Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Pandemic pandemonium and Wabi Sabi


SO...  this is  whole week of celebrating  the transient  and imperfections in  humans being and more than that, the acceptance of those  concepts.  

Wabi Sabi is. A Japanese concept that can be  learned about in Wikipedia of course or in a.book titled “The Atlas Of Happiness” by (? Helen Russell).  This book  summarizes  “happiness concepts” from around the globe and you may be <sarcasm> shoc led to  find out that the entire world is not focused.on financial maximizing as the key to ultimate satisfaction and  glee.  

Since Wabi Sabi changes the expectations a bit, I thought I’d.reframe  our pandemic reality  a bit in a few brief scenarios  in the next three entries. 

“Drawing on  your Inner Happiness?”

In this Pandemic Era (PE)  we get a White House briefing  about every day and we hear  from some Governors and a whole bunch of doctors.  Quite  frankly as the days go on and the messages are repeaterdly incoherent they almost become funny (if they weren’t. So sad.  It has come to the point where I want the information, however, I can’t really stomach the sounds of the voices I hear.  Therefore, I am starting to pretend I’m hearing the  news. Delivered in the. Voices of some of my favorite cartoon characters.   So with no further ado...welcome  to today’s news briefing and commentary.

we now go live to the  White House  Press room We are expecting to. Hear from President Tony the Tiger, Vice President Scoo  B. Doo Governor  Elmer Fudd and  from the “Economic  Stimulus Task Force” we will have Popeye  and Wiley  Coyote.  

Ladies and  gentlemen  the President of the United States

“Good afternoon—-no wait not good afternoon it’s Great!  I have heard from Governors from  many states and  they have not sugar coated things for me their  states are  doing Great!  They’ve started to  get ventilators and they are working Great!  I talked with d some of the. Big  restaurant  chains and they  are ready to go when we van open up  and they assure me that their food will taste Great in fact better than ever before.  So to sum it up you’ll get a check with my name on it and then you’ll be doing  Great.  

President Tiger starts to look around the room and says ..”Now we’ll hear from. Vice President. Doo.  He and  his gang have been driving aroun in a specially  designed mobile unit spot checking mysterious  Bed and Breakfast haunts and malt shops.  He’s going to  fill you in on all the Great work they’ve done.   Scooby, Scooby Doo  where are you?”   A reprter. Stand up... “mr. Vice President can you briefly sum up the situation out there in the  country especially the state of testing and systematic tracking?”  “Rut Row—-Yikes”.
Thanks Mr. Doo.  Let’s go to the studio for comment.

Well Chet what’s your view on the  briefing so far?  

Well Eric—seems to be another day of the same stuff ax  yesterday except for  no reports of magical  cures.  So Chet why nocclaims today?  Well Eric —some fifth grade students who are being homeschooled  shot down the last  three vaccine offerings in about an hour.  You see.Mr. Big Pharma  would have gotten away with it if it hadn’t been for those.meddling  kids.”

Next we’ll have the reaction from  Governor. Fudd.  Governor, what’s your view on  the status of things?” 
“Well it’s Wooten. Wheelie  wheelie Wooten.  We’re. Working  a Wound the clock  but we can’t wee-lie on words from the feds.  It’s. Like we  can’t. “TWUST  the Washington. Wascculls  just like we are Wussians .” 

We are going to wrap up the cbriefling with some folks from the  economic  task force.   Here’s  CCaptain Popeye  who we’ve brought in to fight  the war on poverty.  

“Yuck Yuck Yuck...”. We’re startin’ to open up the  economy taking. Some precautions... Our initial. 200 Billion in loans will be  used to get the  Olive Oil and Pop-top Spinach  factories rolling and then everything should  be smooth sailing from there.   Mr. Coyote couldn’t be with us today but tomorrow he will be unveiling a new small business  portal he  has ordered up from the Acme Economy  Explosion  Group.  According to initial reports this  plan should get us over the initial cliff presented by  unemployment and consumer  fears.  

—-Well there you have it—another day in the pandemic. 

Please  take care of each other and yourselves and know that this is a Wabi Sabi world.  More  in Wabi Sabi Week tomorrow.  

