Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Reading between the lines part three it’s a comic but not a comedian plus a bonus rhyme

 Time its value folks debate

Time in days we track by date

Time goes fast when we are late

Time move slow  when we must wait

Time so cherished  when life’s’s great

Time used well we celebrate

Timeshall pass and seal your fate

Time too short to waste on hate

Tick Tock  

So the beginning of this is a literary appetizer I shared  it on some other social media a couple days ago, however  I wrote it for all the readers  that dare consume my idle ramblings.    Okay now pack to the “library  “reading” arena. Part 3

If you’ve been reading along and remember if you don’t read along the teacher might skip the person in front. Of. You or they may pull the old “I have to use the bathroom” ploy  and thus you’ll have to read aloud today and not tomorrow.  Oh come on now don’t tell me. You weren’t one of those people who tried to guess just when your turn would come or  at the very least you knew the kids who had a hard time reading and felt crappy for them.   So anyway if you’ve been reading along you know we have been chatting up the Library of Congress a bit.  I thought for now we could put a bookmark. In the discussion by giving a nod to one of the least respected  sections  in most libraries  including the good old loc.  The comic book section.   

Now you might think that geeky  Melvin  who lived down the block and always wore black socks with his shorts had a big comic book collection, but alas …. The goood old Library. Of congress holds the world’s largest publicly held  collection of comics.  We’re talking issues from more than  12,000 different comic series and a total of over 140,000 unique issues.  Since these issues have not been graded for quality and there is no plan to ever sell them at auction, it is hard to estimate the value of this collection but it goes  far beyond  the dime a piece that many of these gems have marked on the cover and probably  even well beyond the $4.00 each that most of these pint-sized paperbacks sell for now.  

So how many of these comic books. Do I own?  How many have I ever owned?  Why does the library of Congress own them?  

Well I own zero and have never owned any.  It would have been fun to be in the room where it happened—no not the Hamilton song—the room where somebody said…yep the Library of Congress needs to have comics.  Okay, maybe  many of our lawmakers can only digest short books with lots of pictures written for junior high boys?   I could see that given some of the other things congress folks have done.   

Now what’s the “Seeking Peace and Joy”. Point?

Like so many of you books have been and will always be  an important part of how I engage in learning and no one can read. Every  book of any type let alone every book of every type.  I would hazard a guess that there are some morals to the stories in comics and that they spark the imagination of some people…. If so, then they are the fuel. For thought that runs some mental engines and for that I salute the 1938 introduction of truth justice and the American Way… Imagine what one word  could mean… What if the saying were “truth, justice,  “OR” the American way?   What if the Man of Steel was the Man of Plastic and was stickier than a speeding taxi?   Anyway…. We have this Library of Congress and you can use it to answer questions and raise some others.  Seeking Peace and Joy is a trip through the learning library of life and every library. Has its place.   The only thing to do now is leave you with my favorite quote. About books and reading    

According. To Groucho Marx….

Outside of a dog a book is man’s best friend.  Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read…

Live and Learn —reverse and repeat

Friday, August 26, 2022

This library? A big deal? For Congress?

 Read?— Between the Lines? Part Two

The Library of Congress What’s the Big Deal?

Well it’s not just a library for congress, however, what if…. Every member of congress checked out  100 items from the library a year?   How long would it take  for each member  to get through the entire collection held as of right now?  Well …. Here’s an argument  for term limits… It would take  just about 2000 years or 1,000 freaking elections for members of the House.  Now  if the average  American (reading an average of 12 books a year and lives about 80 years  started reading just the books and left the “media” collections behind it would take 260 or so lifetimes  to get from the table of contents to the acknowledgements or index so to speak.  Yep..if you then included the media… let’s round that off to a cool millennium per person.  If you read a book from the library  every day. It would take you over 68,000 years and that’s without listening  to any of the recordings or browsing the incredible digital image collection.  

Just one more bit of info to give folks a perspective on the size of this library?  If you take the “average” size of a library for a city of 50,000 th 100,000  the Library of Congress is 1,000 times that size.  How many librarians would that take to be walking around telling kids like me to be quiet….wow!

If you want to know more about this library of congress or if you are wondering if most of our elected officials even know how to read…well you can find out a whole lot more by going to the website and digging in.  

So what’s exploring the scope of this massive collection have to do with seeking peace and joy?  It would seem  there are two lessons that you can pull from the shelf without even using the card catalog.  What’s a card catalog?  If you are a pre-Netscape  Navigator  person try explaining that to a youth… 

Anyway the two lessons

The first is that you can learn something new every day and in the never ending  adventure we call life gaining new knowledge to overcome fear of the unknown and to solve problems/challenges having access to information sure helps.  

Second… there is a good reason to honor humility.  So you think you know a lot?  Do you know people who think they know it al?  Well… given the above facts  it would seem evidence  proves just how little  everyone might know.  Maybe we need each other to help fill in the gap and maybe the gap is like the Grand Canyon rather than the little crack in the corner of your phone screen?  

