Friday, September 25, 2020

Uncertainty the study guide part three extra credit

Uncertainty  The Study guide Part 3

Continuing our. “Uncertainty as a test” metaphor this part of the “study guide” covers what might be  thought of as the “bonus or extra credit sections of the test where there are no easy or strictly “LOL” correct  answers.  However, since we seem to create and experience uncertainty. In the areas covered below they can’t just be ignored.  These topics are. science and Religion

I am not a masochist  so politics is not being thrown into this today—yet  we won’t avoid it.... wait till  Monday...roughly  72 hours from now.

Topic 6:  science and Uncertainty (In the journey called seeking Peace and Joy)

The Big BS Theory

scientific  study is claimed to be a strong tool in converting and  reducing uncertainty about ..well everything in the universe.  as this guide addresses how science interacts with a person’s or a culture’s  experience of uncertainty maybe we could start with the  idea that  if you have a hammer  every l solution begins with a nail.  

The  Big BS is this .  The scientific  method we use to bring meaning to our experience of the universe is  based on the assumption that to learn about  someting we can  break it up into smaller and smaller parts which we feel we can  not only observe, but we can predict what we. Will observe and introduce  factors (variables) that will impact what we. Observe and thus we can control nature, behavior, emotions, space, time, and the price of unsalted peanuts.  

Now in order to  come up with  a list of things to study to reach. A level of certainty we have to  come up with a  theory and this is an opinion.  We then have to take this opinion and say—-“in order for this to be true or false we need to make some claims that support our theory or identify claims that might  wreck our theory and disprove them.  So there’s a Roman  are my captain trying to determine how wide a path it will take to move his army and since aa European train maker has these Roman Roads to work with it’s logical to. Design a tram track of the same width and since it’s easier to  design  rail systems. In the United States that will be capable of using overseas equipment we might as well  do that and since  it’s easier to move a rocket engine by rail than let’s say  on the back of a tandem bike well let’s design the rocket motors  to fit what a Roman soldier  decided.  This makes as much sense  as staring into a bowl of alphabet soup and seeing the  letters O G D and expecting it to either bark or start imparting the secrets of spiritual  salvation.  

So now that you think  I’m suggesting we throw away science... let’s try a different hypothesis  Newton... Science is a very valuable tool for  some folks because it allows them to justify support  for decisions they have already made and that lenhances the probability  these folks will act to create their. Ideas in some “real” form Sowhat I’m suggesting is  that we create certainty and that the “science” upon which we create it is like a physical and spiritual box of Lego that offers both the jumble of uncertainty and the opportunity to. Build parts of life that  help us  create the meaning of experiences and thus provide the area a for creating. Peace and joy (Remember  them?”  

So pull out science and use it, however  understand that  the history of science clearly  reveals that  most the time, most people, are wrong or incompletely. Knowledgeable  about most things.  

Topic 7 Uncertainty and Religion

Well here we are—Science provides us with answers about  who we are, where we came from, what happens to our bodies when we die, how we will behave around food and around each other.  Now  just go back and put in the word “religion” for science and that will save me a lot of typing.  In fact, if we remove the spirituality component  nearly everything that can be said of science might. Be said  about religiopn.  Why then do a lot of scientists  get into battles with a lot of  spiritual leaders?   Now here’s where this gets sticky quick.  The  difference  in these two things is that  while science is  a way of demonstrating  levels of observable “certainty” religion claims to hold the better hand here.... Religion allows us to action beliefs that we  will not or cannot prove or disprove  under a lot of circumstance and thus gives us a biggeg box of Lego to work with.  Also faith let’s us and, in fact, cheers us on ,  to modify the Lego pieces  as life goes on.  

So the big philosophical  question is ... “if we have to count on faith  to engage in uncertainty, then “are we. Able  and responsible to  be responsible and  credible agents.of “our. Own” lives?  Wow, I bet. You didn’t think we’d be dealing with “free will” did you sir Thomas Aquinas?   Now I invite you to consider this... 

If free will  doesn’t  exist then uncertainty cannot  sustain itself  in human beings.  There is point in feeling uncertain if nothing we do say or think can  impact the experiences we have and the meanings we. Make of them.  does anybody want to be a robot?  