Monday, April 27, 2020

We are waiting for good things coming?

Wait” is one of the most powerful wordsin the English language.  It tells us to stop. In our tracks, temporarily suspend our  current activity, and yet it also says there’s more to come.   It says  someone else wants to be included or a new  idea needs to be entertained.  It says “here comes  an insight or an unexpected revelation.  

When writing these entries the focus is so often on peace or  joy, however, attempts are made to  encourage  the “seeking.”  That’s where the “wait” comes in.  

Wait a second or two while I tie this together.  What’s your favorite  quote about “seeking?”   I only know. One “Seek and you shall find.”  Now let’s look at “wait.” 

“The waiting is the hardest part”—-thanks. Tom petty

“Im just waiting  on a friend”—the Rolling Stones

“Stop! Wait a minute Mr. Postman”  Pick your era and how muchyou like Motown, The Beatles, or Karen and Richard Carpenter...and others

These are just  some of the wait quotes incorporated into  our culture.  There. Are , however some quotes that strike me a little more .  

We often hear “good things come to those who wait.”  Well recently I read where  good things come to those. Who wait, but “better things come to those who try.”  ThaThat my friends is why we are “seeking” peace and joy.

Sure  sometimes.we all have to wait for it a bit and sometimes we have to  go get peace and joy.  It’s difficult to  tolerate the fact that the universe doesn’t  consult our  daily schedule—especially these days—and our instant  information and entertainment  culture hasn’t helped us be patient.  Being Patient is  simply understanding how to wait with a good attitude.  
Seeking means  preparing to act and starting to act and expecting to find  something positive.  Waiting is  passive and sometimes implies that. Things happen to you and will just keep happening. To you without regard to  your actions and responses.  When that happens...waiting is the hardest part, however, it’s also  a trap.  If we are not active we are shunning our obligation to reflect upon and implement our values our gifts and our energy.  We are  just standing still and absorbing energy...draining the universe or grace so to speak.  How do I know?—-because I do it all too often.  
right now so many of us are “waiting on Normal.”   We have an excellent opportunity to plan and start activating  a new future and change is  expected so doing so. Will be easier than ever.  to seek is to look forward to. A vision and construct and move. Toward it.  Seeking  is getting on the journey instead of waiting for the train.  So many times I  feel the sadness, a sadness I have felt, of  people standing on the tracks wondering how. Fast the train is coming.  

So ...yes  am I being prescriptive  today?  Yes!! However, I am only saying it’s Monday and  back in regular time we used to kick off a new week on Mondays so let’s  not kick this week off by waiting for normal to. Come back to  pick us up.  How about we experiment  with seeking instead.  How about we  test “better things come to those who try?”—or  the waiting will be the hardest part except  when we see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Unfortunately the light at the end of the tunnel is sometimes a train....

The rest of this week this blog will be my effort to seek peace and  joy by offering  some different perspectives on the world... Up next?  “What would. Today look like if  some of my favorite cartoon characters were president?” “What my headphones hear... and the battle to be. My favorite hat...

Have a brilliant day and  an exquisite week........ 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

More beer than you can shake a spear at?


It’s been said that all publicity is good publicity, however that was in the pre-pandemic era.  Let’s face it the world has  said and heard the brand name Corona more in the  last six months than it will ever. Hear again.  Ho, you say that’s not the beer?  Well  ldet’s do a little  association test shall we?  Close. You eyes and read the following list...what you can’t do that?  Okay  read each of the. Five. Words below and  then think of the first word that comes to mind.

  1. Blac
  2. Night
  3. Up
  4. In
  5. Corona

So I’ll take a dollar for every one of the following words that popped into. Your head.

White—Day—Down—Out—and Virus

Last year. With Lime might have stood a chance.  Twenty years ago the word social might have. Prompted  security.  Lately it probably brought forth media and now “distancing” is making a run for it.  Now if you have read any of  my entries you may have picked up on the fact that I’m not big fan of  “dualities” but they are strong and now we are. Being forced to mix them a bit.  Some of us are working from. Home.  However,  did any of us used to home from work and are we doing that now?   I know. A lot of folks who, at the last minute did homework at school and now we are doing a lot of school work at home.  The point is  that we can  flip some of the  standards if we are motivated to become. Flexible and this  social and medical context gives us a perfect opportunity to flip the script in many ways and learn a lot about ourselves and others.  On the other hand some of us. Really want the routine and normal to return as soon as possible and that’s a lesson too.

