Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Let it Bee? Adopting a swarm mentality in these interesting times

Let It Bee—

...And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in  front of me...

I suspect someday an entry will be devoted  entirely to how the Beatles work on my journey of seeking peace and joy... but  right now that would be just another stop on a long and winding road toward. The things  shared. Today... so for now I get this writing back to where it once belonged.  

well I said let it Bee for a couple of reasons.  

first, it’s hard to say how many different  types of bees there are... There are Queen Bees now that’s not a type but it was the first thing I thought of.  There are yellow jackets, bumble bees, honey bees sweat bees,  —there might be “Sue” bees because  there is Sue bee honey.  There are those Killer African Bees and the ones from the Miami dolphins and from Saturday Night Live.   Of course if you  a Mississippi River Rat  and follow  Midwest League Baseball (if and when it existed and existed) you know there  are/were Burlington bees such as Vida Blue and Paul Molitor just to name a few.   anyway bees have been the topic of this  rambling mass of entries before as I  mentioned how many bees it took to make a spoonful of honey which is like 80,00 working for a year.   As I recall the entry talked about the  marvelous. Characteristic of honey being both. Antibiotic and anticeptic so it can heal cuts and not  grow germs within  it’s structure.  It dsoesn’t spoil if it is sealed and I mean doesn’t spoil like after thousands of years—now if my rice crispies  lwould stay fresh  longer I would be set for life on breakfast.  As it is the only thing that goes snap crackle. Pop in the morning is my  joints... Anyway there are a lot of bees and their mains function is to work together to make  honey and. To go around making  plants grow  better.  Oh and they.dance to communicate which  makes them semi-drunken college students and concert goers who can’t possible. Talk because the music is too loud.   anyway bees  do these  very cool things, however, for reasons we haven’t figured out they are disappearing at a rapid rate.  Why is a mystery... unlike why the Burlington Bees might disappear...(because  major league team owners. Are profit mongers who are not generally tied to the communities that have supported  their sport for. A century.  ....

Okay back to  peace and joy..

So in the spirit of seeking peace and joy there is a scientist (remember science?)  who tried to compensate  for the falling bee population by inventing a small drone that would fly around and do  some pollination.  Unfortunately. The drone, no matter how  small, had to be built with significant mass and would tend to crush many young  plants.  I guess it was a killer bee too?   So this scientist gets frustrated and decides to  do something fun with his  child to regain some joy.  Now  there’s not much more fun  than blowing bubbles and watching  kids laugh  and run around popping them.   Well. These bubbles would float through the air, land gently on. A plant and pop.  so what if these bubbles could be modified to  contain the pollen materials usually carried b y bees?   Well it turns out they can and did work quite well.  Imagine  botanical  gardens  with bubble machines?  How  delightful would that be?  So  sometimes stopping to seek a little simple joy pays off—well I might argue. More than sometimes... but  the next time you hear of an athlete being in a bubble think about how fragile. A bubble is and also think about  the uses of  bubbles we  may only have scratched the surface of.  I mean so far its  doing dishes, taking baths, and now  giving  bees a rest...what’s next?   Okay and providing a great prop for Lawrence. Well —if you don’t remember  Lawrence he was Pre-Beatles mostly lol..

 So one more thought about  pollination and cross-pollenation.  Part of seeking peace and joy. For me is opening up  and listening and reading so that I can grow different ideas to share and then have others expand on them.   Sometimes that means hearing something I  might not understand or like and now here’s  where the 

“Let it Bee”. Comes in

Instead of doing my best to kill  the idea I don’t like I try to let it. Pollinate a while.... I try to let it enhance my thinking or. Sometimes I try to add my pollen to it to see what grows.  You see ideas are sort of like bees in that  you can take  a bunch of them and spread them out to see what. They produce within the minds of  different folks.  It is likely some. Pretty  beautiful things might happen.   

 So next. Time you hear or read something that. Catches you sideways let it Bee for a sec...

So... before I sign off today I want to send out some  thoughts of gratitude even though it’s not quite thank you Thursday... 

Someone at the bank yesterday asked  what I do with my time.... I said I write this blog and do this podcast.   I then realized that  this page. Has had  over 16,000 views in the 1.75 years I’ve been  piling it on and over 50 views per entry—wow thank you.... Also the podcast  (link below) has had downloads in. Over 20 countries and the number of downloads this month reached an all time high thanks to listeners in places  like Ireland , India, Bolivia, Great Britain (come on France ...surrender)  and Germany... Oh yes. Canada —‘eh” and here in the U.S.   

Some readers and listeners have sent ideas about what I should do with. My efforts and while a few are biologically  impossible, many have been inspiring and  I am so thankful that  people share... you know you are like  a wonderful swarm of  folks making the world a better place.

Now... I often get comments that I share songs and then don’t sing the words loud enough or clearly and I pretty much should. Caption the songs because the words are.far more meaningful than the tunes... and this last offering is  no different so I’’ wrap up  today with  the lyrics (as written —not necessarily performed )

Title  —Junkyard Wings

By Jim Whalen—inspired by  Don Whalen and so many others..

Galileo  gazed through his telescope 

Then he winked right at the pope —who asked 

Are we at the center. Galileo  said nope

Please don’t hang me from your rope—please don’t hang me from your rope

Then came our warrior. Susan B.

Said till all can vote none can be free

 She found some men. Who would agree 

And we took a step toward liberty—took a step towards liberty


Why Can we embrace  what change brings?

Act like Servants even when we’re  kings

Listen. When the wise soul sings

Dawn our neon. Halos  and junkyard  wings

My friend Bobby says bre grateful  yes for what you’ve got

If they ask you why? Ask them why not?

Try to add something to someone else’s pot

And know that. This  really means a lot

Try to find the flower in the weeds

Help your sister (or neighbor) when she/he bleeds

share your fruit and plant some seeds

Show your. Love in words and deeds 

Chorus repeat final verse with a little variation —Chorus..

Tomorrow?   Who knows maybe. I’ll write about the Bee-Attitudes? 

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