W is for
Taking some liberties....
The “5 Ws”
5Ws...nouns sort of
Throwing in “how” we have who, what, when, where, how, and why.” These are the elements of a story and seeking peace and joy is the story of us... It is the experiencing of things and people in places and at times. It is what happened and why. So in seeking peace and joy we are building a story that we can understand and share. We can also explore change by modifying any of the 5Ws and the how. The other thing about the 5Ws is that while each is important. On its own they are all related in a variety of ways. For example if one of the “who’s” is a proctologist then we have a real clue as to where we are talking about—somewhere near Washington D.C. because there are a lot of sick assholes there... yep I went there... lol...
Seriously the elements are related and so we have the chance to experiment with any of them and bring a change to the world. Also we often make it difficult to approach peace and joy when we focus on one element and define it in a singular way... you see. If the The Who is always you it is less likely wou will get to experience someone else’s how and thus miss out a new way to discover one of your gifts. If you stay in the same “where” it will limit the “what’ you might see and the meanings given to things in the “why” arena.
So the 5Ws are a tool in the seeking of peace and joy and in the ability you may have to create and experiment with. The process.
Seeking peacer and Joy for many is enhance by the experience of water.. seeing it, hearing, it feeling it,and letting it flow over you. Water can take the form of steam, mist, rain, drinking water, snow, ice and ice cubes for your favoridte drinks... Water provides life and yet it takes valuable forms to meet your needs or the needs of the. World around us. It seeks the place of least resistance in so many ways but when it works together. Like in a flood it is one of the most powerful forces ever. So if one is seeking peace and joy consider water. Consider changing your form to fit in the space available and to keep flowing and changing as time and space. Make that possible and also you can dive into water which is something that seeking peace and joy requires from time to time.
Wax On—Wax Off
Wax -on —Wax Off....action
Well ...this is a phrase from that cinematic classic The Karate Kid and it’s spoken from teacher to student as the instructor has the student polish up his prize car. However, all is not what it seems. In the process of learning to make a car shine the student is training his muscles to perform a very valuable defensive technique. That’s how it is with seeking peace3 and joy at times... we learn to find something just a little relaxing and interesting in some odd area of our lives or in some relationship and lo and behold if we become aware... all the sudden we have the tools to experience peace or share joy in an entirely different context in a very natural and effortless way. So.. to summarize be present in almost every experience you can and build up the skills it takes so when some anxiety or disaster sneaks up...well you have the process ready to turn and roundhouse kick its butt by seeing the peaceful elements in the having the confidence to find the lesson in the failure and the magic in the mistakes or misfortunes that life tosses your way. Enjoy the first piece of chocolate as if it were the last and best piece you will ever taste and each time. You have chocolate it will be a source of immense joy and every time you share your chocolate you will be doing so knowing that you are offering something of tremendous significance to your fellow human. Then do the same with a kind word and that brings us to our final entry for today...
Words... Noun
Take care of your words...they are buckets you can use to hold your thoughts and feelings and connect your ideas. They are the bricks you can use to build the support or houses you all offer to those you love and to strangers. Words also can be weapons and they can steal peace and joy. It seems that. Words have meanings, however, I sometimes refer back to the song lyric...”lately I just judge the distance not the words I hear”. Writing these entries has been a composer’s pleasure with words being the melodies and the orchestra that fills the page. If you ever need a sneaky fun activity take a minute or ten to write down the list of ten words you might use to describe your mortal enemy (no swearingK) and then pick someone or something you adore and do the same thing. Play with your words and make them rhyme or stick in your mouth or provide as many questions as answers. Collect new words and like Dr. Seuss when there isn’t the right word out there simply build a new one. You see part of seeking peace and joy is always experiencing what is there and then building a meaning... Words put the language. In your dreams. Now it’s time to use one more word...
(Well at least until the next entry?