Let’s face it the Library of Congress has been collecting  information for a couple of hundred years and has materials that date back centuries including a Gutenberg Bible (which I think I used in Catholic grade school).   Yet, that’s just one collection of knowledge and even if it is the largest library in the world it’s a literal drop in the bucket.  so take some peace and joy in the notion that you can always find new clues to the mysteries of life and that you will never  be searching alone.  Know that there. Will always be wisdom to be had each day and that no one can claim to have it all.  

And speaking of “all”. This is about all I am inspired to write today… I have a book to listen to and a walk to take and encourage you to do the same.  Peace

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Reading—Between the Lines (part one)

 A Nod of Gratitude to Writers, Books, and Libraries (Part One)

So at around 10:30 this morning I finished listening to a third book in the past 24 hours.  Okay “come on” you sigh “how can this be?”  Well I didn’t sleep well last night and  I listen to books at about 200-225% of normal listening speed.  So I spent about 12 hours listening to what would be approximately  750 pages of mystery fiction (3 books worth.  Now this is somewhat normal behavior for me and I listen to all sorts of things of varying lengths.  IIt’s usually a little later in the year when I start tallying up  my reading/listening, however I decided to do this today just for fun and because  I came across some interesting information about books and libraries I wanted to share  over the next few days.  Stacking the three books on the pile of other things I have consumed the total  read as of today is 407 books read for the first time this year.  I have reread  a sparse 23 titles so this puts the total at 430.  Now there are about 62 books I have started without finishing and I will eventually finish  about half of those.  

Now how is it  that I decide to read /listen to all this stuff?  Well that’s easy…. I don’t like to be afraid and the easiest  way to fight fear is to kick it’s literal butt by craving curiousity.  Of course  is there a bunch of things to be afraid of once you learn about them?  Sure, however the unknown  is what most people are afraid of most the time and gaining knowledge is  one way to turn a cowboy wearing tin foil int a knight in shining armor.  

In addition to this curiosity… I tend to surround myself with friends who are also relentless learning machines.  Some people call us nerds but oh well.  

But you have to have to have stuff to read and so the other part of the equation is that people keep writing  combinations of words that form thoughts and stories worth reading and that prompt thoughts worth having.  

Where do I get  the books? 

Well from all over…but since I qualify for the National Library Services  for the blind and physicallly disabled  I get a lot from there and I also get digital books from a paid source and I buy some from all sorts of places.  Do I have an andvantage over others?  No way… Everyone has access to millions of books in fact it’s probably millions and millions and we’ll go into  that tomorrow when we talk about. The world’s largest  library… The library of congress.  

So..a teaser about this…. Most people know. That the library was established in 1800 (well no most people don’t know that) and that Thomas Jefferson gets credit for restocking the library with his collection after  the British burned the  original library  during the war of 1812.  Jefferson gets credit for  parting with his personal colllection, however before standing to applaud you should know that he sold his books at a top dollar price allowing him to pay off  most of his personal debt at the taxpayers expense.  So the whole revolving door of politicians cashing in after “public” service started  a long long time ago and will probably be with us a while……. 

Anyway. To sum up read for knowledge and to feed curious minds that hammer back against all the fear the world provides on its own plus all the fear that people try to use to convince of things they’d rather have us believe than offering real evidence for us to think about..    And… thanks to all the writers who have the  courage to put something down  for us to take in, think about, form meanings with, and share.  

And having written that… stop and think until tomorrow. -

Monday, August 22, 2022

What’s the “tooth Worth These Days?

Now that’s. A mouthful….

Today is National Tooth Fairy  Day and since this blog has featured  theTF and other fictional children’s heroes we won’t go into the origin story.  This is more or less.a parental and grand parental update provided just protect your “cool quotient” by making sure  you are slipping the right reward. Under the pillow.  

According to Delta Dental the large dental insurance corporation the nationwide payout per tooth has risen to an all-time high of $4.70.  As with most things the cost is higher on the coasts averaging nearly a dolllar higher on the East Coast and about 75 cents higher in California.  It’s about a quarter and a nichel cheaper for tooth fairies who eat a lot of grits and whistle Dixie and nearly a dollar cheaper for tooth fairies  who know that dear is really spelled Deere and that you don’t pronounce the s in either Des or Moines.  

So…other than making sure we pay up for these markers of childhood what does the tooth fairy have to do with seeking peace and joy?   Well  just this

We should all pay some attention to what comes out of. Our mouths—-when seeking peace and joy

You see. If we would be willling to say “this is why I’m afraid of change”. Then those around us might be able to encourage us to make the leap and build the world we seek.  If we  were honest and the words “I just don’t understand, but explain your observation to me again” could come from our mouths instead of automatically closing our ears and our minds maybe  we could experiment and find lots of solutions to the complicated  obstacles that the universe  hands us…. In short if we become aware of our messages and their meanings we might find magic in what comes from our mouths and $4.70 would be the smallest of possible rewards…. For now let’s tie a string to out ignorance so the next time we are slamming a door a reward of wisdom might be had…..

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Where Stories Come From? 8 Line Rhyme Time

 Life takes strangely twisted trails

We race like cheetahs crawl like snails

Through sweet success and  epic fails

We hear the chalkboard scraped by nails

Leaks from roofs drop into pails

Spirits break from concrete jails

As Karma nods and evens scales

And gives the world it’s poets” tales

Life Stories?