So what’s any of this have to do with  Beer?    

Well Corona was once just a beer and I think we owe it a little love and that probably. Goes for beer in general.  

I could, and have highlighted. How some of the pyramid worker’s salaries was  distributed as beer and———-

What?????a friend  just texted me to remind me that  it’s. The birthday of. William Shakespeare, and I’m writing about beer?  Well like most of Billy’s feats his actual day of birth is in some  fog.  The year is pretty clear at 1654 but there is some doubt whether it was  April 23rd or 26th when  we had ourselves a Baby Bard.  That being the case let’s go with what. We know.  Regardless of  his birthday (which we will. Talk about  on the 26th, ) the matter of his  paternity is not in doubt.  His father’s name was John.  Did  William inherit his  wits and. Skills from  his dad?  Not likely.  His dad wawas a would  have been. Called a multitasker in terms of jobs.  Officially it is reported that he was a glove-maker and salesman.  It is also reported that he “bought” and sold wool some of which. Was left over from his glove making.  However I don’t care who’s interested in making “g” love right nowJohn’s other occupation  intrigues me.  He made substantial income as a food taster and beer tester.  Now some of trained at college and sharpened our skills at these things, however John got paid for it.  Since beer was the staple drink of  most folks from age 12 on most countries had legal standards for beer and someone  had to test it.  John stepped up  todo the job.   Lest, (that’s sort of a Shakespearean word—we think that 16th century  England was advanced in having beer standards —read on Falstaff... 

Today in 1516 Bavaria  adopted Germany’s current standards for  quality and this is industry standard for many beers even today.  If the standard was set in 1516 when did the idea of standards start?  Well  there is evidence that as early as the 12th century Bavaria  had passed  ordinances  that beer determined to be too rotten for  normal drinking must either be thrown out or given. To poor citizens who. Could not afford good beer.  Now  I’ve had some bad beer, however, some of the “bad beer was known to contain wood shavings and or bad mushrooms and hallucinogens.    
So how does one tie this literary  brew together?  Corona was a beer and now it’s  got a bad name...but even beer has it’s standards.  The standard by which we measure  writing. Today often comes down to  how it compares with  Shakespeare, but  we don’t really even know for certain when to celebrate his birthday because it was either.the 23rd or the 26th of the month.  If we question how can we not know then take into account that William’s dad was a beer drinker for a living and so him not knowing exactly what day it is seems  a bit more understandable.  Many of us. Staying at home are losing track of what day it is and it is showing us. How routine and  dyed in the wool parts of our lives are and John Shakespeare also dealt in dyed wool.   My point in writing all this.was just to say seeking peace and joy means becoming aware of new and interesting. Connections in life and how important it is to always seek new  and fruitful ways to. Connect and work with others or in order to change yourself if you want.... If you didn’t get all that from what I wrote then I’ve just got one more thought for you today—-HAVE A NICE BEER! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The stones or the Beatles?

Stones or Beatles?  You Can’t  Always Get What.You Want so Let It Be

“So it’s just a small leak, but  a little water over a long time can do a lot of damage.”  
“Sometimes...but don’t go asking for big leaks.”  

That was the first part of my chat with the plumber this morning.  Then our conversation moved. Smoothly along...well as smoothly as a plumber laying  in a small puddle under  your sink could be.  
“We’re you.playing  Jumpin’ Jack  flash? 

“Guess I don’t need to ask you—Stones or Beatles?”   

“Not really—I said—shaking my head a little.   Today it’s the Stones—tomorrow it might be Beatles or Dylan or Mozart.  

Then the conversation stalled....

And that’s.often how it is these days.  The conversation is guided right toward a duality—a forced choice and then  there is a judgment  and then the chat crashes or moves forward awkwardly ir picks up speed with a handful of assumptions  assigned to. One or more people.  

