Sunday, May 26, 2024

Encourage attempts to ban books

 Every School District should Have Parents Attempt to ban Books

Now wait just a minute you say?  Are you kidding me?  Don’t you think seeking peace and joy might line up on the side of freedom of ideas?  Isn’t it important to express ourselves if we aren’t going to get all tangled up and disturbed?  Doesn’t this seem to contradict the notion of encouraging folks to attempt to limit what’s available in the libraries in our schools?  Well….. 

Let’s throw some facts and ideas around  shall we?  

To start with the American Library Association (they know a thing or two about books and libraries and such)

Does a survey regularly and what real data show them about people in the U.S. is that in any given year each of us may start reading around 13 books a year.  However, we only finish 5 of them.  Now in any given year in the modern era there are 150 million books in print.  So if any given person is only reading 5 out of 150 million goess what  there is only a 1 in 30 million chance that a person reads any given book from cover to cover including the offensive parts.   Wait you say we only mean these “new books that have that strange stuff in them”.. Well alright in any given year  about 4 million new books get published so the chance  a given book gets scanned before it’s banned is 1 in 800,000.  Now if our school libraries had more math books perhaps we would all already know these odds, however, there doesn’t seem to be a public outcry for more math books…just saying.  In fact down below there are some other “outcry” suggestions… but not quite yet.  

Most “books to be Banned” lists contain more than 5 titles so odds are that the folks who want them banned haven’t read them, their families haven’t read them, their kids have never heard of them, and since most school libraries have pitiful budgets once these books are known as controversial they are likely to be stolen and then they won’t be replaced.  

Now let’s stick with people being concerned about what’s in the school library for a minute.  Before recent days parent’s didn’t seem to care and most parents were far more more likely to know where the football/soccer fields and the basketball floor was than where the library is let alone what’s in the library.  So maybe finding out where the library is could be a good first step?  Let’s keep moving shall we?  Now.. how many parents out there would like to demand that all controversial books be pulled just so students don’t stumble upon one?  Well that sounds okay… until… until we have a bunch of books that don’t have recent interpretations of the universe in them.   Do we recall that Galileo was tossed out of the church with his book supporting the crazy notion that the Earth and the planets revolve around the sun?  He and his book could have been burned for such craziness.  Okay you say we don’t mean that kind of book.   You mean book full of violence, sex, wars, disasters, demons, people who wentarainst societal norms you know that kind of book?  How many copies of the Bible would you like us to pop into the dumpster?  

Now…let’s not get all snarky… okay.. we absolutely should focus upon what all children and youth need to learn to be successful contributors to society.  Does that include  how some people should have sex with some other people  or that kids need to worry about whether or not they have the right body parts?   Well this might come as a bit of surprise to some folks, however, it seems like human beings have been able to learn about sex without any books at all and the evidence seems pretty clear on that.  There wasn’t a gigantic population explosion right after the printing press was invented.  Also it wouldn’t seem that teachers have so much time that they need to explore whether Billy should have curvy hips because Francine would honor his feminine side if s/he did.  

If we want to expand what schools are going to teach let’s do that.  How about beginning with changing a tire?  Oh and. If public transit ever gets efficient we might not need to teach that so let’s teach kids how to fix a toilet or unclog a drain in other places because you might not ever use algebra to figure out when the train coming from Chicago  is going to pass the farmer. Driving his tractor while listening to willie nelson somewhere in Indiana, but the first time your old college friend and his sister comes to visit your toilet is going to act up for certain.  

Oh and while it’s okay to learn how to play kickball or dodgeball because there’s not enough scary stuff coming at us outside of school

Maybe our physical education could include learning how to brush our teeth, eat, drink and wipe ourselves with both or either hand. You see most. Of us are going to break a wrist, burn our hand, dislocate a shoulder etc at some point and these are very handy life skills to know before getting out there among the masses.  

Well let’s summarize a bit before this becomes the sequel to War and Peace—we would have said “The Grapes of Wrath” but it’s been banned in some places—

The attempt to ban particular books may point some needed attention at school libraries.  On the other hand banning a few books in the total population of available books when people only read a thimble full off books in the bath tub of available books seems pretty inefficient.  Oh and if we throw in the 3.75 million YouTube videos added as an information source  banning books seems like we are placing a postage stamp sized  “caution sign” on a dirt road that sits right next to a wide open superhighway where cars are going80 miles per hour.  

There are ideas  that are better discussed in homes and other places  than in schools not because kids aren’t going to have ideas about things, however, most of these ideas have been shared throughout history way before the printed book and by people who didn’t have  to grade papers and have lunchroom duty already.  Well and in terms of handling body parts that don’t seem quite right  with school curriculums… well I have this small bump about two inches left of center on my chest—should I find the shop teacher  and ask if I like Billy or Barbie better will I feel okay ablout the bump?  And I have other body parts that I’d like to change…but  oh well… I don’t need a library book about that.  

So how about we compromise…. If we are going to form committees to ban books then let’s form some to expand knowledge.   If you want to ban a book you have to read it in from of someone who wrote the book and ask if you are getting the point and if you are.. then you can ban the book if and only if you write a book to replace it.  

Maybe in the end we could all just understand that schools are a learning resource, books are some ideas we shared but won’t demand everyone to agree upon, and that we work hard to find purposes that we can agree upon and then determine what information, analysis , and learning might be needed to address these purposes regardless of what type of people have what types of bodies are involved.   Oh and when push comes to shove  let’s accept the ideas of Marx—Groucho not Karl… who tells us

Outside of a dog the book is a man’s best friend—inside  of a dog it’s too dark to read.”  


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Is the sky the limit really?