OkayIf faith is “a set of beliefs” and some people hold. A parparticular set of them and another group holds a set of beliefs that  claims faith is  a myth how can. We judge those who would choose one over the other?  Aren’t we just making a choice  about which set of beliefs helps us  bring meaning?   Maybe science is the  religion that sells faith in the deductive method?  Maybe religion forms hypothesis based. Upon the meanings attributed to  actions  attributed to  faith?  

Maybe  the same person can pull Lego from both sets to  explore the unknown rather than to criticize  others for the  pars of the universe they leave unexamined because their flashlight doesn’t work in that room.   

In a room full of batteries you don’t need to steal someone else’’s  flashlight  to make yours shine brighter.  

So... this. Isn’tdone and I’ve given you much to read.  That means the “summary and final parting shots on the uncertainty. Study guide  will have to come  in the next offering.  However, here is a sneak preview—-

Is there a limit to how certain or uncertain  any  of can be?   Would we know what that  was/is if it knocked on our door?  

More  soon 


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Uncertainty the study guide part two



It makes little sense to start something about moving forward by looking back—so that’s exactly what we’re gong to do.  Why?...We’ll get to that in Study Guide Topic 5.

  However... if you didn’t read yesterday’s (or the last entry)  it’s probably polite to  provide a platform. For us to dive. From so...

If today’s level of uncertainty is testing folks, then why not employ an idea that  could be useful to many—using a study guide just like in school you know?   

We  explored three parts of the guide in the opening section of this  topic.

  1. We might change thinking about  uncertainty by changing the. Language we use.  Instead of facing, battling with, or dealing with , uncertainty maybe we can  say “exploring uncertainty,  or opportunities or solving mysteries and thus we might  approach. Things with curiosity  more so than fear?
  2. Next we  introduced this idea that progress starts whercertainty ends.  The unknown is a big playgrtound where new and exciting things are possible.  
  3. Then we had a brief look at  how/if past answers were the  path to  handling uncertainty or leading our exploration. Of mysteries.

So...let’s put a fine point on that and then move on  to three more  study guide. Points today.

Going back top Ozan Voral’s. Work seems. Fitting here... There are two examples he uses. That might  enlighten folks about how using the past might not make sense, however it happens anyway.  

Did you know that an an ancient Roman. Road designer/builder decided  the size of many modern rocket. Engines?   That’s a bit odd you say?  Well it goes like this... These rocket parts were designed. So they could be transported by rail.  The Size of the rail in this country matches the scope of the tram system in Europe that these tracks were based on... and you guessed it these tracks were built using the model and sometimes the actual roads first  used by Ancient Rome.  Talk about  following the path of least resistance.  I guess if it’s not broke ...

Oh and  what about the Qwerty keyboard?  We were told that the home row. Was  designed because of the frequency  of the use of  the letters in the alphabet etc.  Well this is. Partially tre.  The keyboard pattern  was designed two that  the mechanical  hammers on a typewriter did not jam intro each other when a typist got fast enough to create such a problem AND  ... notice that all the letters needed to spell typewriter  conveniently  wound up on the top row?  Well maybe that  happened so that typewriter  sales folks could use the word. In sales demonstrations  without having to hunt and peck a lot?  

So ... how often does the past dictate  the present if we let it?  

Uncertainty happens when what we are and were good at no longer  might work... and this reminds me of  a quote and i am not sure who  said it, however it goes a little like this —

Talent is the ability to hit  the targets that many others can’t hit—Genius  is hitting the targets other people don’t even see.


Study Guide Topic 4 Uncertainty and the Future 

I believe it was MarkTwain who remarked that most of the misery he had in life came from experiences  that he never had.  That is  worrying  about all that could go wrong created more trouble and fear than the things that actually happened.  So let’s talk about this concept. We call the future.  The future is our current prediction  about what might happen next.   Now without getting political let’s rip a headline from the news today.  A lot of folks are getting  feisty. About the appointment of a Supreme Court. Judge and folks on both sides of the aisle  want to claim that this will shape the court for the next 40 years.  This will shape the course of our country people say.... well let me ask this... how sure are you that you  won’t get hit by a bus next year?  Did you see the pandemic and all it’s impact coming?  What are you. Having for dinner tomorrow?  What impact will continued automation have on the world’s. Workingpopulation?  So if we don’t know what. Cases will be brought to the court and we don’t know. What lives  will be like why are we feeling the anxiety of the uncertainty that. Appointing. Someone might bring?  If each of us  demands freedom and responsibility, cares a little more. For each other, decides that  what. We do with and for each other  isn’t dictated solely  by the mechanics of government—then we  could  bring Ozzy Osborne  onto the court and we’re not. Going to be. Going off the rails on a crazy train.  

