SEEKING Peace & Joy
Hello it’s me again—that is I will be using a lot of personal pronouns like in the previous post and like all the posts I am only claiming. These are the thoughts that create the compas I use to travel by...and if these ideas become part of your compass or “you are here” marks on your map then by all means they are yours to use and share.
With this I titled. This entry. No dead Cats”—Building a curious tribe—to follow up on the idea of being. Brave enough to state “I don’t Know.
What Killed the cat? Look I am the first to admit I am not a cat person, however, the idiom /saying curiosity killed the cat” is just plain dangerous. Seeking peace and joy is an active process that is enhanced by experimenting and connecting with others in multiple sets of circumstances. Killing Curiosity is a sure-fire barrier to growth of knowledge, wisdom, sharing, the building of community, and that’s only the tip of a very ugly iceberg. Any system or individual who discourages curious minds and souls is saying in no uncertain terms. Don’t question the status quo which I either agree with or control. This is a power thing not a well-being thing. Someone who tells you of this cat-killing is not truly concerned about. You at all.
You see ideas and questions might be thought of as “cogs” in the Peace and joy machine. If you have an idea. It spins and your outreach are the little sprocket things (technical term) that can link into someone else’s idea or questions and thus create a larger thought/question/creativity/action engine. Taking out the curiosity gears significantly reduces the utility of ideas and creative abilities. Your curiosity might be the link between two ideas or an idea and an action etc....
Finding a Curiosity Tribe
Well step one is declaring your curiosity by answering your call to question ideas that are being placed in front of you. No you don’t need to be a conspiracy. Theorists of the world’s greatest skeptic... you do have to wonder. Out loud when you come across something that makes you wonder. Those people who are willing to enhance or enlarge your questions before providing ‘THE answer you need are likely members of a curiosity tribe. The point is if you demonstrate the willingness to risk asking questions then you make the leap and the net will appear.
Next, ask people what they read...No this is not a singles bar... however. Think about this a second. Reading requires a commitment. To obtain materials, time to read them, and respects that the topic is not likely a flash in the pan. You are not likely to read about the video that has gone viral, especially. A book about it. You are seeking people who are committed to questioning and spending time to enhance their.knolwledge.
Seek out folks who ask questions for a living... even if the purpose for these questions is not always the generation of wisdom. Take for example social workers, teachers, real estate agents, medics, and law enforcement officers. They may have a purpose in their questioning, however if you have a question that intrigues them they become a strong (if temporary) member of your curiosity tribe. A key question to ask them is “other than (insert professional stuff) what do you have interests in or how do you spend your time? You see some people naturally know the power of curiosity whether they. Realize it is a whole different story.
Use social media...
Not to provide I’m doing here... but to share the questions you have... and the ideas and connections you make. Sharing odd connections is a way to ask “so here’;s a connection I maker—what connections do you make?”
Then listen!!!
Oh and observe in group settings who else is listening. Who can’t wait to add to the conversation so much that they stop listening? Or even more who has to. Be the “topper”? You all know people who are the. Topper...they have to have had the craziest time, the most to drink, the best car, the worst injuries, and they have to let as many people know about it as is possible. Toppers are not generally great curiosity tribe. Members.
Finally, make sure you spend some time around childsren on a regular basis if possible. many children are curosity experts and seek information and sask questions a lot... learn from them. Study the look they give you when your answer has been a discount of their questions... you are killing the cat...
Well... these are just a few ideas about seeking a curious tribe...
to sum it Be curious and show it.
Look for people who depend upon curiosity.
Look for people who are listening because they are feeding their curiosity oh and listen yourself too.
Finally learn from children because they are. Natural experts before we. Teach the. Not to. Be... (that’s an editorial for another day).
So.. tomorrow? The blessing of thinking too much... and other strange things.
For now may your life bear an interesting. Balance between the questions you are answering and the answers you are questioning.