Okay follow along as this. Conversation drags you from the plumber to peace and joy—-okay  it’s already going down the drain you think?  

Let’s  get our feet a little wet before we go there shall we?  How  would the conversation  gone differently if the plumber had asked his question. In another way—
 For example—-
“I heard you playing the  Stones, are they your favorite?”  My answer could have been —no I’m kind of a Johnny Cash Person really or Jimi’s the man.”   Or I could say...it depends on the day—and what does that do for the discussion?  

In these days of learning to do social distancing I would  argue that we’ve been using  a lot of dualistic language in the past 20 years to create social distance and distinctions is a big hurry.  I’m wondering if. When we can have contact in the near future we will have the courage to. Ask the open ended  questions needed to allow  people to  become comfortable with the “new real?”  for instance will the place you work have the courage to. Get staff together  and ask how this distance. Work impacted  mental health and productivity?”  Will people be willing to  speak open and freely about  work related challenges that they have had time to reflect upon?  

Unfortunately I can hear thousands of staff meetings opening with the statement.

I’m glad to be  back and getting back to normal aren’t you?”  The.question  could be “hey I thought. Of some things we might change and am wondering  if you thought  of any?   Which of these questions would lead to. More potential peace and joy?  

the point here is that. Our current pandemic gives us some choices about. The “normal” conversations we have when we return to some of the “comfortable” routines.  the questions we ask ourselves  and others will  give us. Oppportunities that only unusual circumstances can reveal.  I, for one, have been trying very hard to avoid all the typical “Have you stopped beating your wife?” Questions that have  become so common place.  
  Let’s. Ask how developing alternative ways of social. Behaviors has helped us and taught us.   

We have a great. Opportunity to find all the things we share in terms of values and to do so without  having to break the. Normal routine because  it’s already broken for us.  

so the Begees? Or Air Supply? Lol
Oh and as my daughter pointed out....”it can be okay to say—I don’t know enough to have an opinion on this.”  

If you want to restart America let’s start at a new. Starting line, give ourselves.choices on the course we  might  choose and be courageous enough to be curious.

More  soon 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Who does your team need NFL draft coming


Thursday night real sports. Will return as the NFL draft will tak,e place.  For  true sports fans this is the. First “real” activity that has happened in a virtual ocean of cancellations.   It has been interesting to  listen to the hyperanalytics  that have surrounded this event and maybe it’s the same as every year, however it seems. Somehow more critical this year that teams. Get  just the. Group of new prospects they need.  

So  what does this have to do with peace and joy?  Well many households are finding out  just how. Much a sports are consumed in their. Lives and  the importance of  supporting a team, looking at the world through the lens of a particular  team and sport is something that  helped us delineate seasons of the year, enter into conversations, and provided a safe arena for competition and  rivalry that  could be ramped down by saying “it’s only. A game.”   

So in the pandemic  when  the roles of our lives are getting disturbed one thing.that will change is the.team of social and  private support we can access and  use on a regular  basis.  Many people counted on their work team for social support and for a change (or even a break) from their home situations.  In some cases most of the conversations and other interactions they  engaged in took place at work—until  now.  If you are at work you could. Talk about the weather to. Coworkers and customers 30 times a day, however at home you have a much more limited. Audience.  Everyone in my house has already heard all my bad jokes way too many times, but people at work—well the jokes. We’re still good enough there.  
Also  in the “public” you might encounter a wide variety of people some very optimistic and some  pretty much on the other end of the spectrum.  In isolation the mannerisms and attitudes. Are likely to be much more constricted.   So here we have the draft.  Now is your opportunity to see what additions to your team in a different situation are needed.  You have the chance to really get to  value people who bring a smile to your. Face or add knowledge to your wisdom, or ask fascinating  questions that fuel your curiosity.  As we move forward we have a chance top think about who we know and what they add to our personal “seeking peace and joy” efforts.  We also. Have a great. Chance to  exercise different. Roles and and aspects of our. Personality as we hope to be drafted.  We can modify our stances a bit or.we can make new people aware of our.willlingness to share. Our  intellectual and social gifts.  