Anyway back to the future... McFly... Do we worry because our current answers won’t fit. What we think the future will bring?  Well it’s not possible to  to know what answers will work, howeve all the answers we have used. Have brought us  right to where we are “uncertain! So... in exploring the mysteries (moving into the future—step forward into the reality to see what is aware of what is really around you and then pick up those  sights, smells, tastes, sounds, emotions, and thoughts and create  a today that makes sense for you and your  loved ones.  If you don’t know where you are headed you can’t buy enough maps  and in fact any maps will probably do... because you can always use  it to cover up the spot on your wall left behind when you took down your Duran Duran poster.  

Topic 5 Uncertainty and  Creativity?

Okay how many of us are currently finding or have found new ways to do our paid work?  Did we have to “think outside the box?”  Literally did we have to  think in our  makeshift home office instead of inside the cubical or. Office we sat in for 40 plus hours a week a few months aago?  It seems  odd that employers who couldn’t design telework or flexible scheduling in the past have been fairly able to do so now?  How many employers will study. The impact or value of this  new way of working and how many will just want to get back to the way things were?  Anyway it seems that creativity may be a key component  in engaging in adventures and solving mysteries.   What if. This uncertain thing is not about finding  security. In some  box out there and instead it is learning how to adopt a creative direct approach to constructing days that connect with your values and your plans to contribute to the progress of  a joint project or someone else’s certainty?  What can you do today to pump up your curiosity muscles and your creative toolbox.  Well ,,, one technique  that  has served some. Folks. Well in the creative process  is “flipping the script” sp tp s[eak.  Think about this... What would a school look like if we  weren’t concerned with producing an “average population?”  We created our current system to fill the needs of an industrial economy that doesn’t exist, to memorize  data that we can get by asking our phone, and we have determined that  fundamental education has to last 13 years for. Nearly all students even though we know that  life after school  is neither equal. In time or development  for all  former students.  So what if our purpose was to develop  artists in special fields who could. Communicate with other fields, but didn’t have to  “do it all?”  What if we didn’t shave all the  corners of the square pegs to fit them into the round holes?  

If our  uncertainty turns to fear because we focus on the  worst (or almost worst). Case scenario —-what would uncertainty feel like if  we always viewed  it as the chance to connect with the best  case scenario?  Wouldn’t we welcome uncertainty then?  

Well  the intent was to get through  three more  topics on this today...and lo and behold you have been  patient enough. Already and have enough words for now... Tomorrow we will look at  science and. Certainty  or and religion and certainty and then there will be a mixed. Bag of summary thoughts.. 

However, for now let yesterday go...out was good enough to get you here and left you without some of the answers... So remember  progress  and seeking peace and joy  and creating. The same comes not from  collecting the right answers, but grows  from the seeds known as the right questions.    So since you  will encounter mysteries. Today and in the “future” start. Asking questions and see what happens.... 

More  in the “present” you  now call the near future.   

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Uncertainty is the test here’s your study guide part one


Uncertainty: A Study Guide

Let’s say we’re all in the “school of life” for  a minute and  we know that there will be a few tests.  Now  when I was actually in school some teachers provided a “study guide” at some point in the chapter or right before the exam—right?   That really helped some students a focus on what the teacher wanted the a students to take away from the  materials being used.  

So it seems these days we are in the midst of a master  class in navigating  uncertainty.  So.... while this study guide  (the next two or three entries and  related podcasts)  isn’t meant to provide the answers, it could provide some questions to consider that might  give you some choices. Regarding approaching the very certain uncertainties we all face.

Step one “Facing Uncertainty?”

