...obviously I’m not convinced our current “qualifications” of being able to speak in public and insult your opponents in a debate is the best way to chooser the people we are going to pay to make decisions...but such is life.
Well...I doubt whether any oof my perfectly. Reasonable election reforms will be adopted just yet, however, I can share some ideas that allow me to find some peace and joy in the never ending election cycle.
Firtst whenever anyone. Complains that it’s a two party system repeat the mantra we had in college. “I believe in a two-party system—-Party all day and party all night.” You see. There’s a two party system. Where no one has to choose from polar opposite positions—we need to think about that some. Second, on the day after the election let’s have “how We Are Alike Day.” This would be a day when we don’t talk about winners and losers. It could be a day dedicated to touching. Base with how nearly all of us are alike and share some core beliefs for the most part. If we did this maybe we could find out that one party. Didn’t have to vote in a block against the other. Party’s. Transportation based upon difference in religious values. Legislators seem to believe in the lottery so I would. Find some peace and joy if. The outcome of the lottery impacted them as much as it impacts funding for human services and education. So every Thursday night at 6 in every state and at the national level let’s assign a number to each.politician and if their number comes up in that week’s lottery their term ends immediately.
Okay, I suspect we will have plenty of time to. Continue this. Topic since it’s a year till the BIG Election Day. Work with your neighbors on local solutions to things so you don’t have to count on someone who might not understand your life. Fight hard to make sure people not pocketbooks have a voice in the election process.... seek what we share...and peace and joy might follow. More about Iowa. Caucus time.
In God We Trust—All others pay cash...
Tomorrow is Thankful Thursday the topic will be thank you to the FirstResponders.
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