In short, it is a great time to decide what you have, and what you need in terms of  suppport and strength.in the. New world order and  to decide and  make people aware of.what you have to contribute.  

Your Peace and Joy Team is Onthe Clock and  your first selection is?   

Monday, April 20, 2020



As I finished brushing my teeth this morning, I turned on the hot water in order to wash my hands AGAIN!!! Then I turned to open the bathroom  door and wondered when that had last been washed.  Should I  wash it ?  Can I touch this?  According to Hammer “Can’t  Touch This!”  

As strange as it sounds that might. Go down as the lyrics to the “folk song of the 80’s , and why not?  You see last night I was  thinking about  some of my favorite. “Folk” classics like  “If I had a Hammer.”  From there I was thinking “I wish it were a simpler time, like. When Ilearned that song.  Then my mind wandered back to the  day(s) when I learned that song and remembered some of the other  songs I learned right then.  Well, I learned them on a YMCA (where it’s fun to stay—according to the village People) Day Camp  Bus.  We had about  a 50 minute trip out of town to reach the camp each day and  one of the counselors  figured  it would be best if we spent our time singing.  What I didn’t realize until  much later in life was that the counselor taught us  war protest songs we were then singing at the top of our lungs as we rolled through afairlyy conservative  Midwest town.  Just a few of the songs were:

Blowin’ in the wind
Where Have All the Flowers gone
If I had a Hammer
500 Miles
Snoopy and the Red Baron.

We also learned. Big rock Candy  Mountain  and Turn, Turn, Turn...

Now  of course I was later to learn that most of these songs were staples of one Pete Seeger who along with Woody Guthrie and his son (Arlo)  were probably the most prolific. Folk song recorders of the 20th century.  What about. Dylan?  It’s hard for me to think anyone equals  Bobby Zimmerman and yet Pete Seeger gives him a run for the money.  Pete made it a point to record not only songs he wrote, but. He also recorded  folk music from all over the globe and most parts of the US.  He built a trememndos catalogue of recordings for “folkways” and you can look this up in the library of congress, however, I think he holds the record for recording  for the loc and the smith Smithsonian.  He crisscrossed the  country and  captured  a thousand songs on his banjo and left them for  school children and adults to learn and we are still teaching. Them and learning them today.  
Was Pete famous?  Well the government kept pretty good tabs  on him and he got. Caught up in the red scare.  His songs about greed and social injustice made him antiestablishment for sure, but he was not a communist by any means.  

He didn’t really seek fame as a popular. Artist at any point in his.career and he focused more attention on  making sure the voices of  the unsung were preserved and  represented than his own celebrity.   He made a concerted effort to invite the crowd to sing along and would often feed them  the lyrics as songs were performed.  

In short, Pete Seeger worried more about the songs being enjoyed and remembered than personal gain and glory.   WI think there. Would be much more peace and joy if we all  tried to make sure  voices were heard, ideas were shared, and engagement and enjoyment  were. A focal point of more events.  

Okay coming full circle to “you can’t touch this” it’s time for the pandemic  journal for today.  I’m wondering. How much time  I spend making sure the quieter voices get heard in a time when those voices could easily get isolated and overlooked?   Is anyone paying attention  to what “distancing” is doing to the ability to listen?  When we go back to a “post-pandemic”  world will we make the effort to have the whole  audience learn the songs and be able to sing if they so choose or will we maintain our. Toilet paper hoarding tendencies?   We  have been learning to shelter ourselves, however, will be put the same effort into sharing our spirit when we get  the daily opportunities  through social  media and when this  medical and social event runs it’s course?  My personal plan is to start looking for  the works of others to share with readers .  Will you get my. Particularly warped  perspective on them?  Sure, but I will  put the lyrics out there and you can sing along if you’d like or invent your own versions of things.  The point is—it’s time that  seeking peace and joy gets. To be a community enterprise through the sharing of  thoughts and feelings that are begging to be. Shared and, appreciated, and preserved—-Thanks Pete.  

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Oh no not my favorite jeans

Oh Lord, Not my favorite jeans! 