What if we  dedicated one month in our life to changing one word.   After all we have changed words before.  As  Carlin reminded us we changed “used cars” to Pre-owned vehicles: and our weather  folks have changed a snow storm to a severe winter weather event.  Therefore, how about  instead of saying we  are “”facing” uncertainty—we say exploring uncertainties?  Better yet  everybody seems to like a good mystery—so instead of facing uncertainty could we  be exploring   Or investigating mysteries?   After all paraphrasing Oman Voral it is quite3 possibly  better to feel the  discomfort of uncertainty than it is to experience the certainty of being wrong.

So Point one on the study guide—don’t face uncertainty as if it is an opponent in a knock down  drag out fight.....blew it as a dance partner and explore the possibilities.

When Certainty is  Not possible

There are lots of times in life. When and where certainty is highly. Improbable and maybe not possible so the astudy guide should  discuss this.  A number of “great minds” have offered a statement that boiled down basically  tells us—“Progress  Starts  Where Certainty Ends.  science advances (and so do other  realms of human  inquiry) when we notice and start to consider anomalies .  We have discovered planets based upon the motion of other planets that didn’t fit nicely into  existing  ideas.  We are starting to understand.that intelligence has nothing to do with with race, gender, creed, or the size of a person’s left earlobe and personality is not dictated by the bumps on a citizen’s skull.  

So study guide. Point. Two is—-our level of. Certainty  may not help us make progress and in fact our need  for certainty may  obscure possible  progress in undersatanding.  

And the final. Study guide topic for today...

It is Better to Build a Boat Than to Curse The Rain or the Waves

I’m gong to go all biblical here for a second—sort of—Imagine Noah watching  wGOD live from Jerusalem when Skip Shepherd predicted a 60% chance of rain over the next week.  Now Skip couldn’t or wouldn’t  predict 40-days of rain because that kind of storm had never happened in the history of the planet and  the Babylonian  model often contridicted the “three wise men” satellite projections... In short Skip had to base his “certainty level” on all that had been certain in the past and So until  “Providence”  came and told  Noah differently, Noah was scouting the  bizarre  for an umbrella. Instead of searching the  Dead Sea scrolls for ship building  videoes.  So what’s this little story mean?  Instead of viewing. The past as lessons and tools we so often view them as truths. That will govern the3 future.  

Point Three—Uncertainty exists because  what because there are gaps  in what the past has taught  us and what we are  experiencing no—otherwise we wopuldn’t be experiencing it... so just as the history of weather couldn’t really help. Skip inform Noah—feel okay that  your past won’t provide all your maybe  building a boat (creating some comfort with uncertainty )  is a way to navigate  the present and what may come—that and leaving plenty of room for a couple of elephants over there in the  bottom left section near the anteaters.

well there are the first few sections of your uncertainty. Study guide there will be more tomorrow if you believe in the future and that’s where the guide will  start tomorrow... with. “Uncertainty and the Future 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The equinox maybe it’s Time for some balance

 It’s The Equinox—Time to Find  Some Balance

Today is the “Autumnal” Equinox.   Autumnal—well that’s a fancy word for “fall and it’s the first day of fall where the amount of daylight and night hours is equal—hence the term equinox.  

A Day of Balance

Now it’s easy enough to understand the  concept of day and night being balanced and yet we often look at this day  within the context of the delays around it.  This means we think of the days (daylight) getting shorter.  We think of it getting. Nearer winter and sometimes especially for the summer lovers it seems like another dream passed by and so long till another chance will come.  So there is a gloom about the equinox for some.   On the other hand some folks love. Halloween, thanksgiving and Christmas.  Now the equinox  means these days are just over the horizon and  that is very uplifting.  


The Balance. Between. Past and Future...

Since this is a day. When some folks see it as a beginning of a new holiday season and others see it as the  end of Summer—it’s not hard to ponder  how difficult it is sometimes to balance our own past and future.   Sometimes we.think of regrets  of things we might have done or things we did and that makes the past. Something heavy to carry around.  Sometimes we think of all the things we  need to do in the future that we cannot control and we let fear generate worry.  This fear and worry makes the future feel  heavy and so we have things. Pulling from behind and from ahead and neither are helping us balance.  

