Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Did Jesus outlaw yo-yos and rules of faith for a modern age


So according  to my religion—not get into the difference between.religion and faith just yet—I was born with original sin.  In fact everyone  was born with original sin which leads me. To the question how many sins are there?  If each of. Us has an original one there must be a bunch of sins I was never. Taught or my imagination is too feeble to  comprehend.   Many of us know about. “No meat on Friday” do were some  infants born.with a Big Mac in their. Mouth on  Friday the 13th?  If so I Bert they are glad they didn’t have teeth to get those pesky  sesame  seeds caught in.  By the way what is a “sesame?  It must be some sort of shrub  because I  don’t think I’ve seen as flower or tree with that name.  Then again I’ve never seen an avocado  in the wild. That I know of.   

Anyway let’s get back to. Joy Week

My acronym for Joy  today is 


Right off you may think I’m making fun of  religion...well of course I am—I take my faith very seriously but the rules of religion have me confused and irritated  quite often which  in my view gives me  a few options for leading my  best life while seeking. Peace. And joy.   

The first option is just follow the rules that I learn and hope the others following  these rules will  help me seek joy and share in it.   

The second is to ignore all the rules that don’t make any sense or all of them and live only by the golden rule.... I think that this has been my plan for a while—up until recently.

Finally, a third option—follow the rules that fit with the golden rule, pray about all the rules and believe the ones that seem to fall in line with the spiritual side of faith whether or not the religious parts have any merits, and then  through contemplation create some rules a or guides for my own spirit—and you guessed it—this entry is about that...

 So far I have only. Developed three rules  regarding  seeking joy.

The Rules for Seeking Joy

Rule One (also an acronym for Joy). 

Jump Outside. Yourself

At  least twice a day choose any stranger you encounter or might encounter—for example I have a fancy. Ice cube tray.  Somebody  invented that.  What.must the life of an ice cube tray inventor  be like?   Is it a lifetime achievement to  invent one new or innovative style of tray?  Are there  any special. Industry awards for people who have  done this socially  valuable  task?  Is the prize the Crystal  Cube?  If I can jump outside myself a couple times a day I usually get more connected with others and can tap into their positive energy.  So that’s  one rule.

Second Rule—also  an Acronym —The. “Joke’s On You

The. Second. Rule is—


did you  ever think this would be funny if. It weren’t. Really happening  to me?  Well if we take a minute to think about  the fact the universe and the wishes of the Great spirit. Are not always directly focused on you then you might be able to see that you are part of  something  odd that is designed to make someone. Else laugh and maybe. That someone really needs a smile today and maybe. Later today you will run into a smiling person  and there will be a little glint of gratitude in their eyes and that’ because you accepted the notion that sometimes the joke is on you.   

The third Rule...sorry no acronym —

That’ll shalt understand Joy as. You understand  spray paint....

If you keep your joy all  covered up or  held inside  that  is not  going to  get it done.  Like  spray paint you must spread. Joy  both  a little close and from a distance.  You must see that  little droplets can  make a whole surface. Change and that strong winds can sometimes make your joy go. Off target so  you will have to pay attention.  the point is  you. Need to  spread your joy...

so my. New little holy trinity of Joy is summed up as follows

seeking Joy means Jumping outside. Yourself to  see and create joy with and within others

Second —and  I know I repeat this theme. A Lot... Sometimes you are the target of a sense of humor that  helps the universe  show  others how to short it isn’t always all about you so sometimes you are going  to be the  target.. and the Joke is on you.

finally  Thou Shalt Spread the Joy for you are not the only one seeking it.   

Now Back to Jesus and theYoyos—I was pullling together some thought for today and for the podcast I wanted to record when some strange song lyrics that mix the concepts of seeking and joy and religious rules started. Emerging in a  song filter.  I won’t  write all the lyrics to the song below.... but here are a few.

Jesus  Outlawed Yo-yos—the musical can’t eat meat on Fridays...but now it’s only  during  lent

But I broke that rule before  it was. Changed wonder where those sins went

Now I think the Buddah can eat a Friday ham and cheese, but I may be mistaken

He can have a pork chop on Good Friday but he’s not keen on  eggs and bacon?  

I don’t know how any Mortal soul 

Can  know each and. Every Rule 

But  Jesus  must have outlawed  Yo-yos 

Because they weren’t  Allowed. At school.

More Joy tomorrow....  

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