Usually—what a strange word—I’ve heard it so often lately.  “Usually we’re open from....”. Usually we eat out on  Wednesday” “Usually Uncle Phil comes over on Saturday” and usually I save the  Pandemic Journal for the end of a post... but there’s no real reason to pretend that what usually. Happens is, or need to be, happening right now.  Therefore the journal—entry 7– comes first today.

 I had a moment of enlightenment  yesterday... Oh I didn’t see the face of God, reveal the final  variables needed to  build a unified theory of energy and matter, or even  figure out  how to open the  plastic  wrapping that  came on  my headphones—-you know the kind that you  wind up using a pair of scissors  to open and sometimes a knife to pry open.   

Anyway the enlightenment came with regard to  my wardrobe.  Oh you’ve seen my  dressing habits and you can’t believe I’m enlightened?—fair enough... I’ll clarify.

Yesterday I realized I almost have a new favorite pair of jeans!   We’re friends here solet’s be honest...we all have a favorite pair of jeans if we wear them.  They aren’t your favorite  right off the shelf.  You have to  break them in.  Until you do that you can’t tell for sauce if they are. Going to sag in the rear (at your waist  or down below).  You don’t. Know if they are going to  sag at the belly or  be just enough too long that when they get wet you step on the  back of the left leg.  Worst of all you have no idea if they are going to “ride up” in any of a couple of really unfortunate spots.  

Well yesterday I almost wrecked the  “newer” jeans I’ve been breaking in and those jeans have the potential to be the new number 1.  Fortunately some quick thinking and  a good wash machine saved them.  Of course that  spurred some thinking about the pandemic.  A lot of us have. Days and events that are like our old comfortable jeans that almost have a big hole somewhere that can’t. Be hidden or  repaired in a way that is publicly. Acceptable.   In many ways it may be helpful to think of our new set of habits and social distances as  “new jeans.”  We  now have some chances to make new choices and we will have Salome time to. Wear them  in before. We take them out in public.  If you are  looking at “elephant bells” make sure to  restrict them with a rubber band because these will get caught in your bike  chain.  Remember  that  new jeans never. Quite feel the best right off the shelf,, however your temporary discomfort. Will not bring your old jeans back so give the universe or your bodacious backside  a bit of time to slightly alter the. Fabric of your life to  really  be okay when you shake  shake. Shake it.  

In short remember that your comfort zone has and alsways will change a little and sometimes you don’t get to. Pick when the process starts and is finished.  
In short work hard to be patient—not with the world—-the world will be just fine—-be patient. With. Yourself and  your. New skin (thigh new jeans).   The )PE) is underway so get yourself some. New 501s or Lee or Wranglers or Wrustlers or  whatever ...  and start feeling the change until you have the comfort of your. New favorite jeans.  

Okay  now we go to  some new building blocks.  As always I’m not looking back to see what I wrote a couple weeks ago som my wonderfully flawed  mind  is providing the. First. Couple verses and I’ll add two more today.

Enjoy  and  look for more  in a day or two.  
 The Building Blocks Pandemic Style 

Well the world spins in a wobbly spiral
COVID -19  well it’s gone viral
So we can’t haunt the same old places
See all the familiar faces
As each routine fades or fails
We must fill in new details
Some will fly some will be frozen
As light shines on  the paths we’ve chosen 
As we explore new social distance
We’ll seek  acceptance  find some  resistance
Find some relief find some  despair
Make sure others know you  you still care

You’ll find some strength and yet. Feel strange
Become  aware of. How you’ll change
Let the past just pass  let today begin
And get to  know the glow you have within

Friday, April 17, 2020

Social distancing simplified


Earlier in the the week a friend of mine  noted on his social media that  the COVID-19 suggested  “distancing distance of six feet  was approximately  1.8 meters.   He did this to assist those who use the metric system as a common form of measurement   Some local stores have  erected signs showing that six feet is  6 or 4 floor tiles apart.  I applaud these efforts, however, I don’t know how quick people are with their math and how intuitive counting tile or imagining. Meter sticks is, therefore. As a public. Service—and just because I think it’s fun, I  decided to provide some other units of measure that may  be more familiar to many readers during this social distancing  time.   