Well what if  we take regret and fear on one side and then instead of feeling out of balance either way we turn on the time space continuum  we remember with love all the fun memories we can.mustger and  appreciate all the growth and gifts a we have exzperienced and we balance out the regrets with that and then we work on the future by grabbing ahold of curious thought  and the promise of learning—then let’s add in all the love and friendship we will deliver and receive in the future.  —So there’s  your  balance—your equinox.... 

Or  let’s forget all that and  just think about today.... and today let’s respect the equinox in a manner that we can approach right now.

How about. Just for one day let’s  try to find one thing to appreciate in  an experience we  loath.  For example let’s feel the warmth in the soapy. Water we use to watch our greasy fry pan.  Let’s look for one positive  quality in  a person we despise ... there are plenty of politicians to choose from so pickopne.  Even one you loath is worth appreciating. For the fact they fight (fairly or not) to express their  values in a public way.  How many of us don’t allow others to know they have a kindred spirit because we  don’t satand up ands raises our hand?   

Reach Out to Balance. Yourself or someone

Finally if you feel you are tilting or you feel someone else is tilting —reach out....hold them balance and they may be helping you.   This is the process of creating balance.   So on a day that symbolizes balance let’s try to create some..

Thank  you all for making this a good summer and let’s  all look forward to gobblins, gobblers, and elves-likeI said try to find  something to admire about politicians... have a great day/night  

Saturday, September 19, 2020

It’s pirate week starting with this gem from last year


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Yo ho ho what can we learn from a pirate about seeking peace and joy?


Shiver me timbers it’s “Talk Like a Pirate Day: so thanks for  not making me walk the gang  plank just yet and putting up with  my “Black. Beard’s blusterings today.  It’s good to  know that  an old scurvy  dog can still get a little notice.  
Speaking of scurvy—it is a horrible affliction that took the lives of countless pirates and other mariners who didn’t get enough Vitamin C while at sea.  So you don’t eat oranges—will you be a noticing your gums swell so significantly that you have to cut them open to use your teeth?  Will your veins get so diseased that they eventually burst either  in your brain or your heart?  Yes my friends sorry if this ruined your breakfast, lunch, or dinner, however, you should be informed.  The good news that scurvy is incredibly treatable and avoidable.  Oranges are not the only source of Vitamin C...strangely broccoli has more  of this anti-scurvy substance than an orange.  also  tomato’s and a bunch of other fruits  can bring in the needed vitamins.  In fact, after discovering that citrus  was a cure and prevented scurvy the British war fleet would often carry a substantial quantities of limes and you guessed it—British sailors and soldiers would get the nickname “limies.”  
Okay back to our peg-legged friends...that  were also referred to as “privateers.”  These  folks made a huge difference in the American Revolution as they interrupted shipping from across the pond and prevented the resupply of British fighting  forces.  
TThe thing about being a pirate is that you weren’t working for  someone else’s treasure or country.  You were comfortable with your own journey and set your own course without an inordinate set of worries about what other ships were doing or were supposed to do.  You found yourself a small crew that was all in on your mission and didn’t worry about what the traditional sailing populous thought.  
So seeking. The spot where. X marked the spot or 
A ship carrying  gold could be like seeking. Peace. And joy in a strange sort of way.  You could make sure you had a small crew.  Do your best to share a mission with  that bunch regardless of what most of the world thought.  You could actually relax your attention to what everyone thinks as you constantly evaluate your position in order to optimize your experiences.  

I know it’s a stretch for a metaphor...but arggh— Sometimes your life needs to hold a little fearless adventure in it.  Sometimes you have to choose a small group to trust and share your treasures with.  You could also sing “yo ho blow the man down” or “yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (unless you  don’t really like rum—but singing a”a bottle of skim milk” doesn’t have the same  impact).  
In short seeking  peace and joy requires  a crew to sail with, a willingneww to share treasure, and having a good compassions to sail by isn’t a bad idea either.  

Okay ye landlovers... it’s about time to put this scrap of writing  into Davie Jone’s Locker and wish you “Bon Voyage” for now.

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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Fascinating revisionist history of the United States déjà vu

 Dejavu  all over again—the Beauty of Revisionist History

I f only from one day ago....

Yesterday this blog talked. About some little reported  information about the Mayflower.  One of the  statements made  was incorrect (well probably. Many, however, some of them were in jest—e.g. the Mayflower only having dial-up—it was really only a party line and they only had a rotary phone with a short chord.  

