So in a world of everything important being said in 30 seconds or less we can shrink 12 days of Christmas into just a few more entries.
There’s no doubt that this is a fictional song simply because in any legitimate “dance” event there would never be more males than females dancing….so the lords leaping could never outnumber the ladies dancing. However, a lyric that mentioned five ore six guys two-stepping while the other lords were sitting on the bleachers or checking ESPN on their phones would be pretty hard to sing. As for the maids ho are milking for a gift now there’s a gift. The endless supply of milk beats a bird in a fruit tree especially if it includes the cows which could at some point be steak. Now the question I might have would be… On the 13th day of Christmas would we be thinking about building a barn to handle the Christmas gifts and on valentine’s Day is the true love going to be dropping off off a pen full of prime Iowa pigs and maybe a stable full of palomino ponies?
Now let’s get to the peace and joy perspective on this….
We’ve got a couple more days of the song and they speak of musicians which would go well with the dancers and because we are hoping that the new year contains some joy and since dancing usually reflects joy… it might be a good idea that no matter how many left feet you have… you should take a moment to listen to the music and let your feet do what they might.
Well this is being written on New Year’s Eve so it seems like a little extra may be in order….. so here’s a little 8-line rhyme to top this post off and if you listen carefully you can hear some pipers piping to introduce the final entry in 12 day saga….Happy New Year!
This year’s about to swap
And This joint? it’s going to hop
So watch out for the cop
As Teenyboppers start to bop
When the ball’s about to drop
The tunes they jam non-stop
The cork you hear it pop
Cheer loud we’re at the top