Let’s start with. Social distancing for chocolate.lovers.  M&Ms  is the most popular chocolate. Product sold in the u.S.  followed closely by the Hershe (sp) bar.  Now it would take about 9,400 M&Ms laid end to end to. Go the length of a football  field so  that means 6to keep. A safe social distance you should  keep people  188  or so m&ms  away.

Since we can’t go to the beauty. Shop or barber during this time our hai will be growing longer than usual.  Let’s hope we don’t. Start using hair as the measuring device though.  The average human hair only grows about 6 in. Per year.  It would take 12 years to  grow the  right length  and that’s assuming  you don’t have. Curly hair and that you  wouldn’t be pulling  out all your hair if. Social distancing. Went on that long.  

In Michigan we are. Not allowed to take. Cans back for recycling during the. Shelter in place order.  So we have plenty of  cans around right now.  The average 12 ounce. Beer can is 4.5 inches tall, therefore establishing social distancing  would require.16 cans laid out end to endIf you have not emptied  your own by now, I am certain you could reach out to. Friends and neighbors who would be glad to help as long as you had. Some delivered they would empty them and throw the empties. In your front yard for. No additional fee.   

Most people’s thumb is about  an inch wide so of course that means. It would take 72 thumbs to measure the six feet.,   If you find someone with 72 thumbs it’s time to stay plenty far away from them.   

Anyway...what does any of this have to do with peace and joy?   
For me, it has been interesting to think about. When, where, and  how I determine  to be close or farther away from people either physically. Or emotionally.  I have taken time to think about. My physical and emotional.”comfort  zone with a large number of  folks and why I erstablish and change. It over time.   I have come to the tenuous  conclusion  that I probably  need to  exercise. More empathy  when determining. The comfort zone that I think others might have and wonder if this. Social dsisatancing will change that for folks?   In any case, I think I will be more aware and more open with regard to expressing what makes me comfortable and what my social distance  needs are in the future.  I may need to experiment. Some  so I will  keep plenty of beer around in order to. Build an accurate data base.  

Seriously perhaps more peace and joy would be possible if we  become truly aware of our surroundings and the people in them.... Try to stay close enough to be conn3ected and provide enough room for  growth and change.  I have only emptied. 1.5. Cans today so I’d better get to work if I want to have  my measuring tools. In place by Monday.


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Short but sweet thank you Thursday

To the students of my old high  school (Notre Dame Burlington, Iowa——and most of my  other  friends and family as well—
Today’s post is going to be short.  Believe me it’s not that I don’t have a ton to be thankful for, because if a person doesn’t think theyhavethingsto be grateful for, they aren’t. Looking  very hard.  For  example, be thankful that the phone was invented because in this time of. Sheltering  in place the phone and the internet )made possible by the phone ) are two avenues of staying informed, fed, and entertained right from home.  Since we  need to wash our hands a lot,be thankful that we have indoor plumbing because going. Up the hill  to fetch a pale of water and then heating it up to wash our hands would be a real pain.  I also want to say thanks to all my friends (even all the facebook ones) who  have proven we still value a diversity of thought in our country and are not afraid. To express an opinion.  I have seen an amazing mix of concern, outrage, humor, patriotism, and good old fashion love in the face of something scary.  People. Have employed creative ways to support each other and give some thought to what is “essential.”  We have disagreed on some things, however we have attacked each other’s ideas not them personally.  These are all things I have seen without looking very haard.  In short, we have paid attention to the better angels of our nature (a Notre Dame reference).  This reminds me of a couple of quotes and since  I said I was keeping. This short I will end today with  two quotes and market the fact. That tomorrow will be a podcast day and the final installment. In the “toilet paper monologues—just subscribe to  peace and joy 505 5he podcast on all the major  platforms—
Okay enough for my commercial...A sincere thanks to  all of you and here’s the quotes.

  1. This is from the minimalists—-Use things and love. People because the opposite just doesn’t work.”
  2. Speak from your heart to show your genuine beliefs are right. And true and listen with. Your mind as if you may be wrong.