Okay seriously....

The post mentioned the Speedwell as a ship that was. To sail with the Mayflower and that this ship had not been. Able to make the full journey.   The post stated that the Mayflower and its crew went on even after the Speedwell pretty much fell apart right away.  That part is true, however two facts  still remain l to be cleared up.  The Mayflower did not just go sailing right ahead.  It returned to. The mother country with the failing Speedwell before. Then heading  to the “New” World.  Well that is even a better story because. The passengers then could have  stayed behind in England thinking  this was some bad omen and yet 102 decided to take off again.    The second. Fact that is also Speedwell related is that  the cause of the ship’s trouble has been attributed to  rotting timbers due to. Wormwood (or rot, but other reports also report that structural  problems developed  due to  the process of fitting the ship with a different sort of mast that didn’t  quite work out according to plans.  Bottom line the Mayflower explorers  had some real guts setting. Out  over this. Thing they couldn’t control and that  is the point...or one of the points of the story.  

Now... yesterday I promised a New American Mayflower Tale winding up in Madison Wisconsin.  I’m not going to  rewrite the story so eloquently authored by  my friend Peter... I’m only going to slap my moral on the story and tell you to go to Peter and read it under the “Just Curious” blog... In a nutshell... Peter and his wife were headed to  Minnesota where he was going to start a graduate program when they made a stop in Madison.  Do you recall the pilgrims were headed. To Virginia and didn’t wind up there?  the moral is... sometimes you think  you know exactly where your journey is supposed to be heading and if you had followed your map your journey might have  placed. You just where you had intended.  On the other hand, sometimes. You can have curiousity and courage and surf the experience instead of trying to control the ocean and the results can be a fabulous life.  I can’t say Peter has had a fabulous life, yet  I’d argue  it has been an interesting one and probably. Not the one he would have had if the drive  had gone on to Minnesota.  He might have even become a Vikings fan and that  in itself would have been tragic...not to mention never l getting. To know the jubilant. Joy of learning to “jump around.”  Peter and his graceful. Life partner understood that it’s not if life gives you’s when life gives you lemons and you have. The curiosity needed to  add your own tequila.... 

So go read Peter’s blog and drop him a line telling him  he’s a good writer when he doesn’t try so hard.  

Back to Revisionist Hisatory...

In about an hour I’m going to  record a podcast...the link is below and you may find that the Constitution  most notable the first and second amendments  aren’t at all what you think.  

We argue over them a lot and yet they technically  weren’t even  the first two the founding fathers (James Madison)  cranked out.  

Oh and  more importantly. Today is the anniversary of congress adopting the Constitution sans the Bill of Rights and we had to do it because we got the first form of  our U.S. Government wrong.  Can you imagine  our political leaders today sitting down and saying...”Hey...we understand the values we want to live by and this current. Form of government  needs a major  enema?  Which of our leaders might have the courage to say... I know. I got elected this way...but  we can do better?  Who might  say we only. Have some of the civil liberties nailed down and  some of the processes we use are a bit  outdated?   Which  reps and senators would say we might need some term limits because  when we came up with. This life expectancy  was  only about half  of what we have now?  

Anyway... the podcast will be a commentary on  stating values, changing cultures, and being alert to how that fits with seeking peace and joy... 

I am including a link that provides info about the original. Constitution and its amendments just for some  happy. Reading...

Until  tomorrow becomes now... sail on.or stop in Madison

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Mayflower The true untold story


Are We  Still Passengers On the mayflower?

so 400 years ago today (there is some debate about the accuracy of this based on  a change from the Julian to Gregorian Calendar—Gooogle it)—the Mayflower set sail for Virginia where a number of the 102 passengers aboard could  get to a place to express some religious freedom.  Wait did I say Virginia?  The Mayflower of course landed at Plymouth Rock—Right?....Well no...  the Mayflower actually  first made landfall at Cape Cod?  What?  Yes little sailors the ship touched the new world that had been inhabited for thousands of years by  various native tribes at a place that would be known as Provincetown MAss.  