 Staring Northward from my deck not from a palace

Mother Nature reveals kindness over malice 

The sky fills up with jewels

For princes queens and fools

This sight we call aurora Borealis

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Live jazz sometimes


Some got stoned the others got drunk

So bored with the robotic junk

Horn swayed like an elephant’s trunk

While the sax master laid down some funk

Put to shame ancient disco and punk

The tensions from mid-day just shrunk

Went home chanted prayers like a monk

Mind at peace calmly slept in my bunk

Monday, May 6, 2024

Tired of Drinking the Kool-Aid? Is your glass half empty or half full?

 Who’s Tired of drinking the Kool-aid?

Worldwide we all have been drinking the Kool-Aid for almost a century.  It has been97 years since eddy Perkins from Hastings Nebraska invented the stuff by experimenting in his mother’s kitchen and somehow General Mills and now Kraft have been able to sell a colored, sort of flavored, powder that really only has somewhat of a taste due to the massive portion of sugar that gets added when you make it or in the case of “sugar-free” the amount of artificial sweeteners in the stuff.  While it generally has a great reputation among parents because it’s cheaper and marginally better than. Straight up pop for kids has been used in one of the largest mass cult based “suicides?” In history.  So..maybe our thinking on Kool-Aid is divided?  

But moving from the drink to the phrase… it’s part of seeking peace and joy to ask oneself “am I comfortable with what I believe?”  Also we often ask “what about all the Kool-Aid I’ve been given over all the past experiences in life and is it time to stop just drinking the same stuff from the same sources?  Well that is certainly something to ponder and maybe we could start by mixing up some grape (my personal favorite) and pouring it in a glass… but wait  a full glass may have way too much sugar in it so let’s stop at about half a glass alright?

Oh No!! Now we fall into the classic  Is the glass half empty or half full puzzle?  Which brings us around to another insight into seeking peace and joy.  

Inevitably  we fall into this debte/argument because the answer depends upon your perspective.  Like whether you are an optimist or a pessimist.  Alas my friends.. the real question is “Why is it so important to hang on to this dualistic debate.  Isn’t it time to ask a few deeper questions—like what would it take to stop using our valuable time on such matters?  This whole debate gets settled or moved forward in no fewer than 4 ways.

First, why is it so hard to either fillthe. Glass up or empty it rather than starting an argument?  Second, Does it matter how much is in the glass if no one is going thirsty?  If you count air as a valuable substance on the planet—and most folks really wouldn’t do well without it—isn’t the glass always full or overflowing?  Finally, is the person or people in charge of choosing the glass creating a problem that might not exist with a little forethought?

Bottom line.. Kool-Aid tastes great if you like sugar and there are worse things for your health over time.. for example bacon is sugar free?  Oh and no big arguments seem to happen over Kool-aid because there are enough flavors for everyone and if the person next to you picks that black cherry instead.. well nobody gets all bent out of shape.  Also maybe we might start thinking about asking different questions  when it comes to the things we choose to argue about.  Maybe the glass is neither  half empty nor half full.  Maybe we need to figure out what is important to say is in the glass, how we are going to share what’s in there, and also maybe we could rethink what size glass we. Really need so that everyone has enough to drink?  

Sometimes fighting about the answers is not as worthwhile as finding some different questions? 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Winning at the derby May the horse be with you

 Life—Winning By A Nose?

Well it’s “Derby Day” and “Star Wars” Day.  So it would seem that all horses running in the 150th edition of the Kentucky derby should have been required to have a Star Wars themed name.  And we’re talking the original trilogy here not the cash grab prequels or hangers on just trying to milk the Milkyway for all it’s worth.  It’s hard to say what these Star Wars names would be—maybe Yoda Fastest Pony and Obi-wan a different race but not this one?Perhaps Leia bet down for the win?

Anyway, about 20 fine horses will be called to the gate and the bell will sound the crowd will cheering the most exciting two minutes in American sports will be underway.  

Now for those of us not that familiar with the sport of kings it’s good to know the Kentucky Derby is the first leg of the “triple crown.”  However, when one thinks of horses and legs four sort of comes to mind —right?  If a horse with three legs won now that would be a story.  Before we could all bet on everything including the over and under  on how many nose hairs Taylor Swift pulls before the third concert on every tour the Derby was by far the most popular betting event of the year and it makes sense.  

The Derby and Seeking Peace and Joy

You see it seems that everybody wants to have a horse in that race or a dog in that fight.  When we are working on something we want to get out of the gate fast, hit the ground running,  and stay on the fast track.  As things go along we really want to be hitting our stride and we most certainly want to be strong in the home stretch and no matter what we want to win even if it’s just by a nose.  Then again no matter who or what is entered most of the time the rats keep winning the rat race and maybe we can win even if we. Don’t finish first.  After all sometimes it’s just important to be in the right “place” and to “show” up. When others need you.  After all the jockeying for position and chasing each other’s tails it often seems like we wind up running in a circle, ending up with tiny bits of worthless paper, and end up with a bunch of racers a lot like u—tired and hoping to find a nice quiet field to rest in. 

Maybe the key to the whole thing is to understand that the horses don’t really care if they are in a race or what colors they have for a brand.  They don’t care who is scheming to win or lose depending upon how they perform. They appear just to get out there and be the best version of the creatures the universe intended without worrying about the horse next to them running a little faster.  Maybe we should just eat a few more carrots and apples and breathe deeply and fly like the wind.

Finally here’s some Peace and Joy Betting Advice…

So off to the track we all go

We arrive with a fistful of dough

Got great tips from my buddy 

But it rained track was muddy

So our picks didn’t win, place, or show

May the 4th be with you

May the force be with you 

And today.. 

May the horse be with you!