The things We Do For Love…Well Maybe
Like walkin’ through the rain and the snow when there’s no place to go”
No this isn’t a recitation of the. 10CC classic and I’m not feelin’ like a part of me is dying… the thing is it’s 3:39 AM and yes my mature adult liquid processing biomechanics have prompted me to side and complete a frequent function. Which is of course a fancy way of saying once again I’m up to go pee. And per usual my day begins by checking out the newest episodes of a couple podcasts, and scanning a few apps to see if there were any little numbers otherwise called notifications that needed attention. Then I’m thinking to myself—“Self, why in the world do I care about these notifications and this “social media?” This leads to. How many hits (downloads and views) have my contributions to social media had lately? That in turn sparks the pondering of “am I doing social media like oh let’s say this blog for attention or because it’s my way of contributing to the active creation of a culture I want to live in?
Well clearly it must be a little of both or I wouldn’t have a tote board down on the right hand side of this blog.. and yet this morning it was clear that I usually and almost always check that number to see if my writing is sparking the thoughts or musing of folks who are constantly pounded by worn out simple mass media themes. Today… it really did hit me that many people really engage in creating content to make others smile and think, offer public information etc. Some do this to sell and convince others of things… yet many do this for the reasons I do… for LOVE”
I write this blog and do the podcast and dribble on facebook and twitter because it promotes LOVE
L—is for Learning and Laughter
The entire purpose of doing my social media has only two important aspects… learning and laughter.
Nothing gets published or distributed if I haven’t learned something that inspires me to share. But learning alone isn’t usually quite enough this social media effort encourages me to find novel ways of connecting everyday things and that for me usually involved a bit of humor. Oh and humor produces groans?—well mostly, however sometimes there is laughter. Laughter. Is incredibly good for all of us so this is a healthcare blog? Okay let’s not go overboard You know like asking if Dracula always asks for a plasma TV or being concerned. For mummies because they rarely can relax and unwind. So I do these things for the lounge of learning and sharing that learning and for the promotion of laughter.
I—Observations and Obligations
Thanks Steve E..This social media I offer just is a sharing of slightly strained and modified observations designed to say.. what if we reconsidered things? What if sorted stuff in slightly different piles prior to putting them on the shelf. What if we left wiggle room in order to change our minds and experiment with new options? What if we used observations instead of declarations of certainty. Observations show beliefs without demanding to be declared the winner in the knowledge war.
Oh and then we do the social media thing because when the universe, the grace of the universal sound, “God” if you will ..the collective soul… provides a being with some insights they are probably shareable need since generosity is good.. I shouldn’t be the only one learning from my mistakes… in other words we owe each other the lessons we have gathered and to me this is an OBLIGATION of sharing to be done.
Look… I do this because I believe I have something to offer and that what gets put out into the seeking peace and joy universe has value (another V word). I could and often do.. share a lot of my content in non-socal media ways… but these social media platforms show me the data.. They show me that others have used some of their valuable time to read or listen. In short, they stroke my vanity and answer the question… does anyone out their understand or want to understand my mind, my spirit, and frailties? Well over the past four years some 40,00 individuals or bots have spent an average of 8 minutes a week taking in my observations and if you trust the analytics…every little bit of what I sling out hits the fan of at least 48 people per day every single day… So… maybe my vanity creates value?
Doing these social media prompts me to explore things I never would have researched and shared without the outlets I take advantage of. For example I’m preparing to look at a very in-depth social media campaign on aging and things like community-based and nursing home care. To do this I have started to explore all types of angles including the economics. Doing this led me to comparing our social treatment of the price of gas to the cost of nursin home or institutional care. So doing this has revealed that the way we determine. And publish consumption numbers related to gasoline allows folks to present use at anywhere between about 350 gallons per capita to around 500 and some would even say it’s closer to 700 gallons… Each one of these numbers is true in it’s own way… so … when someone says they only want the facts let this be known… the facts are only step one… exploring what the facts mean to others and to you is where the richness lives. So we explore to find facts and then explore these facts and our souls to offer and share meanings… So “seeking Peace and Joy” prompts me to explore a little and then explore some more….
Summing up..
My social media is one of the “things We do for Love”. If you are reading this you are doing it with me… ooops that sounds kind of creepy and probably has weird social connotations… but seriously… let’s keep loving each other enough to learn, observe, use our vanity to create valuable content and keep exploring always instead of being afraid…
Yes… as we approach a new year…
Keep “love—ING. EACH OTHER
Love you all… just not all at once LOL. See you in 23