Sunday, July 5, 2020

Seeking peace in trouble times peace week 2020

 Making Peace in Troubled times

It’s  nearly 2 AM  on July 5th 2020 and fireworks of all types are still being heard and seen  in our fair city.  Many thoughts come to mind.  First, I hope there’s at least one sober. Person involved in each of these celebrations because fire works  and firewater  are not the winning healthcare combo in most cases.  SDecond, I’m wondering what really important things these people were doing before the witching hour—planting food for the hungry?—reading to little children or recording  books for the blind?—knitting blankets for homeless veterans who will  be needing shelter  when the weather turns cold?—working on plans to integrate solar power, wind power and fossil fuels?  Now if people were  doing these things earlier in the day and had to push their fireworks  later in the day—well okay.  Next, I had a thought of gratitude based on the notion that these. Explosions are not gunshots or actual military weapons being fired.  After all in so many places on our planet, attacks on humans  take place day and night for years on end.   All that thinking  brought the conceptual caravan around to the lack of domestic battlefields here. In this vicinity or what some folks might call —-wait for it—-PEACE.


If all we expect seeking peace to be is maintaining a lack of open war are we settling for far less than what is possible?  One would. Hope so.  That being  stated—what then are the standards that we might aim for in seeking this thing called peace?  When we say

PEACE” what arwe speaking of?  Well using PEACE  as an acronym here are some ideas that might be fruitful.  You are certainly invited and jouyfully invited to come up with your own and share if you feel inspired to do so.  

Purposeful Empathy And Compassionate Engagement

Positive Enthusiastic Acceptance and Caring for Everyone

Pursuing Excellence And Changing Expectations

Promoting Equal Access to Community Endeavors

Preparing Everyone And Considering Everything

Pushing Envelopes  And Celebrating Experimentation

Participating in Extended Actions after Creating Excitement

 This is  just a starter list, however it is important to note that  each of these  requires a common thing.  While we sometimes  confuse “peace” with calm—peace is not passive.  It is not something limited to what is left over  after all distractions have been removed.  It most often requires focus on purpose and has internal and external  components.  Many times it is larger than a single individual while requiring an individual to create awareness and to engage in in actions with  passion.  Peace is for everyone and is a part of reality that  emerges from spiritual strength or the growth of  some combination of spiritual strength and community  effort.  

In short Peace is not something we is something  we seek and something we do.

So... after saying thank you for reading this far... “seeking Peace” deserves for than a day of definition and awareness of some of the terms  found in the acronyms above—so the next  four posts will  give a few of these phrases  a closer look

Welcome to PEACE WEEK 2020”

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