More  soon

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Happy birthday again


 Twenty-three years ago at 8:09 AM  Central time my daughter Amanda was born—or  more accurately  removed and became a full participant in this reality.  All my children have achieved miraculous  things not the least of which has been surviving my parenting—and I use the term loosely.  

In terms of. Finding peace and joy—notice I didn’t say. Seeking—parenting has been  the strangest. Part of the ride in many ways.  It has sure taught me the most lessons and as difficult as it is  to be a parent some days....  I could not be the person I am without the  treasure chest of lessons this role has given...

However, this.entry isn’t so much about  parenting as it is about  Birthdays and how we celebrate them.   

Let’s start with  Cake—

In my youth and until not so long ago I used to  like. Birthday cakes of almost every kind except for cocoanut  and German chocolate.  In recent years, birthday cake gives me heartburn.  Oh, what’s that I should blow out the candles and take them off before eating the cake?  Alright I’ll try that.  Speaking. Of that the most candles I have ever seen on a cake is 71 when my brother turned 11 and my Grandfather turned 60 and we celebrated with the same cake.  Somehow  they all were placed on the cake and lit.  Between the two of them blowing and spitting out candles, I’m not  sure the frosting maintained it’s original flavor—oh well.  

So ...what do we really know about  birthdays and cakes?   

Well you often get a free mini-cake at your favorite restaurant  after the staff comes out and sings some version of  the birthday song and most people in the English speaking world know the song, however, many do not know that the cake came before the song which. Was written by two sisters from Kentucky  in 1893.    I wonder what  people said or sang. Before that song?   I suspect when someone got to be my age back in those days the crowd could have belted out. “On top of old Smokey” because there would have been quite a blaze if people Just sat around staring.  What songs should be  offered  up.   

In doing some. Quick research—about. Birthday and other cakes it seems the first reference to “birthday” cake was in about 1785, however further research  suggested that the Roman, maybe in the 8th or 9th century  had a version of  birthday cake and a tradition of offering that cake on birthdays.  Further,  it appears that  the sweet type of cake we think of today probably originated in  the 1400s in Germany—-you guessed it—it was likely.German. Chocolate.”

Now  I read some more because I wanted to find out about the whole candle thing.   The same  likely originated in Ancient Greece so  the history of  cakes is completely in  doubt as far as I. Am concerned.     The most expensive birthday cake  that incorporated diamond-encrusted icing was valued. At about $75 million.  With a cake like that  you wouldn’t need to wish for anything except for maybe a “to go” box.  

There is some dispute regarding the. Largest birthday cake.  Some  attribute the largest cake to a birthday and  say it was also used. As part of a wedding.  No matter I say.  The  cake was measured at approximately 22 feet tall.  However, this monster was not as tall as the tower of cupcakes that holds the record at  nearly 40 feet tall and combined some 18,818  cupcakes.  Holy  happy  birthday Batman that’s a lot of  those little paper cake holders.  Now that pales in comparison to the tallest cake ever constructed.  It was a “Christmas” cake and skyrocketed up to 108 feet tall.  
I would love to know what. Type of cement. Mixer truck was used to. Put ice cream  down by that cake.    

NowI could go on and. On about birthday and other cakes but there is a national cake day in. November so I’ll hold off.  I do want to get to he implications for peace and joy.

We use  cake to celebrate the. Birth of people who contribute to our lives.  I wonder if one day. Of celebration. A year is. Enough for the really  key contributors to our. Peace and joy?   So many times we limit our gratitude  for folks because. Hallmark says “this is  the day”—-Well .... screw that—I propose that anytime you see a birthday cake  and the staff comes out  to dance in a line and sing whatever hideous. Version of the song they choose, we all whisper the names of three people we would like to celebrate that day and every day.  What the heck, the next time you see any cake in any context—even a ho ho or a ding dong—think of someone to celebrate.  Maybe do the same each time we light any candle not just the ones on a cake.  You see seeking peace and joy means recognizing  the good things in life—-especially the gifts that come ion the  form of our fellow humans.  

So today when I think of the 23 candles on my daughter’s cake...I’m going to  think of 23 people I am privileged to know and challenge you to do the same.

Happy Birthday Amanda