However,let’s not get all caught up in that  little historical blip.  After all isn’t it  a miracle that 102 passengers left the Mother country and 102 made it to  the new land even though sailing conditions weren’t great?  Well yes and no.  Have you ever heard of the Speedwell?  Neither has  most of the world and especially most of  our. United States  educated population.  You see that ship was supposed to be sailing with the Mayflower but didn’t  make it past a few miles out of  port when it broke up due to what was found to be worm rot.  Also 102 passengers did not survive the  voyage.   Two children were born. During the journey which means—-you guessed it two others were given their blessings and became  fish food.  Okay...but the rest of the story about these folks fleeing  spiritual. Persecution  is true—has to be?   Nope afraid we have to shed some light on that too.  Certainly the puritans or Pilgrims  were the largest minority on the ship, however  the majority of passengers is now reported To be folks seeking adventure and  a new start, but not for  religious reasons.   Oh and just for good measure we should throw in the fact that  this ship that has been  touted as the vessel to carry this strict holy people  had in fact  been most known for carrying wine.  

Now before you start  calling me a Killjoy..

We  (here in  the US have been taught a mythicalaccount of some brave folks who escaped tyranny.  Oh, and it’s a great story.  Yet, how about we  look at an even greater story.  

four hundred years ago—three weeks before  the first box of Kraft Mac and Cheese hit the shelves) two shiploads of people stared out on a vast expanse of water.  They couldn’t  see where they were headed.  They couldn’t even see where they might be. By nightfall.  Only a handful of these people had any idea how to “control” the ship they were about to board and even those who had the best ideas were doing so with a full knowledge that  they were a spec on this massive body of untamed waters.  So we are now freaking out because we don’t know when  we can get our next hair appointment?  So the two ships take off and. Right away one falls way short.  If you. Are on the Mayflower you just might be’s a long  way over there and not that far back—-but on the Mayflower sailed.   What a display of curiousity, courage, and purpose that demonstrated.  

Then in the middle of  the trip there  had to be days of rotten smelling  living  circumstances less than comfortable  weather conditions, limited variety of food stuffs, little fresh water and worst of all dial-up internet and. Bad cell reception.  

So after  this long  less than luxury cruise your 90-foot long floating porta-potty catches a glimpse of  what is along-awaited. Destination.   There is much gladness and  relief.   However... as you pull into the  parking  circle at the Ritz you discover  that your have arrived at Motel 3–don’t I. Mean Motel 6–no this place was only half as good.  So after this whole trip you find out that  you have “failed” to reach your  goal—Well now what?  

The  course of action chosen was to admit  failure and  to go forward.  A bit later the Mayflower made its way to what seemed a better spot now made famous.  The folks who landed didn’t. Exactly have a picnic, however that’s  probably a post for a different day.  

The Voyage Summarized

A bunch of individuals who had a purpose—not the same. Exact purpose—trusted a few people and their purpose and decided that curiosity, courage, and cooperation could overcome fear and uncertainty or at least. That they could accept a level of uncertainty.  Even when they saw others  fall short and turn back, they looked inside and said “there is something better for all of us and some of us can work together to see what happens—that’s exactly what they said they posted it on facebook live... Seriously —decisions to  go on were made.  

These  folks that didn’t have much control over a little thing called the Atlantic  Ocean persisted and just when. They saw their big payoff  coming...their new  promised land in Virginia... they find out they are winding up in Cape Cod and not the good part where the Kennedy clan lives a pretty crappy place they couldn’t possibly. Hope to  inhabit.   Now the East Coast is a big thing... They could have landed in a lot of places—-like Daytona Beach or at Myrtle Beach.  It’s a good thing they didn’t land at Myrtle Beach they would have had to have Columbus make reservations well in advance of their arrival.  No they. Landed  at a place they couldn’t really  deal with and couldn’t pull out their  iPhone and  ask Siri  “Good Rocks to Land at near Here?”

So even with this  disappointment they ventured forward and let the goal of Virginia go.  They made. Landfall at a place and gave it a shot.  

Now that seems like a great story... and maybe that’s what life is like?  

Tomorrow I’ll have a brief post. About one of. My friend’s voyages..he didn’t wind up in Mass... but in Madison WI however in some ways maybe history repeats itself...or maybe  it’s more that the curious human spirit stays strong generation after generation?   More soon